Naughty Or Nice. Sherri Browning Erwin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherri Browning Erwin
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420107746
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drive me to the ER and probably go back later to get my car. As it was, my poor newly freed Lexus was left abandoned on another street. But at least this time, when I needed Kate’s help to pick up my car, I could say it was because I had a job. Yes! That’s right. Bennie St. James, employable after all.

      “You don’t think I’m going to let you walk away, do you?”

      “I—um, I think I can manage.”

      “It’s too soon to put weight on that ankle. Sit still.” He opened the door, got out, and leaned back in to scoop me up in his arms.

      “Oh no. Really. I—” Felt so good in his arms. So light and tiny. His arms were incredible. “I mean, I probably just need a little support.”

      “Nonsense. Morrison, bring her bag,” he called behind to his driver after he’d lifted me and started for the door.

      I turned to shout to Morrison, “My house keys are in the front pocket of the Coach bag,” and that was when I saw Kate’s SUV in my driveway. Kate? Here?

      “What on earth?” She opened the front door in time for Nick to slide right by her, with me in his arms. “What happened to you?”

      Her bewildered expression said and who the hell is he? But she didn’t ask out loud.

      “I had a little accident,” I answered. “You can put me down on the couch there.”

      “An accident? What?”

      Nick set me down as instructed, our eyes meeting as he settled me, a nearly palpable shock of attraction sizzling through me. He found a throw pillow to prop under my foot and tucked me in under the hand-knit afghan, a gift from Gran I kept draped over the back of the couch.

      “Thank you,” I said.

      “No need for thanks. I’m just glad you’re okay.” There was a marked tenderness in his tone. “She took quite a spill,” he said to Kate. “I’m Nick.”

      Morrison deposited my Coach bag on the chair inside the door and headed straight back out again.

      “Nick Angelos,” I interrupted, still enchanted with the idea of having my own personal angel. And why not? Kate’d had her devil, Ellie’s father, who she claimed had run off to reign over hell. “He has been doing some charitable work with Habitat for Humanity and I ran into him on a build site. Rather, I ran into some wood and lost my balance, and Mr. Angelos just happened to catch me.”

      “A build site for Habitat for Humanity? What were you doing there?”

      I smiled. “Getting a job. Meet the new community outreach codirector.”

      Kate’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

      “Yes, seriously. Is it so hard to believe?”

      She didn’t take the bait. “And you, Mr. Angelos? Did you donate your shirt to the cause?”

      “He used it to wrap my ankle.” My hero!

      Nick shrugged. “What can I say? It was all I happened to have handy at the time. I’m a sucker for a damsel in distress.”

      Kate shot me a look. I answered with a waggle of my brows.

      “I’m not always so clumsy. Would you like a cold drink? Kate can get us some lemonade or something? Kate?” The weather reports might have called for a November chill, but my internal furnace had been on the rise since meeting Nick.

      “Oh, absolutely. Maybe some coffee?”

      “Nothing for me, thanks. I should be getting back to the office. But I’m glad to see the color return to your cheeks, Mrs. St. James. May I come back to check in on you later? Would you mind?”

      I feared Kate was about to butt in and say we minded. Fortunately, she stayed quiet.

      “I wouldn’t mind at all. You’re welcome anytime. Oh, and call me Bennie.”

      “Excellent. Then, I’ll bid you both a good afternoon. Lovely to meet you, Bennie. And you, Kate. Will you see me out?”

      “Until we meet again,” I called out after him.

      “Very soon, I promise you,” he answered without hesitation. “Make sure she stays off that ankle for a day or so,” I overheard him say to Kate on his way out.

      “Oh, Kate! Isn’t it romantic?” I said, sitting up more as soon as I heard the door close. “He caught me in his arms and carried me to his car. Just like in the movies.”

      “Ankle injury, yeah. That’s romance for you. He’s kind of an odd one, don’t you think?”

      “Oddly appealing, perhaps. Did you get a load of that bod?”

      “I couldn’t exactly avoid it, the way he was putting it out there for display.”

      “Well, he did try to cover up. He put his jacket back on, anyway. What else could he do?”

      “Oh, I don’t know. Stop at a pharmacy to pick up an Ace bandage? Maybe drive you to an ER?”

      “I don’t need a hospital. I’m fine.” Not too fine. The ankle felt great, but I liked the idea of staying off my feet and letting everyone take care of me for the afternoon. Why not? I got a job! I deserved a few perks before I had to join the working class. “I mean, it’s still sore, but—he said I would be fine and he seemed to know his stuff.”

      “Right, with the degree from WebMD and all.”

      “You’re such a cynic, you know, Kate? Can’t you just be happy for me, for once?”

      “Because you met a man? You like him that much?”

      Maybe. “No. Because I got a job. How cool is that?”

      She sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s extremely cool, if a little unexpected.”

      “I told you I wanted to take care of myself.”

      “You did. You’re right. And after you got your car out this morning, I would say you’re on a roll. Oh! What about the Lexus?”

      “I had to leave it at the construction site. We’ll have to go back for it later. Once I feel better. Maybe you could pick the kids up from school for me? What are you and Ellie doing here, anyway? Shouldn’t you be at work?”

      She shook her head. “I finished my morning appointment. It was a success, and now there’s another new open house on the schedule before the holidays. While I was on the way back to the office to work out floor plans with Val, Sarah called and said she forgot her gym clothes.”

      “Oh. She called you? Why not me?”

      “She tried you but she didn’t reach your cell.”

      “I set it to vibrate so the ring wouldn’t interrupt me at my interview.” So it wasn’t exactly an interview. I couldn’t let Kate think Leslie had simply handed me a job. Bad enough that I felt guilty my daughter had to call Aunt Kate because her mom was otherwise engaged. “She must have left a message.”

      “Not a problem. I zipped here, brought her clothes, and then came back here because Ellie left a nice little bundle of her own for me and your house was closer. After I changed her, she conked out, so I figured I would hang here awhile and let her sleep. Val and I exchanged ideas over the phone. I hope you don’t mind.”

      “You know I don’t mind. My house is your house.”

      “And the reverse. Unless you’re going to make a habit of bringing home shirtless hunks of man cake like that one. Then we’ll have to work out an arrangement.” Kate smiled.

      “Ha. Yes. Because shirtless hunks of man cake fall in my lap on a daily basis.”

      “It was my understanding that you fell into his lap.”

      “Yeah.” I blushed. “Whatever. So, as