The Celtic Knot. Shannon MacLeod. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shannon MacLeod
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Arcana Love Series
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616504298
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red-haired one is Beth Vargo.”

      “The blonde, Dan. Focus, please.”

      “Her name is Lily Evans. We just hired her on as a weekend card reader for the gypsy tent.” He narrowed his eyes. “Break this one’s heart and I’ll start hiring men only.”

      “Me? You wound me, Dan.” Ian shook his head in feigned affront. He went silent for a moment but obviously decided he couldn’t resist the temptation. “So…is she married?”

      “I didn’t ask,” Dan said, smothering a grin.

      “Hmmph…” Ian glanced up at the clock and threw his empty can in the recycle bin by the door. “I gotta get back. Reef should be finishing up his section by now and I’ll be needing to go over it before we move to the next.”

      “Wonderful,” said Dan. “You’re still coming over for dinner tonight?”

      “I planned on it. What’s on the menu, by the way? If you’re up for grilling, I’ll pick up some steaks.”

      Dan sighed in relief. “Meg mentioned making some sort of casserole, but I’d much rather have a nice thick t-bone.”

      Ian hooted with laughter. Meg was for the most part an excellent cook, but her casseroles were the stuff of nightmares. “Steak it is, then. I’ll see you around six thirty and after dinner, I’ll kick your arse in darts for you.”

      “Not a chance in hell, Kelly.” Dan said, snorting with good natured derision.


      After work, Lily headed straight for the mall. Beth was already there, engrossed in a romance novel and sipping one of two sodas on the table. Lily grabbed the other and took a pull on the plastic straw, plopping down in the booth across from her friend. “God, it’s good to be out of there.” She sighed. “I think Lucas is still mad. He didn’t even speak to me today.”

      “Help me out with the part where that makes for a bad day,” Beth said, rolling her eyes. She tucked her napkin inside the paperback and stowed in away her backpack. “Okay, topic switch. Have you picked out a name yet?”

      “Name for what?” Lily asked.

      “A lot of the people at the park use stage names,” Beth explained. “Get in touch with your inner witch and pick out a good name to go with your new persona.”

      Lily shushed her, glancing around nervously at the mere mention of the W word. “Keep your voice down before you get us both burned at the stake,” she warned, only half joking.

      Beth smiled and adjusted the topic. “I’ve got some costumes for you,” she said, “and a gypsy wig to cover up all your gadjo hair.”

      After grabbing some chicken-fried rice, they drove back to Lily’s apartment. “I figured if I couldn’t breathe in them, they’d fit you,” Beth joked. Lily had always been on the slender side but at five-six matched Beth in height if not in weight.

      The gathered costume skirts were elegant and Lily chose two for the weekend, one in deep burgundy and the other one a smoky indigo. “This outfit rocks,” she said, giving the gauzy skirt an experimental twirl. The off-the-shoulder peasant blouse was a little more daring than she was accustomed to, and when she laced up the matching vest that caught her just under the breasts, pushing them up…wow. Just. Wow.

      “Those vests are like the old song Rawhide–head ’em up and move ’em out,” Beth said between giggles.

      Lily practiced her curtsey, getting more and more excited about Friday night. “I’m glad the skirts are adjustable, I’m a little…puffy right now,” she said, admiring her reflection. “The new pills are making my periods more regular, though.”

      “I’m telling you–it’s stress. I blame Lucas, the root of all evil. No,” Beth said when Lily opened her mouth to protest, “I promise I’m not going to say another disparaging word about him…tonight.” She smiled. “Here’s the coup de grace. Try this on.”

      Whipping it out of the plastic bag with a magician’s flourish, Beth handed Lily the large mound of curls. Lily dutifully piled her hair under the heavy wig and slipped it on. Both women gasped aloud at the immediate and profound change. Before she’d had a bright crown of straight blond hair. Now a black mass of wild, untamed tresses curled beguilingly around her shoulders and fell nearly to her waist in the back.

      “Wow. All you need is some dark red lipstick and you are set,” Beth said, giving her a nod of approval. “You still need a name, though. You look like something out of an old gothic movie with that hair.” She looked thoughtful. “Pale white skin, hair black as a raven’s wing.”

      “Perfecto,” said Lily, snapping her fingers. “Raven.”

      * * * *

       The brilliant light was just ahead and when she drew closer, she realized it wasn’t a light at all, but a clearing. From the edge of the trees, a beautiful verdant meadow covered in sweet smelling wildflowers lay before her, tall grass swaying in the gentle breeze.

       And she was not alone.

       A tall and muscular man stood in the field, his back to her., His long auburn curls tossed about him in the light breeze. On his right hand he wore a single leather gauntlet, the jesses dangling loose from his wrist. Looking upward into the cloudless sky, he raised his arm and a majestic hawk landed upon it. He stroked the bird with a gentle touch then flung his arm up, allowing it to fly free. The raptor circled the field twice, landed again and again was released. Lily called to the falconer, but he either did not or could not hear her. Creeping out of the shadows of the trees, she moved into the sunlight, calling to him. As she inched closer, he turned slightly, as if he had heard something behind him.The bird’s distant cries became louder, more strident, more…rhythmic?

      * * * *

      “Damn clock!” Lily howled in frustration at having been awakened at such a crucial moment and smacked the top of the digital alarm to make the clamorous racket stop. With a heavy sigh, she reached into the satin bag and pulled a card for the day. Ace of Cups, beginnings of…love? She snatched up the phone and called Beth. “Do you remember my reoccurring dream?”

      “The scary one?” Beth asked.

      “That’s it. I had it again last night, but something’s changed. I saw…someone.”

      For once Beth listened without comment while Lily described her dream. “You didn’t see his face?” she asked.

      “Nope. What I did see was pretty nice, though,” Lily added remembering the rear view of the tight fitting pants the man had been wearing.

      “Well, I am shocked. You’re supposed to be analyzing your dream and all you’re doing is looking at the guy’s ass,” Beth scolded. “Do you think this is somebody you’re supposed to meet? And even more important, was it a nice ass?”

      “I don’t know what I’m thinking and yes, it was nice,” she answered truthfully. She stretched again as the cat hopped up on the bed and presented her tummy for a rub. “Bella doesn’t like Lucas at all.”

      “Failing the cat test is a deal breaker, you know. It’s in the Witches Handbook. Chapter four, section eight, paragraph two-a…” She paused then continued in a more sober tone. “What do you want to bet if you do marry him he makes you get rid of her?”

      “He wouldn’t dare. He knows how much I love my Bella girl,” she cooed, scratching the happy cat under the chin.

      “I doubt he’ll even care. You’re headed for a Me or the Cat showdown and cats always trump. Anyway, there’s no way in hell he’ll let her sleep with the two of you,” Beth assured her. “Pretty soon you’ll be taking your ring off.”

      With the heat burning in her cheeks, Lily