Ever After. Odessa Gillespie Black. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Odessa Gillespie Black
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Cursed Series
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616506018
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was it. I hated him.

      “You could have waited till I was through.” I could have slapped him.

      “I told you to hurry.” He walked on, not waiting for me.

      I hadn’t seen the back of the house from the pasture. It had to be the house from my dream on the plane. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t recognized the pond.

      How had I dreamed of the pond, the house, and this ridiculously rude guy, never having been here?

      I wobbled, unable to breathe.

      In dream-like slow motion, Cole turned. His hands fell limp at his sides, and his mouth hung open. When he saw my face, the shock left him.

      My legs became heavier, and my head could have floated off into the stars.

      Cole had been steps away but was beside me in seconds.

      “What did you just—are you okay?” He gripped my forearms, steadying me.

      “Low iron.” He’d make fun of me if I told him.

      Did the woman in the bottom of the pond want the house?

      Over my shoulder, the dark path to the pond beckoned me back to the dream. The dank water choked me. The sludge suctioned my feet. And those hands, ugh, those horrible detached hands.

      Cole shook his head slowly, still holding my arms.

      “Another rule. Do not, under any circumstances, go any farther than the rose maze without an escort.” The breeze stilled. No crickets chirped. Cole’s eyes glazed over. An electric current sizzled under his palms. He jerked back. “If you have fainting spells or whatever, then the last thing we need is you lost in the wilderness. Women have a place, and it’s not meddling all over in the dark. You won’t find any money buried anywhere outside, I can assure you.”

      Cole did an about face and left me.

      “You have serious issues.”

      Cole stopped, yet kept his back to me. “You have no idea.”

      * * * *

      We reached the back steps of the house, where Thomas charged us from the rear entrance.

      “I see you two have formally met.” He glared at Cole, but when he saw my makeshift-bandaged hand, he shot Cole an accusing look. “Another injury?”


      “It was an accident. I assure you.” Cole’s tone was sharp.

      Thomas was angry. Too angry.

      “I wasn’t paying attention and fell down that ravine behind the rose maze. If it hadn’t been for Cole, I’d have probably broken my neck.” Thomas checked me over.

      Cole stalked across the patio.

      Thomas ushered me inside.

      The ballroom sounded lively. There was no one to be found anywhere else. Loud laughing and music filtered down the hall.

      Once in the light of the grand entrance, Thomas got a good look at my dirty face and less than acceptable appearance.

      “This is unacceptable. How could you let this happen?” he said to Cole, then turned to me. “I am so sorry, Miss Knowles. If there’s anything I can do to make this up to you…”

      “You could start with calling animal control. There’s a big, black cat lurking around out there. What’s for dinner?” Rubbing his stomach, Cole looked to the kitchen.

      Food? Seriously?

      “I’m surprised you haven’t had dinner yet, as long as you were gone.” Thomas’s voice was hard.

      “I was sort of interrupted,” Cole said, flashing me a smirk. “Mary Poppins there took a little fall, and she’s right. If I hadn’t been there, she’d have probably ended up fish food in the bottom of the pond, cat or no cat. I think she’s new to walking.”

      Thomas shook his head and took my other arm.

      I stared down at the dirty blood on the strips of white cotton. Some looked brown and dried, some looked fresh.

      “Let’s get you bandaged up and worry about dinner later. Do you think it needs medical attention?” Thomas gingerly took the piece of Cole’s shirt off the wound.

      “It’s a superficial laceration. The rock only breached the dermis. The wound has already closed. It looks worse than it is.” Cole passed us.

      Almost-lawyer, business consultant, over-zealous yard care manager, raving lunatic. Covered in dirt and looking like a homeless person, he did not fit the doctor persona.

      “Thank you, Dr. Kinsley, for that fine evaluation.”

      “Anytime, Dr. Phil.” He disappeared through the door.

      He could be such an—ugh!

      After I cleaned up, and Cole did whatever people with multiple personality disorder do in their down time, Thomas insisted we all sit together in the dining room. He sat at an empty place setting, staring between Cole and me.

      “I hope you’ll excuse me for not eating. My appetite was spoiled when you didn’t come back from your walk, Miss Knowles. I thought the worst.”

      “You’re perfectly fine. I’m sorry I worried you.”

      “I’m just glad you made it back in one piece. I should have never left you alone.” He flashed Cole a curious glare. “Other than the mishap, I hope you took good care of Miss Knowles.”

      Cole’s mouth was gorged, so he didn’t answer.

      “And hopefully you remembered your manners,” Thomas said.

      “Other than inviting me to skinny dip in that nasty pond, I was virtually unoffended. He needs to learn how to deliver a line. He’ll never get a date that way.”

      Cole made a garbled choking noise but finally found air to speak.

      “I did not,” he said through half-chewed food. His glare could have sliced metal.

      “He didn’t really, but he isn’t the best welcoming party I’ve ever encountered.” I smirked at Cole. Served him right for the trailer park remark.

      “Well, that dreadful hole should be filled.” Thomas looked at Cole with deep set meaning.

      Cole rattled his fork in his plate like a two year old. “It’s so far back on the property, other than the occasional idiot who isn’t watching where they’re going, it’s yet to bother anyone.”

      First trailer park. Now idiot. That was okay. I’d fix him.

      Thomas’s head swiveled back and forth between us as I stood from my place setting.

      “If you’ll excuse me, I’m quite tired.” I turned a pointed glare at Cole. “I’m sure you wouldn’t mind finishing up the tour tomorrow morning, would you? Uncle Thomas barely made it to the rose maze this evening without gasping for air, it was so hot.”

      Cole flashed a Please-Save-Me look to his uncle.

      I slid my chair in and clapped my hands happily. “Then it’s settled. See you bright and early.”

      Cole’s face paled. He dropped his fork.

      Thomas’s uncomfortable gaze was locked on the wood grain pattern of the table.

      I wiggled my fingers good night.

      * * * *

      When I reached the parlor door, the recovered long, black, and gold casket was centered between two windows on the far side of the room. Since I’d been delivered to the property earlier this evening, I’d been yanked so fast back and forth between strange occurrences, I’d forgotten the real reason I was here.

      A dead woman.
