Texas Pride. Gerry Bartlett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gerry Bartlett
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Texas Heat Series
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781601839862
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      Cover Copy

      A fight for her rights. A job she can’t quit. And a man who makes her burn . . .

      It’s not Shannon Calhoun’s first rodeo. She’s supposed to be running the show. But since her father’s will landed her in a wretched cubicle, typing out press releases for her own family’s company, she’s been trapped in a job with no prospects, no control—and barely any cash.

      When her old flame Billy Pagan turns up with a hundred rude questions and a thousand-dollar suit, Shannon isn’t sure if the heat she feels is from humiliation, fury, or desire. But whatever else has happened, the chemistry between them has only intensified.

      Long before he became Houston’s best defense attorney, Billy had a thing for the spoiled rich girl who got away. But now that Shannon is hustling to save the family business, she’s more irresistible than ever. Too bad about the murder investigation and the fraud that’s going to bring the company crashing down around her.

      Unless, of course, his Texas princess actually pulls off the save of a lifetime. With Billy’s negotiating skills and Shannon’s determination, the hardest part might be keeping the business away from the pleasure . . .

      Books by Gerry Bartlett

      Texas Fire

      Texas Heat

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Texas Pride

      The Texas Heat Series

      Gerry Bartlett


      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2017 by Gerry Bartlett

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      First Electronic Edition: October 2017

      eISBN-13: 978-1-60183-986-2

      eISBN-10: 1-60183-986-3

      First Electronic Edition: October 2017

      eISBN-13: 978-1-60183-987-9

      eISBN-10: 1-60183-987-1

      Printed in the United States of America


      This book is dedicated to Jackolyn Landry, a strong Texas woman.

      Love you, Aunt Jackie!

      Note From the Author

      Dear Reader,

      Yes, I’m from Texas, born and raised. I still live here and love to write about the Lone Star State. The oil industry is a big part of it. Many native Texans have their own stories to share about big oil. If only my father-in-law hadn’t left the oil fields back in the day to become a plumber…

      Houston, in particular, rises and falls on the price of oil. I drive past pumping oil wells and refineries all the time on my way to the big city to shop. Fortunes are won and lost daily here and the social scene thrives because of the oil rich. Of course, the closest I get to the business is when I fill my tank at the gas pump. I hope you enjoy this peek inside Calhoun Petroleum. (You know it’s my own creation, don’t you?)

      Another figment of my imagination is the Indian tribe in Texas Pride. I based it very loosely on the Alabama-Coushatta Indians who live in the piney woods near Lake Livingston, Texas. The reservation is beautiful and the tribe recently opened a casino. No, they don’t serve alcohol--I added that bit to fit my story. Everything about my hero Billy Pagan is fictional and my writer’s mind added details about the Tribe as well. Apologies in advance if I accidentally offended anyone.

      I hope you enjoy the third book in the Texas Heat series. Shannon is the eldest of the three Calhoun sisters. As a romance writer, I took a vow to always give my characters a happily ever after, even though how they get there may not be easy. I hope you enjoy Shannon’s journey.

      Gerry Bartlett

      Chapter 1

      “This is my desk? In this cubicle? You have got to be kidding.” Shannon Calhoun threw her purse on top of the scarred wood. “My family’s name is on this company. Honey, I didn’t put on my Prada pumps for this.”

      The woman who’d walked her here from personnel didn’t bother to hide her smirk.

      “They’re such lovely Prada pumps too.” A middle-aged woman in a fashionable black suit leaned over the partition that supposedly gave the cube some privacy. “Run along, Marge. I’ve got this.”

      “Are you sure, Ms. Wilson?” The woman from personnel, Marge, seemed reluctant to leave.

      “She said to run along. You afraid to miss the fireworks?” Shannon smiled and apparently she still had what it took to make underlings like Marge get the message. She ran.

      “Look around the room, Ms. Calhoun.” Ms. Wilson gestured with a well-manicured hand. “See anyone else here?”

      Shannon stepped out into the aisle. Her footsteps echoed as she walked between the rows of cubes. Clean desktops, neatly shoved in rolling chairs. The whole place had the air of a ghost town.

      “Where is everybody?” Shannon faced the dragon in good shoes.

      “Laid off. It seems public relations isn’t exactly a top priority in a company that’s foundering. I’ve been told your father left a will that puts you to work—hopefully you will earn your keep since Calhoun Petroleum can’t afford any dead wood. Follow me.” Wilson turned and strode toward the end of the aisle and a closed office door.

      Shannon swallowed. Reality? It had been hitting her hard ever since her daddy had died. First there’d been the reading of his will and a surprise half-sister. On top of that, the price of oil had taken a plunge that had the entire industry in a tailspin. Their family’s personal issues piled on to make it seem like Calhoun Petroleum was destined for bankruptcy unless she and her siblings could work a miracle.

      She followed the stylish woman rocking her own designer outfit and straightened her shoulders. She had to make good in this job. Wilson threw open the door just as Shannon noticed that it read Caroline Wilson, Vice President of Public Relations on the nameplate. Huh.

      “Time to get to work. I read your resume. Thank God you have a degree in marketing and seem to have been quite active in local charity work.” She handed Shannon a stapled pack of papers.

      “Yes. I’ve been on the board of several worthwhile