Every Time We Kiss. Christie Kelley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christie Kelley
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Spinster Club
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420109474
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Blackburn should escort you into the dining room.”

      Jennette’s mouth gaped open. “I—I—”

      “I am the hostess of this little gathering.”

      “But, Lady Cantwell, he is the man who killed my betrothed,” she argued.

      “Accidentally, if my old memory serves.” Lady Cantwell’s brown eyes flashed with something akin to humor. “It is far past time for that incident to be buried.”

      How could Lady Cantwell find anything about this situation amusing? “Yes, it was an accident. Still, most people don’t understand that and—”

      “And you shall do exactly as this old lady tells you, miss.” Lady Cantwell smiled and patted Jennette’s hand. “Stop worrying about what other people think of you. Life is far more enjoyable that way.”

      “Yes, ma’am.” Jennette closed her eyes as Lady Cantwell slowly walked away.

      “I was told in no uncertain terms that I am to escort you into dinner.”

      She opened her eyes to see Matthew staring down at her with contempt in his eyes. “Yes. She informed me, too.”

      “Shall we?” He held out his arm to her.

      She nodded and linked her arm with his. Inhaling the tangy smell of sandalwood, she shivered.

      “Are you cold?”

      Unable to tell him that his nearness caused such tumultuous feelings in her belly, she nodded. “It is a chilly night.”

      “Yes, it has been a dreadful year for weather.”

      At least the weather was a safer topic of conversation than her shopping habits, or his overly long, chestnut hair. She had to get her traitorous desires under control. Why couldn’t she have felt this way about John? He at least had loved her. Matthew didn’t even like her. He thought she was nothing more than a spoiled brat. At least she hoped he’d been about to say brat and not the other “b” word.

      “So I hear there is to be a literary salon at Lady Elizabeth’s home tomorrow night,” he said while they walked down the hall to the dining room.


      “Very good.”

      “Is it?” Jennette asked with a strained tone to her voice.

      “What do you mean?”

      “You seemed quite pleased with Miss Sheldon last evening. Did you call on her today? Do you plan to court her?”

      He glanced over at her with a strange little smile and her cheeks burned. She sounded like a jealous shrew.

      “So many questions.”

      “You could try to answer one of them,” she replied tightly.

      “Then the answer is no.”

      “No, you didn’t call on her? Or no, you don’t plan to court her?”

      “No, to both questions.”

      “You are the most frustrating man I have ever met,” she mumbled.

      They reached the dining room and strolled around the table until they found their name cards. Right next to each other. Matthew pulled out her chair and waited for her to take her seat.

      He moved to the chair on her right. She greeted the others near her, attempting to ignore his masculine scent. Several people glanced down the long table at them. Most of them had pity in their eyes at her plight.

      She did her best to keep her conversation with Lady Caroline, who sat to Jennette’s left. But with every bite she took, her gaze slid to him. She couldn’t help but notice everything, from his long fingers gripping the fork to the smile he gave Miss Colbert.

      A shiver raced down her arm when he accidentally brushed up against her shoulder. She hated these feelings she had for Matthew. Why couldn’t she control her reaction to him? No man before him had ever made her feel so off-centered.

      Not even the man she was supposed to marry.

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