Temptation Has Green Eyes. Lynne Connolly. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lynne Connolly
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Emperors Of London
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616505707
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his cards on the table. But did he have an ace shoved up his sleeve? “Could you not find a good man for your daughter? One she could rely on to stay out of the way of the business?”

      “A cipher you mean?” Russell shook his head. “Sophia would never stand for that. Neither would I. Once she marries, what is hers belongs to her husband, and what I have will come to her in the fullness of time. There are few men who would resist the challenge to take control.”

      Max breathed more easily. This was a business proposition like any other. “So who do you have in mind?” A notion occurred to him. “Do you wish Sophia introduced into society so she can find a husband of her own?”

      Russell shook his head. “She did that once. She didn’t take. You may not be aware of this, but my late wife was Lady Mary Howard of Lancashire. She had a certain cachet in several circles. But there was some dispute, and my wife preferred not to acknowledge her family.”

      Some dispute? What on earth did that mean? Sophia was still a cit, and some members of society were unreasonably prejudiced against men of the City of London. However Sophia could enter society, and her mother’s connections would satisfy all but the highest sticklers. “I can certainly help you there. My mother, my sister, could introduce her.”

      “No need.” Russell clamped his mouth shut and stared at Max.

      How the hell did he get out of this? He ached to continue the association with Russell, but enough to marry his daughter? Marriage didn’t figure in his plans, not for years yet. Or hadn’t until just now.

      A pair of crease lines appeared between Russell’s brows. “While I appreciate your offer, the recent incident has disturbed me more than I’d like. Introducing her to society, finding her a husband would all take too long. In any case, I know my Sophia. Her charms aren’t obvious to many, and she may not have the skills to shine.” His lips tightened. “She tried. She had her come-out, her mother made sure of that, but Sophia doesn’t have the… She’s not accomplished.”

      “You told me that she was.” What was Russell was trying to say? She wanted a teacher? Perhaps his cousin Helena could help. She had taken Alex Ripley’s beloved under her wing, so successfully that the lady was now Lady Ripley. Or maybe his mother and his sister Poppea, known in the family as Poppy, would agree to take Sophia in hand. “You mean she needs some town bronze?”

      The frown disappeared and Russell laughed outright. He glanced around as someone approached them, but their combined stares saw him off. The man quickly turned tail and turned around.

      “No.” Russell turned back to Max. “She’s been on the town all her life. Here’s my proposition, and it’s as businesslike as any other we’ve undertaken or are likely to make. You’re young, you’re wealthy, and you’re as honest as any businessman I’ve ever met. I observed you for some time before I agreed to work with you, and I’ve been very pleased with our dealings together so far. I want you for Sophia. Wait—”

      As Max would have spoken, Russell held up his gnarled hand. Max remained silent.

      “My Sophia deserves the best. You could take my company and make it the biggest in the City of London, which means in the world.”

      Staggered, Max was lost for words. He closed his mouth with a snap. Russell continued with his proposal.

      “If you agree to do this, I’ll make you my heir. It will be part of the marriage settlement.” He leaned back, his attention fixed on Max. “It’s a good offer.”

      Just as if he was offering another business deal, which, to all intents and purposes, he was. Except it involved far more personal relations than any other business deal would. Was Max ready to let a woman into his well-ordered life?

      The sound of the coffee house continued as if Max’s world hadn’t spun on its axis. The buzz of conversation went on around them, punctuated by occasional shout or laugh. Normal life revolved around him as he fought to get his thoughts into some kind of order.

      “Sophia will make you an excellent marchioness.”

      About to refuse outright, Max paused, staring at the man who had made such an outrageous offer. A cit to a marquess. But an extremely wealthy cit to a previously impoverished marquess. His title hadn’t put food on the table; his business acumen had done that.

      If he wanted a wife, Sophia was the kind of woman he’d be looking for, rather than a society maiden fresh out of the schoolroom. She had business acumen, and she was attractive enough, from what he’d seen of her.

      And the inducement—mouthwatering. He could give his mother her life back and continue with his own. After all, he knew hardly anyone whose marriage hadn’t been arranged. What was this but another one?

      What was he thinking? Max had always sworn to avoid the arranged marriage. He wanted to choose his wife for himself. But if he agreed to this, he’d have everything he ever wanted, not just for himself, but for his mother and his sister, Poppy. Not such a sacrifice. And many married couples lived completely separate lives. His heart sank and his stomach hollowed. Above all things he wanted a harmonious home, someone he could build a life with. But love—he didn’t want that. Bile rose to his throat. Not for him, never.

      Russell tapped one finger on the table, bringing Max back to attention.

      “Walk back some of the way with me.”

      Max accompanied Russell to the offices of his man of business, where his own would be waiting in a very different frame of mind to the one he’d expected. Not happy with a job well done, but in complete turmoil. Marry? He tipped back his head, sucking down as much fresh air as this crowded part of London afforded, trying to shake some sense into it.

      Russell remained mainly silent during the short journey, giving Max a chance to settle his whirling thoughts.

      Without a husband and with the gossips busy circulating the stories spread by her erstwhile suitor, Sophia would be a target for every unscrupulous fortune-hunter in the country. But no respectable men. Her reputation would be wrecked by the man she’d refused.

      Russell’s wealth ensured that she’d find someone. Max could induce his mother to introduce her. But the kind of society his family moved in contained more fortune hunters than anywhere else, because it also contained some of the wealthiest and best connected people in the country. Mercenary and vicious, they’d quell Sophia, mistreat her, and waste her fortune. Several of that breed had attached themselves to Poppy, or tried to, before Max or another of his male relatives had seen them off. Without that protection, Sophia would be achingly vulnerable.

      Max wasn’t the only man left with little fortune and a huge monstrosity of a house to care for. Many men would be glad of Sophia’s wealth to shore up their ailing finances. They’d care for her, too. Not all fortune hunters were heartless.

      But that wouldn’t help his business. Max could help Sophia find someone suitable, but that would distance him from the business he’d worked so hard to connect with.

      They walked past other coffee houses with businesses as thriving as Lloyd’s—Tom’s with its clutch of men looking for women to pass the time with. A house that infuriated the magistrates at Bow Street because no actual illegal acts ever took place on the premises.

      Then they passed the theater at Drury Lane, its doors currently closed pending the evening’s performances, and turned the corner, away from Seven Dials. Nobody went that way unless they had some criminal business to pursue. They passed several tall buildings lining the narrow streets with columns of brass plaques outside, indicating the concerns based there.

      Normally Max would be reveling in the place, in the variety and the exhibition of life in all its variations, but this time he only noted the familiar landmarks without thought. His mind was occupied with one thing. Sophia. A pretty girl, and one who answered sensibly when addressed, but not someone who quickened his heart or had attracted much of his attention. No sense of excitement or anticipation when he’d seen her, which was rarely.

      Was she avoiding him?