Charlie McGee and the Leprechaun. R. C. Jette. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: R. C. Jette
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781532678301
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      She shook her head. “I’ve never heard of anyone catching something from a card with a ridiculous poem on it. I mean, really, Charles that does seem to be a bit farfetched.”

      He chuckled. “I quite agree, but I always like a second opinion.”

      Chelsea looked at Maggie. “You’re both sure that nothing else was in the envelope?”

      Maggie shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t see Charlie open it” She gestured with her left hand towards the table. “I was getting our milk for lunch.”

      Charlie shook his head and gestured with his hands. “I’m sure there was nothing else in the envelope. When I took the card out of the envelope, it was as empty as it is now.”

      Dr. Dixon clapped his hands. “Okay, let’s see what we can do. First, it’s obvious that we can rule out that card. Chelsea and I can see no connection. Let’s put it away and put our medical knowledge to work in figuring out what this thing is.”

      The doctor did a routine checkup to check his blood pressure, pulse rate, et cetera “Well, I have never seen or heard anything like this in my life.” He scratched the back of his head with his right hand. “Outside of this rather disturbing green, he seems to be quite healthy.”

      Maggie gestured toward the parlor with her left hand. “Why don’t you two and Charlie sit and be comfortable while I get the table set for dinner.”

      Charles Dixon sat on the cabriole-leg sofa next to his wife. He put his face between his hands and starred silently. Suddenly, he leapt from his seat, grabbed Charlie’s arms and held them about ten minutes. Then he gently pulled Charlie into his bedroom, closed the door with his foot, had Charlie take his shirt and pants off, carefully examined him, and shook his head. “I can’t find any blotches, rash, or any insect bite.”

      Charlie’s heart fluttered in his chest. “Am I going to die? Is it fatal? Do you know what it is?”

      By the time Charlie was dressed, Maggie had joined Chelsea in the parlor. As the doctor and Charlie came back in the room, both women gave the doctor a quizzical look. Charles threw up his arms. “It’s beyond my knowledge. Outside of the green, I can’t find any rash, any blotches, any insect bites, or anything for that matter to give insight as to what’s causing this green. As far as I can see, he’s in excellent health. I can find no medical reason for the green. I’m completely bewildered at present.”

      Charlie scratched the back of his head with his right hand. “But why did you hold my arms so long?”

      “I didn’t believe that it was contagious, but I had to prove it to myself.” He gestured with his hands. “I’m not turning green.”

      “But why did you shake your head in the other room?”

      “No particular reason. This thing has me baffled.”

      Chelsea handed Charlie his birthday present. “Well, whatever this thing is, there is no reason why we can’t still celebrate your birthday. After all, birthdays should be celebrated.”

      Maggie gave out a laugh and ran to her bedroom. When she returned, she gave her lad a kiss on his forehead. “Chelsea’s right. You can open this one too.” She paused and motioned toward the kitchen. “However, I think that we should eat our supper before you open the presents. It’s been staying warm on the stove a little longer than I like.”

      Everyone stood up and followed her to the kitchen. Charlie took his seat at one end of the table, while Dr. Dixon and Chelsea sat on a Governor Carver side chair on each side of the table. Maggie placed the pot of corn beef and cabbage along with homemade biscuits on the table. “This may not seem like a grand birthday supper, but this is Charlie’s favorite.” She gave a little chuckle. “Besides, he’s really waiting for his chocolate birthday cake.”

      Dr. Dixon suddenly took on a puzzled look. “Wait a minute! Where’s Toby? Why isn’t he here?”

      Maggie threw up her arms. “I had to put him in the spare bedroom. He was all frenzied at the sight of Charlie and ran in circles while barking. No matter what I or Charlie said, we couldn’t calm him down.” She gave out a heavy sigh. “Before you came, I let him out and he seemed to bark louder. You see, Charlie gets a brighter green as the hours go by, so I put him back in the room.”

      The doctor thought for a moment, got up from his chair, and went to the spare room. He held Toby close and rubbed behind his ears. “Fetch Charlie.” Charles had seen Charlie and Toby play hide-and-seek many times.

      When Toby found Charlie, he crouched on the floor and kept his distance. Maggie breathed a sigh of relief. “At least he’s not barking anymore.” She turned her attention to Charlie. “I know this green is difficult, but since your Pa’s been gone, you’ve always given thanks for the evening meal.”

      Charlie sat up straight with chest out. “Pa wouldn’t let any glowing green stop him from being thankful.” He bowed his head. “Blessed Savior, I may not understand this green thing, but I do understand that we thank you for this meal and ask your blessing upon it.”

      “Amen!” Maggie echoed with her lad.

      After they finished supper, had a large slice of birthday cake, and everyone helped clear the table, Maggie directed everyone to the parlor. “Let’s all go into the parlor, so Charlie can finally open his presents.” She paused and gave her lad a hug. “After all, this is supposed to be a birthday celebration.”

      Everyone laughed as they sat down. Then all eyes were on Charlie who sat on a Queen Anne chair with cabriole-legs. His Mum sat on the one next to him with a little Penguin Table between them. Chelsea handed him their gift. Charlie gasped as he opened the present. “Oh my, this is wonderful! I knew that I needed a new leather hat, but I hated to part with my old one that Pa gave me.” He laughed. “I’ll just put the old one away for sentimental reasons. I can never throw it away. It was the last birthday present from Pa.” He put the hat on and immediately took it off. “Will this green turn the hat green?”

      Chelsea smiled, stood up, walked over to him and touched his hand. “What color are your clothes? Did they turn green?”

      A flush crept across Charlie’s cheeks. “No, and besides Dr. Dixon is convinced that it’s not catchy.”

      Maggie leaned forward. “Okay, let’s open the other one. It’s getting late and the doctor, his nurse, you, and I have a busy day tomorrow.”

      Charlie clasped his hands to his chest. “I already know what your present is. I saw you picking out the material and talking to Mr. O’Malley. It’s my much-needed Sunday suit.”

      Maggie reached over and ruffled his hair. “You and your Pa are so much alike. He would’ve noticed me doing that also. However, you can still open it.”

      Charlie grinned as he opened it and suddenly slapped his face with both hands. “Oh my, this has to be the best Sunday suit that I’ve had yet.” He got up and gave his mother a hug. “Thanks Mum. I never expected anything this grand. I’ll look like an aristocrat when we go to church.”

      Charlie’s countenance suddenly changed, and he grabbed his head with both hands. “I’ll never get to wear it. I’m not going any place with this green.”

      Dr. Dixon jumped up and grabbed both of Charlie’s hands. “Believe me, Chelsea and I are going to do some heavy research to find out what this thing is. This is a strange business, and I’ll admit we’re baffled at present. But we won’t rest until we have an answer.” He squeezed both of Charlie’s hands tighter. “There has to be someone in the medical field who knows about this type of malady. After all, medical science has come a long way in this century; it’s never failed us yet. Believe me, we’ll find a medical answer.” He gave out a sigh. “It may take some time. In the meantime, my lad, you just stay calm until we find the solution.”

      At that, Toby walked up to Charlie, stood