The Revolution. Darren Ellwein. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Darren Ellwein
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781949595277
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      First, we want to recognize our God for bringing people in our path to grow our journey. We believe bringing our work and friendship together was His work.

      Second, we dedicate this book to our families.

      Darren—Having kids that are three, nine, and twelve meant I had some sacrifices to make so that I could make them number one while working on this book. Thank you to my wife for understanding the times I had to be involved in this project when the family was in the crazy cycle. I love you all.

      Derek—Gary and Imari, you both are inspirations and drivers for what I do. I know God blessed me with you to make me strive to be a better man, father, and educator. To my brothers and sisters, you guys keep me uplifted!

      Third, we want to dedicate this book to our staff: teachers, custodians, kitchen staff, and other assistants in our buildings.

      Darren—A revolution cannot happen with one person. The family of teachers at South Middle School have been the epitome of flexible thinking and risk-taking. You have made a vision a reality and are an example for schools around the world. A special thank you to Jim Holbeck, my superintendent, for providing the flexibility and trust so our learners can be empowered.

      Derek—It took a lot of courage for the West Rowan Middle staff to take the multiple steps of faith and risk that helped transform the school. While I know I’m grateful, I’m positive the learners thank you—remember this was for them.

      Fourth, our friends and PLN members. You guys rock!

      Dave and Shelley—thanks for letting us fly the #tlap flag!

      And finally to our parents. Thank you.

      Darren—I think of my father who created and maintained a simple life for his family in rural South Dakota. This book is dedicated to him. What he accomplished with just an eighth grade education, never ceases to amaze me. My dad was proof of resilience even when an education system said he was not meeting its standard. Dad, you are a hero to me, and I now see the innovations you were creating daily on the farm and at the bowling alley.

      Derek—My parents had a simple mission for their ten kids: Be good people and go to school beyond high school. We grew up in rural Georgia with many obstacles, but we never had excuses. This book and our degrees and drive and love of God, are for you both.




       Chapter 1 The True Revolution@ries

       Every Revolution Needs a Good Teacher

       Control vs. Trust: Old-School Classroom Management

       What Do We Do?

       It’s Time for a Revolution!

       Revolution@ry Facts

       Chapter 2 Add Some Revolution to Your Mindset

       Finding a Collective Purpose

       Developing a Growth Mindset

       Chapter 3 Revolution@ry Learning Spaces

       Revitalize and Refresh

       Spaces That Evolve and Empower

       A Learner-Centered Culture

       The Emotional Impact of Space

       Friendraising: Partnering with Businesses to Help Build

       Build It as a Community

       Chapter 4 Revolution@ry Cultures

       Revolution@ry Insight

       Create a Culture of Empowerment

       Revolution@ry Mindset

       Create a Culture of Collaboration

       Create a Culture of Student-Centered Learning

       Create a Culture of Risk-Taking

       Chapter 5 Revolution@ry Connections

       Networking with Norway

       Mentoring in English

       Risk = Reward

       Three Levels of Global Learning

       School Beyond Walls

       Chapter 6 Revolution@ry Innovations
