Ties that Bind. Shannon Walsh. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shannon Walsh
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781868149698
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Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

      Schreiner, Olive. 1896. Letter to John X. Merriman. May 25. NLSA Cape Town: Special Collections, Olive Schreiner Letters Project Transcription.

      Soske, Jon. 2012. ‘Open Secrets, Off the Record: Audience, Intimate Knowledge, and the Crisis of the Post-Apartheid State.’ Historical Reflections. 38(2): 55–70.


      1 ‘Native’ and ‘Native Question’ are both racialized terms of colonial discourse. However, in order to avoid cluttering the text, we have placed these terms in quotes at first usage only and ask the reader to extend the quotes throughout.

      2 The distinction between friendship and enmity is core to a great deal of political theory, and has been discussed by theorists such as Chantal Mouffe, Hannah Arendt, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Bruno Latour, and Giorgio Agamben. Mouffe argues that liberalism attempts to smother the friend/enemy distinction in political philosophy, seeking to reduce it to a resolvable conflict, police operation, or difference of opinion. As Preston King and Graham Smith ask in their edited book Friendship in Politics (2007: 44): ‘From Aristotle’s analysis of the nature of the polis we can retain the idea that what keeps the polis together is a kind of friendship — the question is which kind of friendship. Both the liberal form, the generalized friendship of utility, and the authoritarian form, the total unity that ensues from the logic of the political in the interpretation of Carl Schmitt, do keep the polis together, but at the expense of it being political. The question is, therefore, which kind of political friendship is capable of both keeping the polis together and keeping it political.’

      3 Lauren Berlant (1997, 2011) also examines the interplay of desire with the notions of republican citizenship, subjecthood, and the promise of a ‘good life’, arguing that many notions of the political as such rest on a collection of fantasies and desires that animate what it means to be a citizen subject.

      4 We would like to highlight, especially, the importance of the series of four conferences entitled Love & Revolution held at the University of the Western Cape (1 and 4), at the University of Minnesota (2), and at the Nehru Memorial Library in New Delhi (3). Patricia Hayes, Premesh Lalu, and G. Anurima are currently editing a selection of papers from these conferences.

      5 Jared Sexton (2008) notably takes issue with ideas of both creolization and multiracialism in his important book Amalgamation