Texas Pride. Gerry Bartlett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gerry Bartlett
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Texas Heat Series
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781601839862
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was hearsay, but the judge liked it and allowed it. More witnesses to what amounted to gossip made an impression on the judge and Rupert Billingsley was painted as a man who’d been abused until no one was surprised that he’d “snapped.”

      “What the hell’s the matter with you, Pagan?” The man collared him next to the elevator. “You didn’t even cross-examine that lying old bat.”

      “Which one, Rupert?” Billy knew he’d made a mistake the minute the words came out of his mouth.

      Rupert looked around then shoved Billy into the men’s room. “What the fuck are you trying to pull? Did her kids get to you? Are they paying you to tank this defense?”

      “Why ask me that? You think Evelyn’s kids will get her estate if you’re found guilty of her murder?” Billy pushed back, not liking Rupert’s hands on him. He also didn’t like that he’d blown it in the courtroom.

      “Of course I do. You need to bring that in. I wouldn’t put it past either Dinah or Sherman to have hired a hitman and then pinned this on me for that very reason. They aren’t exactly loving children.”

      “Let me look at her will. I thought she left them a portion of her estate.” Billy walked over to the sink and washed his face. He had been about to apologize, but now he realized he should just keep his trap shut and listen.

      Rupert was checking to make sure they were alone, going from stall to stall. It was something Billy should have done immediately.

      “Yeah, why didn’t you already look at it? And she was changing her will. They were going to be left out in the new one. Sound like motive to you?” He grabbed Billy’s tie and yanked him closer. “Don’t fuck with me again, Pagan, or you’ll be sorry.” He let Billy go, then left the bathroom, the door slamming behind him.

      Billy took a steadying breath. He’d been so sure that Rupert was a victim himself. This was the first time he’d seen a violent side of a man he’d been convinced had been abused by a domineering wife. The murder had looked like a robbery gone bad. Rupert had claimed to have been tied up in a bathroom while Evelyn had been shot to death in front of her safe where her jewels were kept.

      Detectives hadn’t bought his story. The gun, registered to Rupert, was found at the scene and had been wiped clean of fingerprints. He claimed the intruder must have found it, used it, then dropped it beside the body. Details like the disarmed alarm and the fact that Rupert hadn’t called for help had convinced the district attorney of his guilt. Now Billy was seeing what he’d failed to see before. Shit. Could he have agreed to defend a guilty man? He prided himself on only taking cases where he was on the right side of the law. Yes, he made deals for his aunt, but that was the only exception. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the hold she had on him—especially when he hadn’t been able to help his mother. But more than anything, he wanted to use the law to help the innocent. Make sure mistakes were corrected. The Calhoun mess was complicated, but he’d be helping people on both sides of that issue—the people Conrad had robbed would get restitution, and the many employees and stockholders depending on the company would come out with something. Those were his goals. He’d have to be on his toes to manage both.

      He picked up his briefcase from the floor and ran his hand through his hair. Rupert’s threat didn’t bother him. He could take care of himself. But he’d be damned if he’d help a murderer walk free. He needed more information and he knew just who to call.

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