When we choose to feast on happiness more than folly, we are blessed with abundance and always satisfied. We have a banquet of opportunities to fill us with delight. We smell the savory goodness of all that is before us, appreciating the beauty of what God has done to bring us to this place. Our happiness then comes from the heart, and the more our hearts seek to know God, the more knowledge we receive and our hearts are happy.
If we want to have a menu of happy choices, then we must learn more about what it means to love, so that hate and its cronies all fade away. If we want to lift others up, we build their confidence and courage, leaving the words that bring destruction far behind. We keep choosing to be happy.
We wonder sometimes about what it means to be happy. We question how anyone can live in the world and still maintain a spirit of joy, a childlike faith. The answer is that people are happy who have taken God at his word, trusting in him for the circumstances they don’t understand.
It’s a new day and the table is set.
Choose to feast on the beauty of God.
Lord, thank you for feeding me so well. Thank you for helping me make good choices. I choose to remain forever in your love, for that is the only thing that really makes me happy. Amen.
Don’t Pretend to Love
Love should be shown without pretending. Hate evil, and hold on to what is good. Love each other like the members of your family. Be the best at showing honor to each other.
—Romans 12:9-10
None of us likes to be patronized or scammed. When we’ve been duped into a false hope, or even a false love, it isn’t much fun.
Do we ever pretend love, though? Sadly, even the best of us fall into that less-than-loving trap from time to time. We do it when we strive to accept strangers that we find off-putting or to adjust to family members who are on a very different track than we are in the ways they handle life. We might pretend to love them more than actually loving them as Jesus would.
Our goal, though, is to love each other authentically, like family members that we adore. We want to honor and respect each other so much that we come together with a spirit of love and put wind in one another’s sails. We want to give more than we receive and offer our hands and our hearts to act for the good of those around us.
We’re not always aware of someone else’s motives, but we are aware of our own. As much as possible, be ready to deliver the real thing. Love your neighbors as yourself.
Be authentic in your love and actions for others.
Lord, help me always be real and operate with full integrity around others. Help me honor you in the ways that I act in any given situation. Amen.
Going Against the Tide
But as for Noah, the Lord approved of him. These are Noah’s descendants. In his generation, Noah was a moral and exemplary man; he walked with God.
—Genesis 6:8-9
This description of Noah is captivating. Noah was going against the tide of his own community. He was out of sync with his culture. In spite of what others did around him, he continued to do what he believed was right. He continued to behave in ways that were considered moral for his time and was a man of great integrity. He walked with God.
Not to be morbid, but that’s quite an epitaph. What do you suppose Noah had that others of his day didn’t understand? Why weren’t more people on God’s side?
We live in a world where it is easy to get drawn into the things that shut out the light, that deter us from following the path of good, that keep us numb, never realizing what we’re giving up. We too could be corrupted, wasting away and losing God’s favor—and we may not even realize it’s happening. We could, but fortunately, God is watching out for us. He has given us the key to his approval, and it’s to have faith in his only Son.
He’s also made a promise to us, to be with us till the end of time. We have the opportunity even now to live moral and exemplary lives and walk with God. Walk with him today.
Get in sync with God’s will and live in hope.
Lord, help me see your hand in all that I do. Let me walk with you in peace and in the light of your redeeming love. Amen.
Minding Your Own Business
Aim to live quietly, mind your own business, and earn your own living, just as I told you.
—1 Thessalonians 4:11
It might sound a little harsh for you to be told to “mind your own business,” but it’s also wise counsel. Living quietly, going about your business, and earning your own living are certainly worthy goals. So what’s your business?
Your profession aside, the rest of your business has to do with your heart and with perfecting your soul to reflect more of the divine Spirit. Your business is to keep growing, keep watching, and keep learning.
Thomas à Kempis offered us this thought, “A pure, simple, and steadfast spirit is not distracted by the number of things to be done, because it performs them all to the honor of God, and endeavors to be at rest from self-seeking.”
Tend toward becoming more of the person God meant you to be.
Your work is cut out for you, and today is another gracious opportunity to see what you can do to earn the kind of living that pays off for others because you’ve grown in the spirit of truth and have so much more to give.
Go about your business with joy.
Don’t be distracted from becoming who God wants you to be.
Lord, thank you for being involved in my business. Help me to become all that you meant me to become and to live quietly and joyfully in you. Amen.
Got Plans? Take ’em up a Notch!
My plans aren’t your plans, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my plans than your plans.
—Isaiah 55:8-9
Making plans can seem like a simple enough act. You create your list for the day and make a vow to check off at least three things on it before evening. You get to number one, smooth