Scottish Hard Bastards. Jimmy Holland & Stephen Richards. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jimmy Holland & Stephen Richards
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781782192480
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give you nightmares or encourage you to commit any crimes.


      Jimmy Boy Holland. Respect.


      Just before I take you into the main part of this book, I would like to give you a quick intro to some of the prisons in Scotland. I don’t want to hold you back from the rest of the book, but I feel it is important to give a Jimmy Boy Holland prisons rating.

      The A to S of Scottish Prisons

Aberdeen aka Craiginchess Full of sheep shaggers, the jail smells, bad jail to do time in. 4/10.
Barlinnie aka Big Hoose Biggest prison in Scotland, on average five or six slashings every week. Bad jail. 10/10 for violence.
Carstairs aka Slipper Factory State hospital. 8/10 for being mad as it gets.
Cornton Vale aka Fannyhill The only women’s prison in Scotland.
Castle Huntly aka Castle 7/10 because it runs a methadone programme.
Dungavel semi-open Now holds illegal immigrants for Scotland.
Dumfries aka Vietnam Most violent young offenders. 10/10 for violence.
Friarton aka Butt sniffer Bit of a holiday camp. 3/10
Glenochil aka The Hills Worst jail for screws, worst segregation unit. 6/10.
Greenock aka Gateside Lifers go there at end of sentence, quiet prison. 1/10 for being so boring.
Inverness aka Porterfield Where the infamous cages were. 4/10 for packing them in like sardines.
Kilmarnock aka Bovrilsweet Like a drugs factory, all mad with drugs, but good jail to do time. 8/10.
Longriggend aka LRU Now shut down. 8/0 for it ending in this way.
Lowmoss aka The Ranch Full of dafty’s thirty-day shots, good jail for doing time. 10/10.
Noranside Open prison Holiday camp. 2/10.
Perth No nickname More likely to be murdered in this prison than in any other. Oldest prison in Scotland. 10/10 for violence.
Peninghame Open prison Now shut down.
Polmont Young offenders (YOI) Liked it so much, I had to keep going back to this hate factory. 10/10.
Peterhead aka The Napper Full of beasts now and no cell-sharing. Not like it used to be. 6/10.
Saughton aka Chavi ville Easy time for relaxation. 10/10.
Shotts aka Little Iraq Worst jail for riots in Scotland. 10/10 for violence.

       Note: The infamous special units at Barlinnie, Peterhead and Shotts have now been shut down, as have the notorious cages at Inverness.

      Here is a clear guide to Scotland’s prison system and to the hardest bastards ever to have been housed within it, scrapped within it, celebrated and forgotten inside it. Scotland’s population at the last census was 5.7 million. Out of that number, 17,000 are constant offenders. However, there are only 6,153 spaces in Scotland’s twenty prisons and that number was reduced by 700 when three of those prisons shut down. This places a lot of pressure on the remaining prisons. Barlinnie has more prisoners per head of population passing through it than any other prison in Europe.

      Most prisons in Scotland are overcrowded: the cramped atmosphere causes the tension inside the prison to build and build before it explodes into violence.

      The Scottish prison system has the highest rate of suicides per head of population as well. Most of these poor people were petty criminals who never should have been sent to prison in the first place. Some of them suffered from undetected mental illnesses. I would like to mention Shotts Prison for just a brief moment. There has been a prison in Shotts village since the early 1970s. E-Hall was opened for local Lanarkshire prisoners and held a maximum of sixty prisoners. Then someone in power decided to extend the prison into a 550-capacity, state-of-the-art, showpiece jail. It took over three-and-a-half years to build.

      Once it opened, it was the first prison in Scotland – apart from Greenock – to have sinks and toilets in the cells. Still, a major riot took place there within the first year and no one could have predicted just how violent the new Shotts prison would have become: it has one of the worst records of violence in the full Scottish penal system! If they could have predicted that, they would never have built the extension in the first place.

      I would just like to take a minute from this chapter to send my condolences to all those who have lost a loved one in prison. I lost a very close friend and co-accused to suicide myself. I know what you must be going through. May every last one of you Rest in Peace. May God look upon you with love and warmth. To the lost children of Scotland. Love and Respect. Yours, Jimmy Boy Holland.


       Solitary Dangermen


      What I am about to tell you is not fiction; these are all real-life hard bastards who have a strong desire for blood and guts. I am going to start this chapter with my friend Malkie (Malcolm) Leggat, a convicted killer who once led a five-day prison riot.

      I first heard Malkie’s name when I was a fresh-faced young offender. So young, in fact, that my face was still covered in acne. I would go as far as to say that I was still wet behind the ears. Even back then, Malkie’s name kept popping up like some sort of superstar’s until, one day, my curiosity got the better of me. I started to ask some of the older boys in the young offenders (Young Offenders’ Institute) why Malkie’s name kept being flung around so regularly.
