Something Scandalous. Christie Kelley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christie Kelley
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Spinster Club
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420118001
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William asked softly.

      Victoria shifted in her seat as if ready to leave at any moment. Rarely exposed to the upper crust of Society, Elizabeth knew that speaking with the duke must make her friend feel uncomfortable.

      “Your Grace, if I may?” Victoria paused, waiting for confirmation.


      “You and your sisters must be ready to face them,” Victoria whispered.

      “Face who?”

      Victoria looked beseechingly at Elizabeth.

      “The ton, Your Grace,” Elizabeth responded for her friend.

      “Ah, Society. The English way of keeping people in their place,” he sneered.

      “Hardly,” Elizabeth retorted. “Society is what makes us…” She stopped, realizing what she’d almost said was exactly what he had referenced. “Society is the social fabric of England. Our friends are in Society, our future husbands and wives must be in the same social tier.”

      “Or what?” he asked softly. “Does the world end if someone takes a wife beneath him?”

      Before Elizabeth could reply, Kenneth appeared at the threshold with a frown on his face.

      “Your Grace, Baron Humphrey and his wife are here to see you.”

      He glanced at Elizabeth and said, “Should I know them?”

      Elizabeth felt the color from her face drain. “They are your cousins.”

      “I see. A courtesy call to welcome me.”

      Elizabeth couldn’t keep her head from shaking. How could she have forgotten to warn him about Caroline and Richard? Thinking upon it, she wondered why it took them two days to get here. A little smile formed as she thought about their reaction to the news. They must be so put out by this development.

      “Oh?” he asked.

      “I must warn you that they were attempting to take over the estates before you came.”

      “Then I believe you should greet them with me.” He rose from his seat and walked over to Victoria. After bowing over her hand, he added, “You are welcome in my home anytime, Miss Seaton.”

      “Thank you, Your Grace.” Victoria paused and glanced over at Elizabeth.

      “The children’s tutor?” Elizabeth asked.

      He looked at Elizabeth and said, “We will discuss that later.”

      Elizabeth nodded. Now she had to prepare for more manipulation, or rather, flirtation, to get what she wanted. She hated the idea that she was using her wiles in such a dreadful manner. But she had no other choice.

      William waited for Miss Seaton to leave before questioning Elizabeth. “Is there anything else I should know about the baron?”

      She looked away from him. “He feels he should have been named heir.”

      “Very well, then.” He asked Kenneth to show the baron into the salon. After watching Elizabeth’s ashen face, he realized there was something she wasn’t telling him. And he was determined to find out what she was hiding.

      An older man with graying hair walked into the room, followed by his very pregnant wife. They both stopped and stared at him before remembering their manners. The baroness curtsied deeply and murmured, “Your Grace.”

      The baron did the same, and then greeted Elizabeth.

      Elizabeth only nodded at them both.

      Will almost smiled as the tension in the room became palpable. “Cousin Richard, welcome to my home,” he said deliberately to gauge their reaction.

      Richard’s face tightened visibly while Caroline’s face paled in the afternoon light.

      “Thank you, Your Grace,” Richard said. “We wished to call and inquire on your trip. It was a safe and swift journey, I pray?”

      “The trip went quite well. Though long. I had hoped to get here before Christmas but issues arose that required my attention.”

      “Of course,” Richard replied as a slight blush reddened his face.

      “So you intend to stay, then?” Caroline asked boldly.

      That was their game. They only wanted to know if they should continue their attempts to take control of the estates. The last thing Will needed was someone waiting for him to leave to cause problems.

      “I am the duke,” he finally answered.

      “Of course,” she replied. “I only thought since you have lived in the colonies, I—we thought you might wish to continue living there.”

      Will leaned back casually. “True, but being a duke is quite an important position. Elizabeth has impressed upon me that fact very succinctly.”

      “I’m quite certain she did,” Caroline mumbled, staring at Elizabeth. “Is she staying with you?”

      “She is.”

      Caroline smirked at Elizabeth. “That is highly improper, Elizabeth.”

      “Oh?” Elizabeth replied. “We are chaperoned by his two adult sisters and, of course, the boys and Sarah.”

      Caroline frowned and pursed her lips. “Just exactly how many siblings does he have?”

      “Eight, but Alicia is married and stayed in Canada. Did I get that right, William?”

      “William, is it?” Caroline whispered to Elizabeth.

      Will watched the interaction carefully. Caroline looked as if she wanted to throw something, preferably at him. Elizabeth appeared pale and unnerved by the conversation.

      “I believe we must take our leave now,” Richard said. “If you should need any assistance settling in, please let me know, Your Grace.”

      “I will at that,” Will replied, stifling a smile. Richard was the last person he would go to for help. The undercurrent of tension in the room left a nasty taste in his mouth.

      After the couple left, Will glanced over at Elizabeth, who looked relieved. “Are you well?”

      “Yes. Richard and Caroline have been a thorn in my side for the past ten months. I should have warned you about them but it slipped my mind with all the upheaval in the house.” She stared at the carpet for a minute. “I don’t trust them, William.”

      “I don’t, either. But there is nothing they can do.”

      “No, there is nothing they can do as long as you stay here,” she commented. The dear woman was completely transparent.

      “And yet, you know I have no plans to stay.”

      She took a step closer and smiled at him. He steeled himself against the aromatic scent of roses and spices that floated around her.

      “Have you thought about the children?” she whispered.

      The sound of her voice caressed his skin. He shook his head quickly to clear his mind. “The children?”

      “Yes.” She moved a step even closer. Her hand reached out to his hair. “They need a tutor, and Sarah a governess.”

      Dear God, she was mesmerizing him. And the worst part was, he was certain she knew the affect she had on him. “I don’t think they really need a tutor for the few months we will be here.”

      Her green eyes clouded. Slowly, her full lips tipped upwards into a seductive smile, and all he could think about was tasting her.

      He moved his head closer…closer, until he was a breath away. Would her lips taste as sweet as he anticipated? Her mouth parted slightly as if readying herself for his kiss. He stared into her emerald eyes. He suddenly wanted so much more than a kiss. He inclined his