Ancient Inheritance. Rita Vetere. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rita Vetere
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Триллеры
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780981890562
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a while.”

      Massimo watched through the window as the black Mercedes sped off, the fiery pain in his bones intensifying to an unbearable level when his dark lord cast one last look at him from the car. Despite the crippling pain, he hurried towards the bedroom to carry out his Master’s bidding.

      Nothing could have prepared him for the sight that awaited him in the next room.

       Chapter 4

       New York City – Present Day

      “I’ll pick you up at eight o’clock tomorrow night,” her boyfriend, Matthew McLean, told Catherine over the phone. “Wear something sexy. I’ve got a birthday surprise planned.”

      “I’ll be ready,” Cat said, endeavoring to keep her nervousness at the thought of his marriage proposal at bay. “See you then.”

      “Love you.”

      As soon as she ended the call, the phone rang again and she snatched up the receiver, hoping it was Granddad calling back to say the power was back, and everything was all right. But it was Jimmy, the doorman, calling from the lobby.

      “Package just arrived by UPS for you, Miss Caldwell. Driver needs you to sign for it.”

      “Thanks, I’ll come down,” she said.

      In the foyer, she signed the driver’s form and then picked up a large parcel wrapped in brown paper. She recognized the neat script of Granddad’s handwriting on the return address.

      “Present from your grandfather?” asked Jimmy. “Sorry, I couldn’t help noticing the return address.”

      “Yes,” she said, smiling. “I wasn’t expecting it ‘til my birthday tomorrow, though.”

      In the elevator, Cat turned the package over and over in her hands. She collected statuary, angelic statuary to be precise. Every year, starting with her sixteenth birthday, Granddad had given her a special piece for her collection. He was particularly knowledgeable on the subject of angelic lore, and his stories had always fascinated her as a child. Some of her happiest hours had been spent leafing through his enormous collection of old books about angels. The statues Granddad acquired for her were usually elaborately sculpted antiques, and she was sure this one would be as special as those she’d received in previous years.

      Back in her apartment, she sat down on the couch to unwrap the package. After opening the top of the sturdy cardboard box, she removed some of the styrofoam packing. There was another box inside, about twenty-four inches square. Handling it with care, she lifted the lid, and saw the gift was encased in thick bubble wrap. Also in the box was a card, which she opened first.

       Dearest Catherine,

       I hope you derive as much pleasure from this gift as I took in selecting it for you. The Archangel Michael has always held a special significance for me, and I believe, in time, he will for you also. As he is the great protector, it comes with my blessing that he will always watch over you and all you hold dear.

       Have a wonderful birthday, and let me know whether you are able to visit soon, as there is a matter of some importance I need to discuss with you.

       With all my love, as always,


      Catherine read the last part of the note with some trepidation. Was Granddad ill? A trickle of fear ran through her. She couldn’t stand the thought and almost reached for the phone to try him again. Then she remembered the gift and decided to open it first so she could thank him properly for it if she managed to get a call through.

      Removing the protective wrapping, she was delighted to find an exquisitely detailed and hand-painted stone statuette of the Archangel Michael, which she guessed dated back to the seventeenth century. Her trained eye told her it was carved from Italian Vicenza stone. The piece was beautifully preserved and mounted on a baroque stand of the same material, although of a deeper hue. She placed the statuette, which stood about eighteen inches high, on the coffee table to study it. The Archangel was displayed in the classic pose in which he is almost always depicted: dressed for battle, one sandal-clad foot crushing the throat of Satan, and wielding an elaborate sword directed downward, poised to smite the demon.

      Up until now, Cat’s most treasured piece had been a limestone sculpture of the Angel Gabriel. But one look at the superb rendering of the Archangel Michael, and she decided it must be given the place of honor in her collection, which she proudly displayed in the living area in a specially constructed unit.

      For the moment, she wanted the statue close to her and carried it to her bedroom to place it on the nightstand. Stretching out on the bed, she dialed her grandfather’s number and was relieved when she got a ring and heard Grandad’s voice at the other end.

      “Hi, Granddad, it’s me again. We got cut off before. Did the power go out?”

      “Yes, sweetheart, the storm knocked it out, but it’s all but over now. Nothing to worry about.”

      “Oh, good. I was about to tell you earlier that I’m coming home this weekend. But in the meantime your birthday present arrived. It’s just awesome, Granddad, I don’t know how to thank you.”

      “Happy birthday, Cat. I’m glad it arrived on time and, I hope, in good condition.”

      “Yes, it’s absolutely perfect. I love it.” Cat paused, then pressed on with her concerns. "Is everything all right with you? Your note said you needed to talk to me about something important. Is anything wrong?”

      “Not at all, dear, I’m perfectly fine. I should have realized how my note would sound. Everything is all right, but there’s something we need to discuss. It’s rather urgent and something I can’t talk about on the phone.”

      “Oh,” she said, more than a little mystified. “I wish I could fly out sooner, but I’ve got to finish up a portrait for a client, a friend of Mr. Rathburn’s, before I leave. Friday night’s the earliest I’ll be able to get there.”

      “Friday night will be fine, sweetheart. I’ll talk to you about it when you get here. I’ve missed you. I know Evangeline will be happy to have you home again, too.”

      “Give her a hug from me and tell her I’ve missed her too.” She hesitated, and then said, “There’s something else I wanted to tell you. You know I’ve been seeing Matthew for a while now. Anyway, things have gotten serious between us, and I think he’s going to ask me to marry him.”

      “Well, that is news.” After a pause, he asked. “Have you decided what your answer will be?”

      She laughed a little because her grandfather understood her better than anyone. “Not yet, but I’m working on it.”

      “Then bring him with you when you come. If you’re thinking of marrying this fellow, I’d like to meet him.”

      “I was hoping you’d say that. I can’t wait to see you, Granddad.”

      “I love you, sweet pea. Have fun tomorrow. I’ll see you Friday night, then.”

      “I’m really looking forward to it. Thanks again for the beautiful present. G’nite.”

      After she hung up, Catherine closed her eyes, wondering what on earth Granddad wanted to tell her that he could not speak to her about over the phone. His cryptic conversation had only piqued her curiosity and done nothing to dispel her earlier misgivings.

       Chapter 5

       Chicago, October 1980

      Alan glanced up from the paperwork on his desk when his granddaughter Catherine ran into the room wearing Sesame Street pajamas. She shoved a storybook into his hands.

      “Read, Grandy. Want story.”

      He glanced at