Both Sides of the Fence 2:. M.T. Pope. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: M.T. Pope
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781599831541
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      Chapter 15

      Chapter 16

      Chapter 17

      Chapter 18

      Chapter 19

      Chapter 20

      Chapter 21

      Chapter 22

      Chapter 23

      Chapter 24

      Chapter 25

      Chapter 26

      Chapter 27

      Chapter 28

      Chapter 29

      Chapter 30

      Chapter 31

      Chapter 32

      Chapter 33

      Chapter 34

      Chapter 35

      Chapter 36

      Chapter 37

      Chapter 38

      Chapter 39

      Chapter 40

      Chapter 41

      Chapter 42

      Chapter 43

      Chapter 44

      Chapter 45

      Chapter 46

      Chapter 47

      Chapter 48

      Book Club Discussion Questions

      About the Author




      “Shut the fuck up!” I yelled out as I had my head in between my legs. Just leave me alone! I can’t do this anymore!”

      I rocked back and forth in the corner of the room, the only light illuminating from a small window just above my head. I banged my head against the wall several times, trying to get the voices to go away. I just wanted to knock myself unconscious so I could rest in peace.

      “Ah!” I yelled again, this time clutching the sides of my head.

      “Shut the fuck up!” I heard someone yell.

      Or maybe it was one of the voices in my head. At this point, I was truly unaware.

      Click! Click!

      I heard what sounded like the door being unlocked and opened. Then a strange man in a white uniform walked in and headed toward me. I tried to focus my eyes, trying my best to get reacquainted with them again.

      It seemed like I was in this room for years. My hair was matted to my head, my facial hair had grown to an unbelievable length, and my mouth tasted like I hadn’t brushed my teeth in weeks.

      As he walked toward me, I tried to get up in a defensive stance, but my legs wouldn’t budge.

      He put his hands underneath my underarms and helped me to my feet. “How are you feeling?”

      “Uh,” I moaned as my weak legs fought to straighten up.

      He put one of my arms around his shoulders and his arm around my back and helped me take a few steps. “There you go,” he said as I started to get the hang of using my legs again.

      We walked down a long hall that seemed to lead to nowhere. After several minutes of walking, we finally made it to a dimly lit room. There was one table in the middle of a room with two chairs that sat across from each other.

      “Here you go,” he said as he sat me in one of the chairs. He then chained both my hands behind me, and my legs were shackled to the chair with handcuffs.

      “What’s going on? Why the fuck is my arms and legs cuffed?” I asked, puzzled by my now being held hostage.

      He just ignored me. “Somebody’s here to see you,” he said with a smile.

      I smiled as well because I needed to see a familiar face. As the unknown man made his exit, I sat there wondering who had come to pay me a visit. Just then I heard the doorknob turning and the hinges creaking as my visitor made his entrance. It seemed like an eternity as he made his way around the table.

      My heart racing, I braced myself. I knew whoever came to see me must have loved me, because this was the only visit I’d had in my ten years trapped in this hellhole. I felt very special at this moment. I was overjoyed.

      When my visitor finally came around, my mouth hit the floor when I saw the large jagged knife and the look of hate and revenge. Tears flooded my eyes, as I knew this wasn’t a friendly visit.

      My visitor scowled as he inched closer to me. “You thought you could just ruin my family and walk the fuck away?”

      I yelled, but the words never escaped my throat. I thrashed in my chair, trying to break free, but I couldn’t budge.

      He began to call me all manner of obscenities, his face inches from mine. “I’m here to get my family back!” he yelled, the hot air that he breathed invading my nostrils. “The only way I can do that is to get rid of you.”

      I thrashed about even harder this time, knocking over the chair I was sitting in over and landing on my side.

      “Please, God! Please! I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you!” I begged, my head on the ground, and tears and snot running down my face.

      “You shoulda prayed before you ruined my family. Bitch!” He picked me up by my collar and sat me upright. Then he made his way behind me. “Jesus is waiting to see you,” he whispered in my ear. He placed the knife to my neck, getting ready to take my life.

      I pleaded one more time. “Please don’t hurt me. I’m sorry. Please, just listen to me. I—”

      Before I could get out my last plea, I felt a sharp pain around my neck as the knife cut my flesh, scraping my Adam’s apple. I tried to grab my neck with my hands to hold the blood and life in, but my hands were tied behind me. Blood poured out of my throat like a running faucet. I gargled in my own blood, as more cries of distress tried to escape my throat.

      The man turned and walked out of the room, and I felt myself slipping away into eternity.

      “Ah!” I quickly sat up in my bed, drenched in sweat, breathing uncontrollably. I had been having this dream every night for the last couple of weeks and just couldn’t shake it. “This shit is ridiculous.”

      I walked to the faucet in my cell and washed my face. I looked over at my cellmate and noticed his ass was out like a light. I’d polished him off with my signature blowjob that had him sleeping like a baby.

      I prepared uneasily to make my way to the shower, to wash away the anguish of my nightmare. As usual, one of my loyal conquests, who I named Officer Buck, because his ass loved to buck and ride my dick like a soldier trying to ride a bull, came and opened my cell to let me use the shower before anyone else. On many occasions, we would sneak off together so I could fuck his ass in an office or a janitor’s closet.

      After my shower, I made my way to the phone to make a call to ensure my ride back to Baltimore would be ready to pick me up at the appointed time.

      Back at my cell, I decided to read a book by Carl Weber called So You Call Yourself a Man. One of my accomplices on the outside had sent me this book and assured me it would be a good read. I finished the book in about six hours and was bored once again.

      I lay back on my bed and reminisced on how I got where I was.

      Well, let me start by re-introducing myself. My name is James Parks, and I have been spending the last ten years behind bars for embezzlement. Yeah, ten years ago, I was running around town on a revenge tip. I was caught up in some mess that ended with me spending time behind bars.
