The Prose Edda (Translated with an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary by Rasmus B. Anderson). Snorri Sturluson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Snorri Sturluson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420956382
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      The ash Ygdrasil

      Bears distress

      Greater than men know.

      Stags bite it above,

      At the side it rots,

      Nidhug gnaws it below.

      And so again it is said:

      More serpents lie

      ’Neath the Ygdrasil ash

      Than is thought of

      By every foolish ape.

      Goin and Moin

      (They are sons of Grafvitner),

      Grabak and Grafvollud,

      Ofner and Svafner

      Must for aye, methinks,

      Gnaw the roots of that tree.{27}

      Again, it is said that the norns, that dwell in the fountain of Urd, every day take water from the fountain and take the clay that lies around the fountain and sprinkle therewith the ash, in order that its branches may not wither or decay. This water is so holy that all things that are put into the fountain become as white as the film of an egg-shell. As is here said:

      An ash I know

      Hight Ygdrasil;

      A high, holy tree

      With white clay sprinkled.

      Thence come the dews

      That fall in the dales.

      Green forever it stands

      Over Urd’s fountain.{28}

      The dew which falls on the earth from this tree men call honey-fall, and it is the food of bees. Two birds are fed in Urd’s fountain; they are called swans, and they are the parents of the race of swans.

      17. Then said Ganglere: Great tidings you are able to tell of the heavens. Are there other remarkable places than the one by Urd’s fountain? Answered Har: There are many magnificent dwellings. One is there called Alfheim. There dwell the folk that are called light-elves; but the dark-elves dwell down in the earth, and they are unlike the light-elves in appearance, but much more so in deeds. The light-elves are fairer than the sun to look upon, but the dark-elves are blacker than pitch. Another place is called Breidablik, and no place is fairer. There is also a mansion called Glitner, of which the walls and pillars and posts are of red gold, and the roof is of silver. Furthermore, there is a dwelling, by name Himinbjorg, which stands at the end of heaven, where the Bifrost-bridge is united with heaven. And there is a great dwelling called Valaskjalf, which belongs to Odin. The gods made it and thatched it with, sheer silver. In this hall is the high-seat, which is called Hlidskjalf, and when Alfather sits in this seat, he sees over all the world. In the southern end of the world is the palace, which is the fairest of all, and brighter than the sun; its name is Gimle. It shall stand when both heaven and earth shall have passed away. In this hall the good and the righteous shall dwell through all ages. Thus says the Prophecy of the Vala:

      A hall I know, standing

      Than the sun fairer,

      Than gold better,

      Gimle by name.

      There shall good

      People dwell,

      And forever

      Delights enjoy.{29}

      Then said Ganglere: Who guards this palace when Surt’s fire burns up heaven and earth? Har answered: It is said that to the south and above this heaven is another heaven, which is called Andlang. But there is a third, which is above these, and is called Vidblain, and in this heaven we believe this mansion (Gimle) to be situated; but we deem that the light-elves alone dwell in it now.

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