The Prescription Playboy. Grayson Reyes-Cole. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Grayson Reyes-Cole
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616501037
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      Huntington found no consolation in that flip comment. “I’m serious. This is Huntington here, not Nicky Davidson.”

      “I know, I know. But, I also know you haven’t dated in a while, and my boss is a lot of fun. It might do you some good to go out with him.”

      “Have you learned nothing from this Nicky Davidson thing?” Huntington demanded.

      “As a case study, I have learned that the woman has more personalities than a prime time sit-com.”

      Hunny was not going to laugh. She may not win the Nicky Davidson battle—after all she had never met the woman—but she was not going to encourage Gina. “He’s my client.”

      “So what, Hunny?” Gina turned to focus all her attention on Huntington. “I’m the client too, and I’d like to think we are friends.”

      “We are,” Huntington assured her emphatically.

      “Then trust me.” Gina reached over to pat her hand. “You can land this account and have fun at the same time.”

      “Well, I’m sorry.” Hunny shook her head. “I can’t have that kind of fun with someone I work with. It always ends badly. Just like N—”

      “Don’t say it.” Gina held up a hand to halt her as she laughed. “Well, if you’re not interested, Hunny, you’re not interested. I still think you two would make a fabulous couple. I also feel compelled to tell you Kevin is a force to be reckoned with. If he has set his sights on you, you might not have too much to say about it.”

      “Does this mean I’m about to get chased around the proverbial desk?” Huntington really wanted to know. Kevin looked like the sort of man who never had to chase for long. And, while she knew she would be as professional as possible, she would be a fool if she denied how attractive the man was. Those eyes, those biceps. Nicky Davidson. Nicky Davidson. That was going to be her mantra. Nicky Davidson was going to get Hunny through any dirty thoughts about Kevin Carter.

      “Hey, that’s my boss you’re talking about.” Gina grinned ear to ear. “As VP of Public Relations, all I can say is, ‘No Comment’, and of course you’ll understand if I refuse to be brought in as a witness.”

      Huntington figured she was about to be sick. At least she decided to believe the flutter in her stomach was the result of nausea rather than butterflies. This was the man with whom she would have dinner that night. This unbelievably gorgeous guy held her professional—and mental—fate in his hands. Maybe she could get out of it. No, she couldn’t, considering he was the man who was finally going to seal this deal and get her on another project. She was going to go, and she was going to be professional, and most importantly, she was not going to stare. Staring at him would certainly indicate an interest that wasn’t there. Okay, so maybe there was an interest there. But that was natural, right? It wasn’t like she was going to act on it. She couldn’t after the lesson life had taught her.

      Gina warned soberly. “I’ve known Kevin for a long time. I have never seen him not get something he wanted especially in the area of females. Still, he’s just as serious about his work as you are about yours. To Kevin, one doesn’t necessarily rule out the other. Mixing business with pleasure is an art form with the man.”

      Hunny grimaced. “What does that mean? What aren’t you telling me?”

      “I can’t betray a friend’s confidence. All I can say is that there’s more to the story than you know.”

      “It doesn’t even matter, Gina. I’m here for work and work alone. I’m here to land the Med Sol account—”

      “Which you’ve already done.”

      “Which I won’t feel I’ve done until I’ve got a signed contract. I am also trying to salvage public opinion of him. He’s the client. Surely, he wouldn’t try to…” She paused searching for a good way to phrase it then added, “get involved with me while the deal is still on the table.” Huntington halted altogether. “What am I saying? This is the genius who just dumped a Senior Inspector.”

      “You’re too hung up on this Nicky thing,” Gina told her.

      “Which reminds me,” Hunny narrowed her eyes at Gina. “When you’re at the banquet tonight, remember to talk about Nicky as much as possible. Carter shouldn’t acknowledge the rumors or even the relationship in public. He should be debonair and cavalier whenever asked anything about it. However, you have free reign to say anything you want about the situation and the woman. Be as catty as you want to be, but be subtle. Drop hints if you have to. Did I just say that?”

      “Don’t worry,” Gina soothed, “Your ethics are still intact. You’re just doing your job. Besides, it won’t require me to say much. Anyone who knows Nicky knows she’s…”

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