Hell's Belles. Jackie Kessler. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jackie Kessler
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420107302
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      Between my breasts, the stone tingled.

      On the front porch stood a creature easily the size of a small mountain, immaculately dressed in an Italian-cut black suit. Gold cufflinks by the wrists; gold clasp on the silk tie. Black wingtip leather shoes caught the dawn as they sparkled in the morning light. Wearing a human form, his salt-and-pepper hair was perfectly trimmed, and his face and body were full, the byproduct of luxurious foods. Eyes the color of liquid gold gleamed at me—no pupils, no whites, just gold. Everything about him screamed “money,” and I easily placed him as a demon of Covet.

      I mentally slapped my forehead. Of course. A creature of Greed would be a perfect bounty hunter; everyone knew that nothing stood between a Coveter and its intended object. It made me briefly wonder what sort of price was on my head—as greedy as those demons were, the price had to be right. No one wanted something that wasn’t worth the effort.

      Cold comfort. Or maybe that was the draft blowing on my nude body.

      “Little witch,” the demon rumbled in a rich, cultured voice, “you have something I want.”

      My stomach dropped into my toes, and I swallowed a lump the size of a pigeon. I barely choked down a nervous laugh as I forked the sign of the evil eye, trying to flick my wrist the way I’d seen countless mortals do in the past. Part of me relished the sensation of being horrorstruck; it was fascinating how my limbs wanted to freeze up and my heart nearly stopped beating out of fright. The rest of me told myself to get a fucking grip and deal with the very real threat looming over me right now.

      Putting the right amount of respect (completely fabricated) and fear (completely legitimate) into my voice, I shouted, “Back, demon! You’re not welcome here!”

      He sneered, looking down at me as if I’d come to dinner dressed in ripped jeans. “I don’t need your welcome, little witch. I need your guest.”

      Widening my eyes in mock surprise, I repeated, “Guest?”

      A smile crept across his broad face. “You know who I mean, little witch. I can smell the slut. I know she’s here. Her trail ends at your doorstep. Where is she? Where is Jezebel?”

      Even the best lie isn’t as strong as the lamest truth. “She knocked on my door hours ago. She’s not here anymore.” So to speak.

      He bent down so his head was level with mine. His golden eyes sparkled, and I found myself staring at their reflective surfaces, captivated by the way they shone. All of that gold…His eyes seemed to grow into brilliant suns, flashing yellow and white. I felt myself falling into a sea of cold, golden coins, being sucked under…

      “Are you telling me the truth?”

      My voice small, far away, I said, “Yes…”

      On my chest, the gemstone flared. Gasping from the sudden heat, my concentration broke and I quickly pulled my gaze to the floor. Bless me, he’d almost charmed me! That bastard!

      His voice heavy as bars of gold, he said, “I don’t believe you.”

      Okay, time to channel Caitlin. How would she react if a demonic presence attempted to compel her?

      Based on how she was currently unconscious on her sofa, she’d fold like a pack of cards. So make that, How would Caitlin react if a demonic presence unsuccessfully attempted to compel her?

      Confident that the shield around my neck would continue protecting me, I pulled myself up to my full height—all sixty-four inches of it—and planted a hand on my hip. Glaring, I said, “I don’t give a damn what you believe. You’re a creature of Greed; that’s obvious from all your expensive trappings. You have no power over me. I belong to the Hecate. Unless you want to invoke the wrath of the triple goddess, do your gold-digging somewhere else.”

      Perhaps amused, he stood straight, looming over me as he smiled. “You’re very cute, little witch, posturing in all of your glory. Tell me: Where is the succubus Jezebel?”

      If she were in her right mind, the succubus Jezebel would be far, far away from you. Still pretending to be Caitlin, I said, “I don’t know.”

      “You smell of sex, little witch. I think you know more than you’re saying.”

      I lifted my chin high. “Of course I smell of sex. You interrupted me. Last I heard, there was nothing wrong with having intercourse in my own house, on my own time, with a willing partner.”

      He stared at me, peered into my eyes as if he could read my secrets. His grin widened, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth. Eep.

      I was out of bravado, so I covered by running out of patience as well. “Next time, ring the doorbell. Now get out of here before I banish you.”

      “You don’t have the power to do that, little witch.” His golden eyes flashing hypnotically, he said, “I could take anything I wanted from you.”

      “Anything?” I threw open the door, revealing my nakedness…and my necklace. The shieldstone seared my flesh, warding off the demon’s inherent Evil. Clenching my teeth, I refused to squirm as I felt my skin burn beneath the peridot.

      His gaze traveled the length of my body, lingering by my breasts, but I couldn’t tell if that was due to my womanly charms or the amulet that dangled between them. He said, “Pretty. And a pretty talisman too. I want it. Let me have it, little witch.”

      A wave of power crashed over me…and washed away. Still, it had rocked me back a step; if I hadn’t been holding onto the door handle, I would have fallen. His eyes gleamed gold as they sparkled, inviting me to look deep within.

      My throat tight, I said, “If you can take it, it’s yours.”

      A grin splitting his face, he reached out and caressed the swell of my left breast. My flesh grew icy where his touch lingered, as if he’d stolen my body’s warmth.

      I hadn’t abased myself to a mortal witch and forced myself to drink milk just to have a Coveter cop a feel. Swallowing my fear, I said, “Maybe I was wrong about you being a creature of Greed. You’re acting more like one of Lust.”

      Ooh, that struck a nerve. With a snarl, he grabbed the stone—and screeched, pulling his fingers away. Holding his scorched hand, he glowered at me, his malefic gaze promising to hurt me in ways I’d never dreamed. “You’ll pay for that, witch girl!”

      “I’m under the protection of the Hecate,” I said, managing to keep the fact I was utterly terrified out of my voice. “Harm me, and you’ll face her in all her ire.” I made myself believe those words, forced myself to be Caitlin in all of her faith in magic and gods.

      And he bought the act completely. Trembling from rage or pain, he spat, “Where’s the slut? Tell me, where is Jezebel?”

      Taking a deep breath, I said, “All I can say is she’s no longer here.”

      A growl sounded, deep in his throat, and the color of his golden eyes darkened until they danced with red. Blood money.

      I’d gone too far. If I didn’t appease him somehow, he would launch himself at me, ward or no. And I was too exhausted to counter a full-blown demonic attack. “She was dressed up like a television star,” I said quickly. “Maybe she’s on her way to Hollywood. You know, to blend.”

      He paused, arching an eyebrow. His unblinking eyes tried to read me, to penetrate hidden meaning behind my words. Finally he said, “You turned her away?”

      “She said something from Hell was hot on her heels. Why would I want to take on her problem?” I even pulled off a passable shrug. All I had to do was keep from passing out, and I’d be home free.

      His voice dripping with menace, he asked, “Did the slut tell you why I was after her?”

      “I asked twice, but she refused to answer.” Remembering Caitlin’s words, I added, “If she wanted my help so bad, she would’ve answered my questions.”

      After a moment,