Chinese Proverbs and Popular Sayings. Larry Herzberg. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Larry Herzberg
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Руководства
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781611725179
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never tire of teaching others.

      Xué ér bú yàn, huì rén bú juàn.


      Every master has his/her own teaching methods; every trick has a different sleight of hand.

      Gè shīfu gè chuánshòu, gè bǎxì gè biànshǒu.

      各师傅各传授, 各把戏各变手。

      What you learn depends on whom you study with; if you study with a butcher, you’ll never become a cobbler.

      Gēn shénme rén xué shénme yàng, gēnzhe túfū xué bùchéng píjiàng.


      If you study with a sorceress, you’ll learn to dance about in a trance.

      (The person with whom you study is the person you’ll emulate.)

      Gēnzhe shá rén xué shá rén, gēnzhe wūpó huì tiào shén.


      To teach students for three years is to teach yourself.

      (We learn something best by teaching it.)

      Jiāoshū sānnián jiāo zìshēn.


      Give a man a fish, and he’ll have food for a day [three meals]; teach a man to fish, and he’ll have a skill to use all his life.

      Shòu rén yǐ yú sān cān zhī xū, shòu rén yǐ yù zhōngshēn zhī yòng.


      First be a student, then be a teacher.

      (One must learn something well before one can teach it to others.)

      Xiān zuò xuéshēng, hòu zuò xiānsheng.


      Teaching by example is better than teaching by preaching.

      (Actions speak louder than words; the best form of teaching is to model the virtues you teach.)

      Shēn jiào zhòngyú yán jiào.



      If previous experiences are not forgotten, they can be the teachers in later matters.

      (We can learn from previous experience only if we make the effort.)

      Qián shì búwàng hòu shì zhī shī.


      Hearing about something a hundred times cannot compare to seeing it once for yourself.

      (“A picture is worth a thousand words”; “Seeing is believing”)

      Bǎi wén bùrú yíjiàn.


      If you do not experience anything, it’s impossible to gain knowledge.

      Bùjīng yí shì, bùzhǎng yí zhì.


      Eat/suffer a fall into the pit, gain in your wit.

      (One often gains in wisdom after suffering [eating] misfortune.)

      Chī yíqiàn zhǎng yízhì.


      Without experiencing the cold of winter, one cannot appreciate the warmth of spring.

      Bùjīng dōng hán, bùzhī chūn nuǎn.


      Out of hunger comes wisdom; out of poverty comes cleverness.

      Èchūlái de jiànshí; qióngchūlái de cōngmíng.


      Receive one blow, and you’ll learn a lesson; receive ten blows, and you’ll end up a genius.

      [lit.: you’ll become like Zhuge Liang, a legendary master strategist and clever man]

      Ái yì quán, dé yì zhāo, ái shí quán, biàn Zhūgé.

      挨一拳,得一招; 挨十拳,变诸葛。

      Only if you have endured the bitterest suffering can you become a superior person.

      Chī dé kǔ zhōng kǔ, fāng wéi rén shàng rén.



      [Expressing a teacher’s hope that his student will surpass him in knowledge in the future]

      Indigo comes from blue but exceeds blue [in its beauty].

      Qīng chū yú lán, shèng yú lán.


      A fast horse needs only one lash of the whip; a quick student needs only one word [of wisdom].

      Kuài mǎ yì biān, kuài rén yì yán.


      Teachers open the door; you enter by yourself.

      [lit.: The master leads the student through the door, but perfecting one’s skill is up to the student.]

      (A teacher can only expose students to knowledge; then it’s up to the student to work hard to learn what he or she has been taught.)

      Shīfu lǐng jìn mén, xiūxíng zài gèrén.


      If jade is not cut and polished, it can’t be made into anything useful (and beautiful).

      (You can’t become anyone of consequence without the proper training and discipline.)

      Yù bù zhuó bù chéng qì.


      If you want people to know you, study diligently; if you are afraid for people to know you, don’t do things that are wrong.

      (To be known and respected, study hard; to remain unknown, do nothing bad.)

      Yào rén zhī, zhòng qín xué; pà rén zhī, shì mò zuò.



      Live ’til you’re old and study ’til you’re old, but there’s still 30% you’ll never learn.

      Huódào lǎo xuédào lǎo, hái yǒu sānfēn xuébudào.


      You are never too old to learn.

      Xué bú yàn lǎo.


      Even a hundred-foot-high bamboo can still grow taller.
