Don't Ever Tell. Brandon Massey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Brandon Massey
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Триллеры
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780786020621
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      The night that changed Joshua Moore’s life began, ironically, with a party.

      On Sunday, December 16, Joshua and his wife, Rachel, hosted a holiday get-together at their home in south metro Atlanta. Over twenty people, a lively blend of family and friends, crowded into the four-bedroom house. It was their first time holding an event at their home since they had moved in five months ago, and Joshua’s head was spinning from all the activity.

      People gathered in the family room, dining room, kitchen, living room, and hallway, eating, drinking, talking, and laughing. The dining room had been turned into a buffet, featuring a full spread of appetizers, desserts, and beverages such as crab cakes, hot wings, egg rolls, meatballs, pasta salad, peel-and-eat shrimp, cheeses, cookies, cakes, fruit punch, soda, wine, and a glass bowl brimming with rum-spiced eggnog. Holiday music played over the in-house stereo system, loud enough to enliven the mood but low enough to encourage conversation.

      “You look dazed,” Eddie Barnes said. Standing in the living room beside a seven-foot high Christmas tree that dwarfed his slight frame, Eddie nursed a glass of eggnog. “Take a load off and chill for a sec.”

      “Good idea.” Careful not to spill his soda, Joshua sat on one of the new microfiber sofas they had purchased upon moving in. He stretched his legs in front of him—which, at his height of six feet five, was a considerable length. “I can’t remember the last time I threw a party.”

      “I do,” Eddie said. “Sixteenth birthday. In your parents’ basement. I was the deejay, remember? Mixmaster E?”

      “Man, that was a long time ago. Sixteen years?”

      Eddie bobbed his clean-shaven head. “We’re getting old, dawg. Married with kids and shit.”

      “Speak for yourself. I don’t have any kids.”

      “They’re on the way. See how much Rachel’s been talking to Ariel? She’s getting child-rearing tips, trust me. Look at ’em.” Eddie motioned with his glass.

      Joshua looked over his shoulder. Dressed in a red sweater, green slacks, and a cute Santa cap, Rachel was in the hallway speaking to Ariel, Eddie’s wife. Ariel bounced their three-year-old son on her hip with practiced ease, while their six-year-old daughter pranced around them. Tanisha May, Rachel’s business partner, was also part of the group. The two as-yet childless women resembled chicks taking lessons from a mother hen.

      Joshua shrugged. “We’re in no rush to have kids. We only got married six months ago. We’re planning to just enjoy being married, do some traveling, you know.”

      “What’s that saying? Man plans—God laughs. You never know what life’ll hit you with. Be ready.”

      “You must’ve tipped some extra rum into that glass. You’re talking crazy.”

      “I joke, but fatherhood is cool, Josh.” Eddie gazed at his young children with a proud smile. “Makes you grow up real quick. Can you honestly say, right now, that you would die for someone else?”

      Joshua looked at Rachel again. As sometimes happened when he regarded her, his heart kicked, an almost painfully poignant feeling.

      “I’d die for my wife,” he said.

      “Most definitely. Now take that same feeling that you’d sacrifice it all for her, and multiply it by ten—that’s how you’ll feel when you have children.”

      “How’d you feel when Ariel was pregnant?”

      “Tired as hell. She’d be snoring so loud and rolling around in the bed so much I got maybe two hours of sleep a night. Sometimes I had to sleep in the guest room.”

      “Seriously? What else?”

      “When she was walking around with my babies growing in her? Dude, if you had looked at her the wrong way, I might have jacked you. Some superman, protective thing kicks in. I didn’t want her to go anywhere alone. Didn’t want her to drive or lift anything. I was sort of tripping out for a minute.”

      “Sounds like it. Anyway, like I said, it’ll be a while before Rachel and I get to that point.”

      “Do some traveling, yeah. Get your money right. Spend some more time getting to know each other.”

      “We already know each other pretty well, or else we wouldn’t have gotten married.”

      “Nah, dawg. You’re only six months in—you don’t know each other yet. Talk to me after ten years.”

      “There you go.” Joshua shook his head. “Newlyweds don’t get any respect.”

      “It’s all relative. My folks have been married damn near forty years, and they look at me and Ariel like we just met yesterday.”

      “I hear you. Hey, be back in a minute—I’m gonna grab another crab cake before they’re all gone.”

      Joshua started to rise off the couch—and spilled his soda. Cola splashed onto the beige carpet. He swore under his breath and looked around for a napkin.

      “I’ll take care of that,” Rachel said, suddenly beside him with a delicate hand on his arm.

      “Sorry. You know how clumsy I can be.”

      “Don’t say that, baby.” She took a wadded napkin and pressed it against the darkening damp spot on the carpet. “Can you get some more ice out of the garage, please? Tanisha wants to make some strawberry daiquiris.”


      “Thanks, love.”

      Joshua glanced at Eddie, who had followed their interaction with amusement, and headed to the garage to fetch a bag of ice from the freezer. Eddie, he knew, could remember a time when his spilling a drink at a party would have provoked a hurtful remark from whoever happened to be his girlfriend at the moment. He had been dating since he was a teenager, but Rachel was the first woman who truly loved him for who he was, clumsiness and all.

      Sometimes, he honestly wondered how she had fallen in love with him in the first place. He was no one special. He wasn’t rich—he was a freelance graphic designer, and earned a reasonable but unremarkable income. He wasn’t particularly handsome—though he was tall and husky, he wore thick glasses to correct a bad case of astigmatism, which back in the day his classmates had teasingly called “Coke bottles.” And he sure as hell wasn’t suave—no man with a knack for knocking over drinks, bumping into people, or dropping dishes could be considered smooth by any stretch of the imagination.

      Further mystifying him was the fact that she, by comparison, was perfect. Sweet-hearted. Intelligent. Successful in her chosen profession as a hair salon owner and stylist. Supportive of his goals, and pursuing goals of her own. And not to overlook, she was absolutely fine—five feet six, with big pretty brown eyes, smooth skin the color of honey, and a body that would have roused the pulse of a dead man. Although he had often dreamed of finding a woman like Rachel, it had seemed one of those farfetched fantasies, like one might have of hitting the lottery some day.

      But somehow, he had found her—and when he had told Eddie that he would die for her, he meant it.

      Around nine, the last guest departed, and blessed calm took over the house. Joshua collapsed on the love seat in the family room, legs too tired to stand any more.

      A minute later, Rachel entered from the kitchen. She eased onto his lap, languidly stretched her arms above her head, and released a deep sigh.

      “Finally, we can relax,” she said.

      Coco, the three-year-old Chihuahua that Rachel had brought to their relationship, scampered across the room and leaped onto Joshua’s lap, too. Restless from being caged upstairs during the party, the dog whined and tried to kiss Joshua on the mouth, and he gently nudged her away.

      “Daddy doesn’t want to give you smooches now, sweetie,” Rachel said. She plucked Coco off his chest and tucked the dog against her breast like a purse. “Daddy’s