Ever Tempted. Odessa Gillespie Black. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Odessa Gillespie Black
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Cursed Series
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781601839312
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      Cover Copy

      An infinity of lives, only one eternal love . . . .

      When Cole Kinsley asked Allie Knowles for her hand in marriage, he meant it. Death be damned. Nothing could keep them apart, not even a hundred years or more. Not even the vindictive spirit of Allie’s dead sister Grace. Released from her watery grave, she offers Cole a devil’s bargain. But to Cole, no price is too high when it comes to his beloved.

      Allie thinks it’s almost too good to be true. A week of bliss alone with Cole. His promise kept, after all they’ve suffered at the hands of her sister. To feel the strength of his arms around her again. But when she learns of the sacrifice he made to be with her, she plunges into despair. Forever has slipped from their grasp—unless forever apart is their true destiny . . .


      Cursed Series

      Visit us at www.kensingtonbooks.com

      Books by Odessa Gillespie Black


      Ever After

      Ever Bound

      Ever Tempted

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Ever Tempted

      A Cursed Novel

      Odessa Gillespie Black



      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2016 by Odessa Gillespie Black

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      First Electronic Edition: September 2016

      eISBN-13: 978-1-60183-931-2

      eISBN-10: 1-60183-931-6

      First Print Edition September 2016

      ISBN 13: 978-1-60183-933-6

      ISBN 10: 1-60183-933-2

      Printed in the United States of America


      To Shelby Witzel: You came up with the perfect name for this novel. As always, thank you for the love and dedication you show me in everything you do.

      ~ Mama



      As always, I’d like to thank God for all the blessings that have led up to this publication of this novel. They are too many too count. Robert Howard Gillespie, Odessa Marie Dills, Anna Fuller, Christine Black, Nancy Bloomfield, Nanette Riffe, Chasity Moss, Chance Moss, Codie Black, Ceara Black, Shelby Witzel, LaceeDawn Black, Brant Black, family and friends, I’d like to thank you all for supporting me in various ways over the last two years. You’ve all done so much, it would take pages to name the ways. I love you all dearly. God couldn’t have blessed me with a better family.

      To my readers, I thank you for your devotion.

      Hugs to all.

      Chapter 1


      I’ve died eleven times.

      Part way through round twelve, I finally found a chance to be happy, but I had to live in a shabby hotel two towns away from Allie so I could get the animal under control. I barely made it through a kiss with her without the animal threatening to rip her to pieces.

      My bags made a plop on the worn carpet. From the looks of the place, at any second, a cockroach could creep from under the sagging bed and carry it into the dark shadows.

      I put it on the table.

      Sure, I was used to sleeping outside in whatever animal form I chose on particularly stressful days, but cockroaches were the lowest form of pest. I voluntarily shuddered at the thought of them crawling in my bags or on my clothes.

      The air conditioner was too small for the room or even a closet. The knob fell off into dry-rotted clumps of plastic in my hand. At least it had turned to high before it broke. I was always a little hotter than the normal human, so if it stayed on constantly, good.

      Pulling the neck of my T-shirt from the back, I tugged my shirt over my head.

      A shower might help. An ice-cold one.

      At the front desk, soap and towels had cost five dollars extra. The hotel owner had to make his money somehow. It sure would not come from people visiting a second time around.

      A ten-minute cold shower did no good, so I got out and toweled off.

      Wet, frustrated, and needing the love of my life with me, I searched for the television remote. It was under my bag on the bed earlier. In minutes, the room looked as though I’d lived in it for a week, but I had the remote in hand.

      Through the static of the outdated television, I received a few channels clear enough to watch. I landed on a cosmetics commercial much like Rollins Cosmetics would have boasted.

      In a restaurant surrounded by a group of her girlfriends, a dark-haired girl resembling Allie winked at the screen. “No, I’m not wearing makeup.”

      The announcer added that with the product the model wore, she could lie and no one would know the difference.

      It would have taken globs of makeup to look as naturally stunning as Allie Knowles. Her beauty was unsurpassed by anyone I’d seen in the endless years I’d lived. No matter what appearance she took in each life, she was always stunning.

      This time around, long brown tresses framed her high cheekbones and caramel brown eyes. Her skin was a creamy sun-kissed caramel superstars of this day paid professional skin care companies millions to achieve. And it was all natural.

      Every inch of her was all natural.

      Her long, toned legs.

      Her dark, mocha tanned shoulders and smooth arms.

      The swell of her chest and the curves of her hips.
