Visible Lives:. Terrance Dean. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Terrance Dean
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758260444
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      “Yes, it was.” I smile. “Jay-Z pulled off an amazing show. I had a great time.”

      “Thank you for coming with me. I almost didn’t think you would. I mean, you being my boss.”

      I smile and start biting my lip.

      “I have to tell you again, you look really good.” He beams.

      “Thank you.”

      “I would love to…”

      “So, is that two coffees?” The waitress interrupts Quincy. Her hand is on her hip and her hair is falling from its uneven bun.

      “One coffee and one tea,” he responds.

      Quincy glances back at me. I look into his sparkling brown eyes. I am afraid of what he was going to say.

      My heart is racing.

      I feel a little perspiration under my arms.

      I desperately want to hear it. Maybe it’s best not to let him say anything.

      “Listen, Quincy, you are doing a great job in the department. And…”

      “Thank you, but I need for you to listen to me,” he cuts me off. Quincy slides his chair close to me. Instantly my body becomes flustered. The heat rushes from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head in a nanosecond.

      Quincy leans his body forward. He cups my hand in his. I almost jerk it away. I’ve never been with a man who displayed public affection. I was caught off-guard.

      He looks me in my eyes and smiles. “I really had a great time with you tonight. As a matter of fact, I have been thinking about you ever since I met you. When I walked in your office I couldn’t contain my excitement. I have never met such a beautiful, smart, and powerful man who turns me on. I have prayed for a man like you.”

      I turn my head away. I don’t want him to know that I have been thinking the same thing about him.

      I, too, have prayed for someone like him.

      He reaches for my face and gently turns it back toward him.

      My heart is pounding.

      My fingers begin to tremble.

      I want to take my hand away.

      We are in public.

      People can see us, but I am enjoying holding his large dark hands.

      “Quincy, I am your boss.”

      “I know. But I am very attracted to you.”

      “I am also much older than you. I am thirty-eight.”

      “I don’t mind.”

      “But I do. This is flattering and you are definitely a handsome young man. But we have to maintain a professional relationship.” I reluctantly pull my hand away from him.

      “Chase, all I want is to…” And Quincy leans forward and kisses me. My eyes grow wide. My heart is trying to escape my chest. Then I feel his soft succulent lips. They make me quiver. I try to pull away but Quincy pushes forward and will not release me. I stop resisting and allow myself to be free. I suck his lips and tongue.

      When he pulls away from me I find myself still wanting more of him.

      “I have been wanting to do that for a long time.” He kisses my hand.

      “Quincy, we really have to be careful. This can get tricky.”

      “Anything you want, I want.”

      I smile at him. “Yes, that sounds great, but you are leaving at the end of the summer.”

      “But I am coming back home after I graduate. I can see myself with you.”

      “You are going a little too fast.” I pat his hands.

      “You know, I told my good friend E. Lynn Harris about you.”

      “Oh really,” I say, shocked. I am surprised he has been discussing me. “I didn’t know you knew E. Lynn. I am a big fan of his works.”

      “I am too. I’ve read every book.” Quincy’s eyes light up. “I met him in Los Angeles while he was promoting his book I Say a Little Prayer.” He starts laughing. “You should have seen me. Here I am, this huge tall black dude trying to be inconspicuous in Eso Won Bookstore. The place is barely as big as this restaurant and it was packed with women. I think I was one of three black dudes in there. I was ducking and dodging trying to hide in between the bookshelves.”

      I let out a big snorting laugh. “I can see you now trying to hide.”

      “It was hysterical.” Quincy laughs. “After the signing I had to wait almost two hours because every woman wanted to have their books signed and talk personally with E. Lynn. I just kept picking up various books pretending like I was there for some other reason. When the crowd finally left I eased over to E. Lynn and told him I loved his books.

      “He told me, ‘Thank you.’ I couldn’t believe I was there talking with the man that helped me to discover who I was sexually. I told him I had to meet him. ‘I struggled for a long time with who I am and after reading Invisible Life it literally spoke to me. I felt as if there was someone else out there who understood what I was dealing with,’ I told E. Lynn.

      “‘I am honored and humbled,’ E. Lynn said. ‘Do you play basketball?’ he asked.

      “‘Yeah, I play for Stanford.’

      “He was like, ‘You’re Quincy Thornberry.’ I was shocked he knew who I was. I mean, he knew my name. Then E. Lynn told me he was a huge college sports fan and followed every team and its players. He even quoted my stats. I was very impressed. I couldn’t believe he knew as much as he did about sports, especially me. Man, E. Lynn was so cool.

      “He asked if I was busy that evening and if I would like to join him for dinner. I was blown away. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I was like, ‘Hell yeah, I can join you for dinner.’ We talked for nearly six hours that evening. He was so nice and so open. He didn’t have to go out of his way and talk with me. I know how celebrities can be, but he was the complete opposite. Ever since that day we have been friends. E. Lynn gave me his personal numbers and e-mail and told me, ‘Don’t be afraid to reach out. I know what you’re going through.’ We speak at least twice a week on the phone, and once a week via e-mail. E. Lynn has become someone I can talk with and he understands me.”

      “Wow!” I say. “It’s really nice to have someone like that to support and encourage you. True friends are hard to find.”

      “Yeah, you’re right.” Quincy grabs my hand. “I told him how I felt about you and how impressed I was to see a black man in charge, one who is smart and rose to the top of a major company.”

      “Why, thank you, Quincy.” I stare into his eyes taking all of him in. My mind is telling me to think rationally, but my body is screaming for sexual attention.

      He grins at me.

      I take a sip of my coffee.

      I am trying to contain my enthusiasm.

      My insides are fluttering.

      I feel like a college boy.

      I shouldn’t be doing this.

      I can’t do this.

      I must end this.

      I will not let it go any further.

      I can’t.

      Why not?

      It’s wrong.


      I hate Ashley.

      “Let’s get out of here,” Quincy says. He lays a ten-dollar bill on the table and slides his hand into mine. I stand and he leads me out of the door.
