The Art of Cupping. Hedwig Manz. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Hedwig Manz
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783132431737
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reflex zones.


      We can affect the left half of the body through the left foot, and the right half through the right foot. The reflex zones for the internal organs are located on the soles of the feet, and the sides of the feet are in charge of the bones, joints, and spinal column.

      The most popular reflex zone, which is located in the middle of the soles of the feet, is the so-called “network of the sun,” or in other words, the solar plexus. It is the most significant center that exerts control over the most important internal organs of the human body. It plays an important role in steering the various bodily functions and emotions. Traditional Chinese medicine was well aware of the reason why it considered the solar plexus to be of central importance. By treating this zone, the practitioner has access to a balancing intervention, in order to alleviate complaints, affect illnesses positively, and bring the body and soul back from disharmony to harmony. For this reason, applying cups in this location is not only recommended for the treatment of different illnesses but also for the sake their prevention.

      As already mentioned above, in traditional Chinese medicine the corresponding foot reflex zones are also stimulated by means of cupping. Applying cups has the advantage that the practitioner does not get tired, as is often the case with massages. And yet, dry cupping of the foot reflex zones does not make traditional reflex zone massage expendable; it is still indispensable. Cupping on the foot reflex zones should be viewed as a therapeutic alternative to foot massage.

      Because the skin of the feet tends to be dry, it is recommended to rub lotion or oil on them before cupping.

       Memorize M!

       If the stimulation caused by cupping is experienced as very painful (which can happen very rarely, at the beginning of a treatment), remove the cup. This pain is an indication of the patient’s tolerance limit. Wait until the next treatment session before trying again to stimulate this reflex zone. Tolerable pain that does not exceed the patient’s pain tolerance limit never have to be a reason to stop the treatment. Nevertheless, the length of cupping can be informed by this. As a general rule, a cupping treatment on the soles of the feet takes 10–20 minutes.

      3.4 The Effects of Dry Cupping on the Human Body

       The physician has only one task, to heal, and if he succeeds in this, it is irrelevant how he succeeded in it!


      The effects of cupping therapy are varied. You can often recognize it by a pleasant fatigue that occurs immediately after cupping. Hence, you should not deny the patient a potentially therapeutic sleeplike rest afterwards to allow the possibility of far-reaching regulating processes to take effect.


      The regulating effect of cupping manifests in patients in a renewed responsiveness to therapies that had previously become ineffective. We can also observe increased resistance against infectious diseases.


      Cupping therapy stimulates the body’s defense in general, as a result of which inflammations are stopped or prevented. The healing of many diseases is clearly accelerated or the complaints are at least alleviated.

      Most visible are the effects of cupping in:

      • Acute and subacute bronchitis.

      • Angina.

      • Influenza.

      • Pneumonia.

      • Major common colds.

      A cupping treatment applied on the first or second day brings substantial improvement for the patient in a short time, and recovery can be observed almost immediately. The healing process is smooth and without complications common in treatment with medicinal drugs.

      Even in cases where the patient comes for treatment only in the delayed stage, cupping therapy is recommended for fast recovery and prevention of secondary complications. Grogginess disappears quickly in difficult cases, and you will notice an increase in the will to recover and in vital energy.


      There is no other disease where the therapist succeeds as quickly as in diseases of the respiratory organs. Hence, these are the true domain of cupping.

      In addition, disorders of the digestive tract, kidneys, or urinary tracts, as well as cardiovascular diseases also respond well to cupping therapy.

      Chronic diseases that manifest in different forms and locations are a difficult, but also rewarding field for cupping therapy.

      I often observe a surprisingly rapid pain-relieving effect, especially in several conditions where all other measures have failed. Persistent pain in the area of the spinal column, in neuralgia, in chronic rheumatoid arthritis, as well as in headaches that were caused by muscle tensions can generally be affected quite well.

      When applied at the right locations, cupping relaxes the muscles, widens the blood vessels, and stimulates circulation. This allows for a faster elimination of pain-causing substances, as a result of which pain is reduced.

      Similarly, essential nutrients are transported more rapidly to the location of the disorder by the increased circulation. This encourages the natural healing process.

      Patients who had been taking strong analgesic drugs for years became almost pain-free or at least able to greatly reduce the amount of pain killers they were taking after a few cupping treatments. Patients suffering from insomnia were finally able to sleep well or at least better after treatment.

      Again and again, we are surprised by the improvement in subjective general health in most patients, often manifesting already after a single treatment. As I observed in many cases in my practice, patients feel substantially fresher and more productive.


      A great advantage of cupping therapy is the fact that it can be combined with other therapies and that patients require neither bed rest nor any other special care in the course of treatment. During this time, they are able to pursue their jobs and any other activities.

      Nevertheless: While cupping therapy does not cause any harm, it must still not be applied uncritically or indiscriminately because of this. Every case requires a precise indication in the treatment with cupping.

      4 Self-regulatory Mechanisms in the Body—A Crash Course for Patients

      4.1 The Harmony of the Organ Systems

       Observe how the things in the world are made, and differentiate between the forces acting on them and the goal.

      Marc Aurelius

      The body and its functions are two basic aspects of life that cannot be separated from each other. The human body develops meaningfully in growth and metabolism. Its internal unity makes possible its astounding organization and unimaginable regulatory abilities, on the basis of which it succeeds in continuously adjusting to new circumstances.

      To better recognize the effects of cupping, understanding the basic structure of the organ systems and the functional processes in the human body is indispensable.

      The human body is constructed of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. In accordance with their location, structure, and functions, the individual organs and organ systems vary considerably. Nevertheless, the human organism is more than just a sum of its organs. It is an integrated whole that cannot be separated.

      The uniqueness of humans is not found in the details of our bodily structure, but in the functional