If He's Sinful. Hannah Howell. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Hannah Howell
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Wherlockes
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420113648
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and Charles lead me into believing them capable of such a heinous crime.”

      “Who else could it be?”

      Penelope shrugged. “I have no idea. I do not really know anyone else, do I? But I intend to look deep and hard for answers.” She smiled. “So it seems do five titled gentlemen.”

      “And so do your brothers.”

      Artemis spoke in such a hard, cold voice that Penelope almost shivered beneath the chill of it. Her brother was becoming more man than boy. It made her heart pinch with grief over the loss of that sweet little boy she had taken care of for years. It was the memory of that little boy, however, that made her want to lock Artemis in the cellar so that he could not put himself in harm’s way. She was certain that looking for answers as to why she had been kidnapped could prove to be very dangerous.

      “Artemis,” she began.

      “I will find out who did that to you, Pen. Do not try to stop me.”

      She ached to do just that but knew it would be impossible. “Just promise me that you will be careful.”

      “I always am.”

      That was a lie and they both knew it. Wherlockes were rarely careful. As they headed toward the kitchen, Penelope resigned herself to worrying about her boys even more than she usually did. A little voice told her she would also be worrying about Radmoor but she gagged it. Radmoor was a grown man, betrothed to Clarissa. He could worry about himself.

      “Are you serious in your intention to find out why Miss Wherlocke was kidnapped?” asked Cornell as he and the others followed Ashton into his study.

      “Deadly serious,” Ashton replied as he poured himself a brandy and waved the others over to help themselves. “If naught else, she is the daughter of a marquis, and despite what appears to be a very large family of virile males”—he ignored his friends’ laughter—“she has no protector. I believe all those boys would do anything for her, but they are, after all, just boys.” He sat down at his desk and put his feet up on it.

      “So you have decided we must step into that role?”

      Looking at his friends sprawled comfortably in their seats and watching him closely, he nodded. “Mayhap it is because I have sisters, but it chills me to think of what could have happened to her. Even I did not heed what she said and I consider myself a reasonable and fair man. Once my head cleared, I realized it was not just what she said that indicated her innocence and quality. There were many signs I just ignored. Someone ordered that kidnapping and I want to know who.”

      “I want to know why. She has nothing but ten little boys, bastard get of her kinsmen, and a house in a neighborhood but one step away from unsavory,” said Brant and then he frowned. “Thwarted lust?”

      “Whose?” Aside from mine, Ashton thought with a sigh. “It appears she has been kept hidden away in the attics like some mad aunt. And, God rot it, why do the Hutton-Moores treat her so? Was it not her mother who helped pull them up to the precarious position they now hold in society?”

      Cornell suddenly sat up straight. “It was. It was her money, her house, her good name.” He nodded when the other men tensed and frowned. “Why is Miss Wherlocke not a much sought after heiress?”

      “Her mother might not have had the sense to protect all her assets from the late baron’s greed,” Ashton said, but he did not believe strongly in his own words. “Mayhap her father’s death was sudden and no will…” He stopped and shook his head. “Of course there was a will. The moment the man gained his title, what family he had near would have started clamoring for him to make one. I think the Hutton-Moores need a closer look.”

      “As does the late marquis of Salterwood. Mayhap he was as feckless with his money as he was with his seed.”

      “You need not help, any of you. I am the one who nearly dishonored her. None of you wronged her.”

      “The woman cares for ten by-blows simply because they are of her blood,” drawled Brant. “How can I call myself a gentleman if I turn my back on such a woman when she is in need?”

      They all toasted Penelope for her care of those whom many ignored or abandoned and began to discuss what information they needed to hunt down. Ashton could not shake out of his head the idea that his fiancée and her brother were involved. The thought kept whispering in his ear like a seductress. It was past time he looked into the affairs of the Hutton-Moores himself instead of leaving it to others.

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