Siege Of the Heart. Elise Cyr. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elise Cyr
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Исторические любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616505141
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me what happened.”

      A quiet fury puckered her brow. “I cannot remember such things as I am only a simple girl.”

      “You are not,” Alex said tightly.

      “What is this, more praise? Indeed, sir, you overwhelm me.”

      He clapped a hand to his forehead. “Impossible woman! I wonder how you have not sent your father to the grave before now.”

      Isabel went completely rigid, her features stricken. Alex let go of her. What now?

      She stood tall, anger mottling her lovely face. “How dare you! How dare you treat me thus! You come into my home and make demands. You stand here and expect me to tell you everything.” She advanced toward him, and he found himself taking a step back. “There is nothing about you that would inspire me to share anything with you! If I am impossible, then you have been patronizing, arrogant and disrespectful.”

      With each word, she jabbed her index finger into his chest. He tensed at the wild and fearless look in her eyes.

      “You talk of trust when you are but a stranger to me and to this land. You expect me to welcome you and your men with open arms, expect me to act like a foolish noblewoman. I may be a woman, but I am certainly not foolish! I—”

      “My lady! What has happened?”

      Likely drawn by their shouts, Captain Thomas entered the hallway. Alex simultaneously welcomed and cursed the interruption for he was dangerously close to taking Isabel over his knee and teaching her a lesson. Fists balled at her side, she continued to glare at him. He could not look away from her, from the way her chest heaved with each breath.

      Isabel closed her mouth and fixed her angry stare on Captain Thomas once he reached them. They shared a few words in English. The old man’s gaze flickered toward Alex, but he could not decipher the look. Isabel opened her mouth to argue some more with Captain Thomas but shut it as she looked back at Alex. Muttering to herself, she gave them a swift curtsy and strode away, her footsteps echoing off the slate floor.

      Alex watched her until she disappeared. He took a deep breath and tried to ease the tension that had rushed through his body during their conversation. He was not usually so quick-tempered, but the girl fired his blood. And he did not like it.

      “Sir, you must excuse Isabel. She is always in bad humor after an illness.”

      He turned his gaze on Captain Thomas. “I would thank you for your intervention, but I am disappointed I was not able to respond to her charges.”

      The older man shook his head. “I must apologize for her behavior. She is used to her independence, which is threatened by your presence here. She needs time to adjust to her new situation. I ask you to be understanding.”

      “Understanding? What that girl needs is a flogging.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath as they returned to the main hall.

      Alex gave Captain Thomas a pointed look. “When her father returns, he had better keep her in check, for I will not tolerate any more of her temper tantrums.”

      Captain Thomas cleared his throat. “Yes, well. You may find her father will not be of much help.”

      “What do you mean?”

      Captain Thomas hastily looked away. “I mean only Lord Bernard has granted her a good deal of freedom growing up. She can do no wrong in his eyes.”

      Alex inwardly groaned. The girl was spoiled, too? William did not want to reward him—he wanted to punish him. He shook his head. “I have been meaning to ask why you are not with Lord Dumont. Surely he would want his trusted captain to accompany him into battle?”

      The English knight looked embarrassed by the question. “I am afraid my age prevented me from accompanying my lord. The Welsh are not to be taken lightly, and Lord Dumont felt I would better serve him here defending the castle than by his side.”

      “I see.”

      “Eh bien,” Captain Thomas said, eager to change the subject, “I will speak with Isabel tomorrow, after she has time to calm down. As she said, she is not without sense and can be made to see reason.”

      “How much did you hear?” Alex asked with a sidelong glance.

      “Enough to know your handling of the situation also left much to be desired.”

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