Wilde Thing. Jannine Gallant. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jannine Gallant
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Born to Be Wilde
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781601837714
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in town and pick you up at a quarter to. Will that work?”

      She hesitated for a moment then nodded. “I haven’t eaten there yet. Thanks for asking me.” He slid his fingers down to her wrist, leaving tingles in their wake before he released her.

      “I’m looking forward to trying something different for a change.”


      His gaze met hers, warm and filled with pleasure. “Yes?”

      “Have a happy birthday.”

      “I intend to.”

      Chapter 5

      “You’re going out to dinner? With Hannah?”

      Tripp slid the razor across his foam-covered jaw with one hand while he held the phone to his ear with the other. “That’s what I said. Uh, is this going to take long? I’m trying to shave, and I don’t want to be late.”

      His sister was silent on the other end of the line for a long moment. “Why?”

      Deciding she was obviously in no rush to get off the line, he engaged the speaker and set the phone on the bathroom counter. “What do you mean, why? Because it’s rude to pick up your date late.”

      “Why are you taking her out? I know you flirted with her a little last fall at Griff’s engagement party, but I thought that was your usual knee-jerk reaction to the nearest available female.” Eden’s voice dripped sarcasm. “Anyway, Hannah basically ignored you.”

      Tripp scowled then swore when he nicked himself. “She can’t ignore me now since we see each other pretty much every day for my therapy sessions.” He pressed a piece of tissue to the cut. “I like her. She keeps me on my toes.”

      “She’s not your usual ski groupie.”

      “You think I don’t know that? I’m not stupid.” He finished shaving and wiped the last of the foam from his face with a wet washcloth. “Did you call to wish me a happy birthday or to insult me?”

      “I can do both. I’m excellent at multitasking.”

      Tripp choked with laughter. “Well, you don’t have to worry because Hannah is fully capable of taking care of herself. For now, we’re just friends.”

      “For now?” Eden’s voice rose.

      “Hey, you never know about these things.”

      “If you hurt her, I’ll personally drive down to Tahoe to kick your ass.”

      Giving his still damp head a shake, he dropping the towel tied around his waist on the tile floor then pulled on a clean pair of boxers. “Why would I hurt her?” He carried the phone into the closet and came out with a button-down green dress shirt and a pair of slacks. “As I mentioned before, I like Hannah.”

      “Because I know how you operate. Besides, it wouldn’t be the first time.”

      “What the hell are you talking about?” Walking into the bedroom, he dropped the phone on the tangle of sheets then jerked the pants up his legs.

      “She kind of had a thing for you when we were in college.”

      His hand stilled on the zipper. “She did?”

      “Yes.” His sister let out a sigh. “We were both at the ranch for summer break, and your friend, Danny, asked me out. I didn’t want to ditch Hannah for a movie date, and she didn’t want to be a third wheel. Then you offered to go along with us as a foursome.”

      He shrugged on his shirt, taking care to ease it over his injured shoulder. “Why don’t I remember any of this?”

      “Probably because you bailed at the last minute when Wendy called you.”

      “Wendy Obermeyer?” An image of the curvy brunette flashed through his mind. “I was what, twenty-two or -three? Wendy put out. Back then, I did most of my thinking with my…uh, never mind.”

      “You’re disgusting.”

      He let out a sigh. “Despite what you may believe, I’ve grown up since then.”

      “That’s not what I’ve heard. Anyway, you left Hannah high and dry and dateless that night. Not to mention you really hurt her feelings.”

      Guilt niggled as he buttoned his shirt. “I didn’t know. She never said anything about it to me at the time.”

      “Of course she didn’t. We both agreed you were a huge jerk and she should get over you. Except I’m not sure she did. Not that summer, anyway. Hannah always kept her emotions all bottled up behind a cheerful smile, so it was hard to tell sometimes.”

      The guilt dug a little deeper. “I really have to go, Eden. Hannah isn’t the quiet little mouse I remember from way back then. Now, she speaks her mind and isn’t shy about putting me in my place. Anyway, it’s just one dinner.”

      “Fine. Sorry I yelled at you. Have a happy birthday.”

      “I will. See you, Eden.” He pushed the disconnect button and scooped up the phone then grabbed his keys and wallet off the dresser. Shoving everything in his pockets, he headed toward the back door, pausing only to pull a leather jacket off the coat rack before he entered the garage. By rote, he started the engine, raised the double door and backed out onto the street. His mind was fully occupied with his sister’s surprising revelation.

      Not the fact that he’d been a huge asshole. That wasn’t exactly a newsflash.

      He never would have guessed Hannah had the hots for him all those years ago. She sure hadn’t acted like she was interested. Not in the way good old Wendy had made her feelings abundantly clear. Maybe that was the reason Hannah seemed so determined to keep him at arm’s length now. He’d blown it with her the first time, though he hadn’t been aware of it, and he knew her well enough to figure she wasn’t big on second chances.

      Maybe I should apologize. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Or not. It wasn’t hard to imagine how awkward that conversation would be. Best to pretend the heart-to-heart with his sister had never happened. Bottom line, he’d keep things low-key with Hannah. For now. Problem was every time he saw her, he couldn’t help wanting more than a friendship. Good thing she was a whole lot smarter than he was and had made it clear romance was out of the question.

      By the time he had that settled in his mind, he was parked in her driveway and halfway up the snow-packed path to her door. When she opened it at his knock, his jaw sagged…and every good intention he’d struggled with disappeared on the stiff breeze.

      Her wide smile shook him, but not as much as the figure-hugging royal blue dress that displayed mile-long legs and enough cleavage to make him want to see a whole lot more. Her hair was pulled up into some kind of knot with a few strands escaping to caress her soft neck. At least her skin looked as delicate to the touch as the cream-colored roses in his mother’s garden back home. Tripp’s fingers twitched, just itching to find out. He stuffed them in his pockets.

      “Right on time. Let me get my coat.”

      He bent to pet Winnie when the dog sat at his feet and gave him a demanding look that even a moron couldn’t misinterpret. When Hannah returned with a short, black jacket, he took it from her and held it as she slid bare arms through the sleeves.

      “You look beautiful.”

      “Thank you. No, you aren’t coming with us.” She pushed the dog back inside with the toe of her knee-high boot then shut and locked the door.

      “Careful. It’s slippery.” Taking her arm, he held tight all the way down the ice-slicked path, even though she was probably perfectly capable of walking on her own. When they reached his truck, he opened her door, shut it after she was seated, then ran around to the driver’s side.

      Hannah glanced over as he fastened his seatbelt before putting