Rayven's Keep. Kylie Wolft. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kylie Wolft
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616504632
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Tru lifted a hand to the bruising along her temple and brushed her hair forward, trying to hide the discoloration marring her skin.

      “Ah. Thank you, but it won’t be necessary,” Tru assured him. She glanced over her shoulder at Nick frowning and pacing behind them.

      “Now, you don’t want to deprive me of a little fun do you? It wouldn’t be right to let whoever did this get away with hurting a little thing like you, now would it?”

      Tru ventured a quick peek at the handsome man holding onto her arm, unsure if he joked. His tone might have been light and teasing, but the tightness around his mouth told a different story.

      “Let it be, Seth. I put the bruises on Tru,” Nick growled from somewhere behind her.

      Seth stopped and turned, drawing Tru along with him. “You?”

      Nick nodded, holding his gaze. “Yes. Me.”

      The hand holding Tru’s arm tightened as Seth’s face darkened with confusion and something akin to anger. Responding instinctively to the rising tension between the two men, she jerked her arm out of Seth’s grasp, a little surprised he released her so easily, and moved to stand in front of Nick.

      “He didn’t know I was a girl when he hit me. I shouldn’t have been following him.”

      Seth took his eyes off Nick long enough to look at her. The tightness around his eyes lessened, replaced by a glint of amusement. She must look ridiculous, hovering between the two men. Her head barely reached Nick’s shoulder, but there she stood, ready to defend him if necessary. Seth raised his hands in surrender and took a half step backward.

      Some of the tension drained from Seth’s shoulders and her own relaxed in response.

      She glanced up at Nick. He seemed thrown by the turn of events and following impulse she moved closer to him. She felt the controlled strength in his hands as they cupped her shoulders. He rubbed them up and down her arms in a gesture of comfort. It was a side of him rarely seen, if the astonished look on Seth’s face was anything to go by. She wondered if Nick was even aware of what he was doing.

      “Sorry. I guess I overreacted a little.”

      “Easy to do, given the evidence,” Nick replied.

      Just like that it was over, and everything was back to normal.

      Tru blinked a couple of times, wondering what had just happened. Deciding she would never understand men, she shrugged. Licking her bottom lip, she felt grit and grimaced. Hot and sticky with sweat, she slipped off her jacket and brushed at the streak of dirt on her right breast. Moisture trickled down her collarbone and her shirt clung to her back and chest, making it almost transparent in places. She undid the top buttons on her shirt, and wafted it to create a cooling breeze.

      * * * *

      Nick started to say something to Seth and completely lost his train of thought when he noticed what Tru was doing. The sudden silence must have alerted her and she looked up. Nick shut his mouth with a snap and could have sworn he heard Seth do the same. It was hard to hide his appreciation even when he noticed the blush climbing her cheeks as she realized he was watching her every move.

      “The dust of Lodestone gets on everything,” she muttered, while shifting her jacket in front. She frowned at the dirt on her shirtfront.

      Nick raised an eyebrow and visually traced the new streak of dirt up to the pulse beating in her throat. Everything in him tightened and he wanted her with an urgency he hadn’t felt in a long time. He started to step toward her but made himself stop. This wasn’t the time or the place. Shaking his head to clear his mind, he tamped down on his desire.

      “Let me show you to a room where you can clean up. I’m sure we’ll be able find something for you to wear until more appropriate clothing is available.” Even to his own ears his voice sounded rough, a little strained. “Seth, why don’t you see what you can find?” he said over his shoulder as he guided Tru to the stairway sweeping in a wide curve to the upper floors.

      It was difficult to ignore the slight tremor of her body beside him and his grip tightened, drawing her closer. He glanced at her averted profile and wondered what she thought. The fact it even occurred to him to wonder was a new and troubling experience. Rarely had he gotten far enough into a relationship to concern himself and he wasn’t sure he liked it now. His lips compressed and he walked faster, only slowing down when her faint protest made him aware of what he was doing. It was not an edifying discovery to find himself acting like a damn fool kid who’d found himself alone with his crush for the first time.

      He guided her down a long hallway before stopping outside a door at the end. Leaning around her to open it, he made sure their bodies did not touch. She stepped over the threshold and then turned to face him as he stood in the hallway. She continued to clutch her jacket like a shield.

      “Thank you.” Blue eyes rose to his and then were veiled behind lowered lashes. Her mouth opened as if she’d say something more, but Seth appeared beside him, and handed her a folded bundle of clothes.

      “I think these will do for now.” He offered her a roguish grin.

      Tru nodded and took the clothes. She backed further into the room her eyes still on Nick. Seth took the hint and left as silently as he’d arrived.

      “Get cleaned up, Tru,” Nick ordered softly. “We’ll talk later.”

      Unable to resist, he stepped over the threshold to brush a finger along the bruise darkening her temple and down to the marks on her throat. Her smooth, warm skin made it difficult to control the urge to slide his hand to the nape of her neck and urge her closer. He dropped his hand, fingers fisting against his thigh, and moved back. It took Tru closing the door to release him from the spell weaving between them. Even longer for him to walk away.

       Chapter 5

      Nick returned to the lower floor to seek Seth and Callen and entered the formal office designed for visiting clients. He’d richly appointed the room with a large barrow wood desk gleaming with the deep, russet grain of the native tree. Positioned in front of the window overlooking the gardens, it made a statement and drew the eye. Comfortable chairs flanked the desk and discreet art decorated the paneled walls. The elegant, masculine room represented the business face Nick liked to present his clients.

      The real heart of the operation, on the other hand, lay hidden behind a section of wall to the left of his desk. Silently, the panel slid open and Nick stepped into the room. Callen worked at a haloviz console extrapolating data, while Seth made notes on a lightweight, flexible tablet. Both men stopped working when he walked in.

      “Have we heard from Wulf?” Nick asked.

      Burke Wulfric, the other member of the team, was on assignment escorting a dignitary from Paladin Minor to take her newly elected seat with the governing body of the Unified Alliance of Planets on Fionne. Raven Security hadn’t protected individuals in the past, but when the company had been approached to offer discreet security for the new ambassador, Nick had agreed.

      Nick assigned Wulf the job because he had a background with the diplomatic corps on Tonlith. Not that he’d been particularly forthcoming about his experience, but Nick used it as leverage when he’d needed an agent for the job. Wulf was also deadly in close-quarter fighting, if needed. He wasn’t expected back for at least a standard moon cycle, but Nick required his agents to report.

      “He checked in early this morning. He mentioned a few problems to take care of, but didn’t go into detail. You know Wulf; he’ll handle whatever gets in his way.” Seth chuckled. “It seems Ambassador D’Kir is proving to be more of a challenge than anticipated and isn’t following orders very well. That boy has picked up some very interesting language since he’s been gone.”

      Nick snorted as he crossed the room.

      “Callen, have you been able to find any information on the head of Lodestone Mining besides the usual drivel?”
