English Tuning. Irregular Verbs. Неправильные глаголы. Сборник упражнений. Уровень А1 – В2. Я. А. Писарев. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Я. А. Писарев
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005140937
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The boy (to show) his picture to his babysitter.

      2) James Bond (to shake) his drink himself.

      3) Somebody (to send) me roses the other day.

      4) Chief engineer (to set) a deadline for that project.

      5) Mr Insomnelli (to sleep) very little last night.

      6) The moon (to shine) like never before.

      7) Angela (to shut) her eyes and imagined her new life.

      8) Natalia Conte (to sing) all her songs live at the concert.

      9) Cowboy Joe (to shoot) well but his eyesight (to be) very poor.

      10) My grandfather usually (to sit) in his rocking chair on the terrace.

      14. Past Simple

      Use the verbs in Past Simple

      1) They (to sleep) in a different hotel every night.

      2) The website (to send) me spam every day.

      3) The museum keeper (to show) us Bulgakov’s letters.

      4) You (to set) me free.

      5) The bird (to shake) its head and (to fly) away.

      6) Bill usually (to sit) in the corner of our office.

      7) Alfred Hitchcock (to shoot) several movies for Paramount Pictures.

      8) The girl (to shut) the box, and the music stopped.

      9) We (to sing) much more songs when we (to be) younger.

      10) After the visit to the dentist’s my teeth (to shine) twice as bright.

      15. Past Simple

      Use the verbs in Past Simple

      1) Lyudmila (to teach) most of her students offline.

      2) Leonid (to speak) French, German, English and Russian.

      3) The monument (to stand) in front of the university.

      4) James (to throw) a bone but his dog didn’t react.

      5) A cat (to steal) a fish from the fisherman but he didn’t mind.

      6) The shark (to swim) around the ship for some time and (to leave).

      7) The musicians (to take) a train to Saint Petersburg.

      8) The operator (to tell) me to wait because my call (to be) very important for them.

      9) Great philosophers (to think) about the meaning of life.

      10) Designers (to spend) many weeks working on Nike’s swoosh logo.

      16. Past Simple

      Use the verbs in Past Simple

      1) TV shows (to teach) her a lot of things; none of them (to be) useful.

      2) His niece (to understand) his words in her own way.

      3) Dennis (to throw) me a pencil and I (to catch) it.

      4) Anna (to wake) up on the balcony.

      5) The secretary (to tell) me to wait outside.

      6) Selena always (to wear) blue dresses to work.

      7) Ralph (to take) Lauren and (to go) to play polo.

      8) This director (to win) two prestigious awards last year.

      9) The fox (to think) a little and (to run) away.

      10) Jack (to write) messages to all his friends on Sunday.

      17. Past Simple

      Use the verbs in Past Simple

      1) Amber (to speak) in a low voice.

      2) The workers (to understand) the task but in their own way.

      3) Sometimes Gregory (to wear) a Batman mask and (to think) nobody recognized him.

      4) Who (to win) the ice bucket challenge?

      5) Who (to write) this wonderful poem?

      6) The little ducks (to swim) in that lake in the summer.

      7) I (to spend) an hour on their customer service line.

      8) The table (to stand) in the center of the room.

      9) The student (to wake) up right before the bell.

      10) Nick (to steal) her perfume but then (to give) it back.

      18. Present Perfect

      Use the verbs in Present Perfect

      1) Linda (to break) her nail and cannot be in the photo.

      2) Tatiana (to catch) the flowers at the wedding.

      3) We never (to be) to Acapulco.

      4) I (to choose) the color of my dress.

      5) Fedor (to beat) Alexander again.

      6) Beavers (to build) a dam on the river here.

      7) Misha (to become) the best student in his class this year, congratulations!

      8) Jack already (to begin) washing his car.

      9) Close your eyes – I (to bring) you a surprise.

      10) Honey, I (to buy) a new hat! Do you like it?

      19. Past Simple and Present Perfect

      Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect

      1) Birds (to build) a large nest under my window and make noise every morning.

      2) I (to be) to Greece and would like to go there again.

      3) It (to become) a good tradition to celebrate your birthday in this place.

      4) Acrobats (to catch) each other about 20 times at the last show.

      5) Changes in my city (to begin) long ago.

      6) You (to break) the law – this is the reason for your arrest.

      7) Who (to bring) you home?

      8) My heart (to beat) faster every time I (to hear) that music.

      9) Don’t cry, your mother (to buy) you a toy.

      10) Anita (to choose) her new hair color; now she is happy.

      20. Present Perfect

      Use the verbs in Present Perfect

      1) Dmitry (to drink) all coffee in the house – send him to buy some.

      2) Simon finally (to come) home after so many years of travels.

      3) The last leaf (to fall) off the tree – I declare winter officially open.

      4) This prize (to cost) him two years of hard work and most of his health.

      5) Mommy, I (to cut) my old jeans and now I have new shorts!

      6) Doctor Action (to do) a lot for our hospital; he deserves a monument.

      7) We (to draw) this map but don’t know what to do with it now.

      8) I never (to feel) such emotions before.

      9) I always (to drive) a Lada and now you are telling me to try a Ferrari?

      10) Well, we (to eat) the dessert, let’s call the waiter.

      21. Past Simple and Present Perfect

      Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect

      1) Thomas (to feel) that it would rain soon.

      2) A letter (to come) and it says we (to win) a million dollars in a lottery