Hardhearted: It's Better to Be Feared than Loved. Sherrod Tunstall. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherrod Tunstall
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781645561088
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along with Paco, walked side by side to the front door of her palace. Then King looked at Paco and cleared her throat.

      “Are you okay?” Paco asked, concerned with his future queen looking at him like he was one of her victims.

      “First off, Paco, this is my palace, and you’re a guest. The King will make the grand entrance into her palace alone. Your job is to be eight steps away from me until I send for you.” King rubbed the switchblade on Paco’s hand, covering it with Swag’s blood.

      No one knew what to expect from King at that moment. Was Paco her next victim or not? Swag remembered in the documentary that when King rubbed her switchblade on you, it meant she didn’t want whoever touching her. He also recalled from the documentary that the last man that touched her didn’t stop after the switchblade warning. When he stuck his tongue out to lick her cheek, she used scissors to clip the tip of his tongue off. The man was in unbearable pain with blood spurting everywhere. But she wasn’t done with him. She used her switchblade to cut the man’s whole tongue out and fed it to her Doberman pinscher.

      Paco looked at his hand and saw that King had covered it with Swag’s blood. “Eww, what the hell?” He removed his arm from King’s shoulder. Deep down, he was scared shitless. Not because of King’s psycho ass, but because some of Swag’s DNA was on his hand. Paco wanted to vomit right then and there but managed to keep it together. It was bad enough he was business partners with Swag. That was something he already regretted. But in the end, Paco believed he was going to be the captain of this ship—or die trying, as long as he kept his cool. He wiped the blood on his pants.

      Once King was by herself, her doorman, Cleo, an older, dark-skinned man, was at the door. Cleo had been the doorman for years at the building, way before it was King’s Palace. The stories he could tell about that building weren’t pretty. He smiled at King and her guests and opened the golden doors.

      King walked into her palace but not before saying, “Thank you, Cleo.”

      “You’re very welcome, Your Highness,” Cleo smiled and bowed down to her.

      Inside her home, King looked around. It was absolutely stunning with a seventeenth-century Victorian-style vibe to it that made it look like a touch of royalty. The colors were white and gold with touches of diamonds everywhere, including the grand hall. Floor-to-ceiling white columns separated several rooms, and a double-circular staircase led to the upper loft level. The fellas were in awe. Their eyes were as big as saucers. They thought they’d died and gone to heaven.

      Swag knew that King ran an elegant business as far as whorehouses, but, damn. It wasn’t just the décor of King’s Palace. More beautiful women stood around that made the men’s jaws drop. They knew the women were escorts, but they weren’t the typical hookers they would see back at home. It was evident that King had trainers coming to her palace to keep her ladies right because the girls’ bodies were snatched to the gods.

      Swag remembered in the documentary how King would turn her girls out. Some of them were working for low-life pimps in other countries, showgirls/strippers in local clubs around the world, and some were local college girls trying to pay off their tuition. King would pick a part of the world and scout for girls or guys. Some of the people she would meet were either gay, bisexual, or straight. It didn’t matter to her because money was money. She would talk realistic shit by telling them they could live a life of luxury, comfort, be wined and dined for doing almost absolutely nothing. Eventually, they got hooked. They enjoyed the lavish lifestyle, as well as catering to some of the wealthiest people in the world from A-list Hollywood celebrities to political leaders all over, and royalty, including men from Saudi Arabia.

      King was amazed at what some of the influential people liked. One of her clients was one of the famous religious leaders in the world, especially in the Roman Catholic faith. King had evidence that the leader dressed in full-blown drag and loved to be pimped out like a trashy hooker. She knew the tapes she had in her possession would create a massive scandal throughout the world. The money she could get for the recordings would be enough money to take care of a small foreign company for thirty-plus years. But King would save those tapes for another time.

      King looked at the guys and shook her head. “Uh, gentlemen, put your tongues back in your mouths. Flies will enter.”

      All eyes were on King.

      “Now, you, you, and you come with me.” She pointed at Tyler, Midnight, and Swag. She looked over at Blood. “Blood, dear, show our other guests out, please.”

      Paco don’t know what the hell was going on while standing there looking dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe he wasn’t staying in her palace. He was heated and pissed off on another level. “What? What about the rest of us? Why are these three the only ones staying in your place? I thought we”—he pointed to himself and King—“were partners? Why is my boy and these puta niggers staying and not me? Bitch, we had a deal! Why you—”

      Before Paco could say another word, Swag punched the shit out of him.

      “Who the hell you callin’ a bitch, nigga? Bitch!” Swag yelled.

      Tyler kicked him in his stomach. “Yeah, you wetback!”

      Usually, Midnight would go to his man’s defense, but not knowing what King’s next move was, he didn’t move. In Midnight’s mind, it was every man for himself.

      King enjoyed watching Swag and Tyler whip Paco’s ass, but she needed them both to save their strength. She had other plans for them. King didn’t like Paco’s ass in the beginning, and after he called her a bitch, well, that was total disrespect to her. She’s killed someone for disrespecting her, especially in her home and place of business. The fire in her was flaming hot in her mind. She looked at her switchblade. She imagined herself stabbing Paco many times, starting with his eyeballs. She wanted to cut them out and eat them like Swedish meatballs. She badly wanted to taste his blood, but she needed his power. Her hunger would have to wait. She motioned over to Blood.

      Blood nodded. He reached into his coat pocket, pulled out his gun, and fired into the ceiling.

      Everyone paused, frightened. Immediately, Swag and Tyler stopped beating Paco’s ass and looked over at Blood.

      “Now that I have your attention!” Blood shouted as he put his gun back in his coat pocket. He looked at King for her next plan of action.

      King looked down at Paco, bleeding on the floor. He wiped his bloody lip and could barely talk because several teeth were missing.

      “Do you see what they did to me? Aren’t you going to do something? I didn’t mean to call you a bitch.”

      King bent over and held his face up with her hand. Paco didn’t know what to expect from her, but he knew it wouldn’t be good. King saw Paco’s blood on his lips, so she stuck her tongue out to lick it off.

      “Umm, delicious . . .” She sinisterly smiled at him before standing straight up. Afterward, she lifted her foot and kicked him right in the balls.

      “Aah . . .” Paco hollered in agony while holding his aching manhood and rocking side to side.

      Everyone laughed at him.

      “Blood, have security throw out this piece of shit and the rest of these fools before there’s a blood feast in here.” King looked at Swag, Tyler, and Midnight. “You three come with me.”

      She led the way as the three young men followed. Tyler looked back at Travis, and like always, Travis’s hands shook from being nervous. Deep down, he wanted Tyler to speak up for him, but he knew this was all about survival. He just hoped that he and Tyler wouldn’t be separated. They were all they had in this crazy life of crime.

      No one knew what was going on, but they could hear chaos erupting.

      “Release me, you idiots!” Paco yelled.

      “Silence yourself before we break your fucking neck!” a guard ordered.

      Two security guards picked up Paco, who was downright humiliated. No one had his