Ceremony Of Seduction. Cassie Ryan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cassie Ryan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758283061
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shudder of pure lust and energy flowed through her veins.

      The maid turned her face into Alyssa’s neck and whispered, “Remember, Princess, sexual energy is like food here. There are very few things forbidden.” Before Alyssa could react, Sasha hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the skirt and slid it down over her hips, until it fell to the floor in a puddle of material. The maid’s hard nipples teased against her own. Only then did she step back and offer her hand, so Alyssa could step out of the skirt.

      Alyssa’s heart pounded in her chest and her brain scrambled for something intelligible to say. “What sorts of things are forbidden?” she croaked and then cleared her throat.

      Sasha’s lips curved as if she knew exactly what effect her proximity had. “Anything is permissible that is consensual between adults who have completed their ceremony. It is death to force anyone, especially those uninitiated with the ceremony, or to copulate with the dead or animals. Beyond that, Klatch is a very open society. Even those who have yet to undergo the ceremony are permitted to indulge where they please without putting themselves in danger.”

      “Well, that sounds pretty straightforward.” Alyssa mentally kicked herself for the lame comment. “Since there are certain dangers in indulging with the opposite sex before a coming-of-age, are there lots of same sex…uh…”

      Sasha shrugged. The motion caused the exposed bottom curves of her full breasts to jiggle enticingly, mesmerizing Alyssa. “As I said, Princess, Klatch is a very open society. Sex is a part of our nature, there is nothing shameful about it. People may choose to indulge wherever the arousal takes them, as long as they are not married. Then both partners must consent to activities involving others.”

      “So monogamy is prized here inside a marriage?” Somehow, it made Alyssa feel better to know that she wouldn’t have to worry about Stone fucking other women.

      “Not in the same way humans term it, but yes. However, there are married couples who consent to group activities quite often and have no barriers beyond that as long as both parties are in full agreement.”

      The implications flashed through Alyssa’s mind and she shoved them away to study later. Worrying about Stone wanting to have orgies after their marriage seemed a little premature, although she made a mental note to talk to Stone about his preferences before the ceremony.

      “Would you like to bathe in the public pool, where there will be several dozen young women at any one time, or would you like this first bath to be private until you are more…comfortable with our ways?” Sasha’s voice held no note of censure, only a real desire to put Alyssa at ease. She appreciated it.

      “Will…will the bath involve…sustenance?” she asked hesitantly. Her pussy and breasts throbbed at the thought of this woman giving her sexual energy as Stone had. She could admit, if only to herself, that the thought of several women at the same time turned her on too. But she didn’t think she was that comfortable yet. Better to start slow. Tackle one thing at a time. Or one woman, in this case…

      She’d seen women kiss in a few movies and was curious how different it would feel to have a woman touch her the way Stone’s wonderfully callused hands had.

      Sasha nodded and stepped forward again, reaching around her to unhook her bra. Again, her full breasts pressed against Sasha’s and her warm breath danced across the side of Alyssa’s neck as she spoke. “Sexual energy giving and taking is very much a part of our bathing rituals.”

      The bra loosened and Sasha stepped back, pulling the straps off Alyssa’s shoulders before she set it aside on the chair. Then the maid dropped to her knees in front of Alyssa, her gaze hungry as she took in Alyssa’s gently rounded stomach and very full breasts. Alyssa squirmed under the frank scrutiny and covered her chest with her hands.

      “There is no need for that, Princess. You are most beautiful. In fact, you look so much like your mother, the queen, it surprises me.”

      A lump formed in Alyssa’s throat. The thought of looking like her mother both excited and confused her. Would she find her mother beautiful when she met her, or would she be disappointed that she looked like Alyssa did?

      Sasha interrupted her musings by pulling down Alyssa’s white cotton granny panties. Alyssa’s cheeks burned and she wished she’d worn some better underwear—not that she owned any other kind. Debbie had always reminded her that sexy lingerie was for attractive women—not fat ones. She squeezed her eyes shut against the tears that threatened.

      The betrayal of her “family” and her roommate burned through her. She promised herself she’d never be so foolish again. But she had given her trust to Stone and to Sasha. Was she headed for more betrayal?

      Nimble fingers sifted through her pubic hair causing her to jump. Looking down, she saw Sasha grinning up at her. Alyssa’s heart pounded in her chest as her blood flooded her pussy causing it to tingle and throb.

      “My apologies, Princess. The women of Klatch stay clean-shaven, so I’ve never seen a mound with full hair. I just wanted to see what it felt like. It almost reminds me of men’s crispy chest hair.”

      Alyssa’s clit throbbed with the proximity of the hand that still rested lightly against her, just a hairsbreadth away from her swollen nub. She knew she should be shocked or push Sasha’s hand away, but she’d spent so many years convincing herself to be something she was not. It was time she made her own decisions. As hard as it was to admit—she wanted Sasha to touch her, to show her how those petite hands felt against her sensitive skin.

      She swallowed hard before she could speak. “If the culture here is shaved, I’d like to do that too.” It was another thing she’d thought about doing back home, but Debbie had talked her out of it, saying that the upkeep wasn’t worth it if no one was going to be looking.

      Sasha grinned and sifted her fingers through the curly dark hair again, the side of her hand brushed against the swollen tip of her clit and caused Alyssa to gasp. “Your wish is my command, Princess.”

      The maid stood and stripped off her own gauzy half shirt, her rounded breasts bounced invitingly with the motion. Then she hooked her thumbs in the sides of her string bikini underwear, sliding them off until she stood naked as well. “Shall we head out to the bathing pool?” Not waiting for an answer, she hooked her arm with Alyssa’s and led the way, the silky skin of her breast rubbed teasingly against Alyssa’s bare arm.

      Alyssa took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Her own breasts were heavy and sensitive, her slit slick and ready. If she didn’t come soon, she was going to lose her mind. This was almost worse than when Stone left her horny and wanting every night for ten years!

      They stepped through a curtain and entered a semidark alcove, lit only by flickering candles, which painted red and gold designs on the shadows of the walls. There was a large pool inset in the middle of the floor with seats and raised platforms visible just under the water in the shallow end. The water churned and gurgled and a small waterfall fell into the pool against the side, so people could enjoy it both from the shallow and deep ends.

      Grabbing a small basket from an inset ledge along the wall, Sasha led her toward the pool. “We’ll get you shaved first,” she said as she started down the steps leading into the water.

      Alyssa followed her, enjoying the way the warm water swirled and fizzed around her already heated skin. Several jets of water shot currents out from the walls, which kept the water in constant motion. She was tempted to lean her clit against one and end her torment. But even as much as she masturbated at home, she couldn’t do it in front of someone she’d just met. Doing it with Stone had been a first. Besides, having erotic dreams with the man for ten years surely put him in the category of non-stranger.

      Allowing herself to be led to one of the raised platforms, she couldn’t help but notice how Sasha’s breasts bobbed just on top of the water, the ripe tips cutting a current as she moved. She resisted a sudden urge to pull one of the ripe nipples between her lips and explore the texture with her tongue.

      “Lie back,” Sasha said, her voice husky and low. “And relax.