Skin Game. Lawrence C. Ross. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lawrence C. Ross
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758248923
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got it?”


      “How old are you, Keisha?” Steven asked.

      “I just turned eighteen.”

      “Good,” he said, “because you can’t do a shoot without being at least eighteen. Did you just graduate?”


      “From where?”

      “I went to Crenshaw High.”

      “Cool. I went to Morningside,” Steven said, laughing. “Way back in the day.”

      Keisha smiled.

      “Kevin, go get the forms.”

      “I’ve got them right over there,” Kevin said, walking to the first row of seats.

      “We need you to fill out these forms before we get started,” Steven said. He took the forms from Kevin and handed them to Keisha.

      “They’re what we call boilerplate contracts, in that every magazine uses them,” he continued. “Just fill them out and let me know when you’re done. After that, we can get started. Kevin, help her if she has any problems.”

      Steven and Ray walked onstage, and Kevin sat next to Keisha.

      “Right here, you sign your name—”

      Keisha shot Kevin a look. “I’m not one of your stupid hoes. I know how to fill out a form.”

      “Sorry about that,” Kevin said sheepishly.

      “No problem,” Keisha said. She filled out the form and then handed it to Kevin. She walked onstage.

      “Ready to go,” she told Steven.

      “Great. Kevin will take you over to the dressing room. Kevin is sort of our everything man. I need you to take off your clothes, and then Kevin will oil you down. You don’t mind, do you?”

      “Just as long as he’s doing his job and not trying to get some sort of cheap thrill.”

      Steven smiled. “You wouldn’t be getting a cheap thrill from rubbing oil on beautiful women, now would you, Kevin?”

      “I try not to, sir,” Kevin said, with a faint smile on his face.

      “Okay, see you guys in about ten minutes. Normally we’d do your makeup, but I think it’s perfect.”

      Kevin and Keisha walked toward the dressing room.

      “So you do whatever Steven tells you?” Keisha asked.

      “Pretty much,” he said, opening the door. “It ain’t the best job, but it pays the bills.”

      “That pretty much seems to be the modus operandi around here. We’re all just trying to pay some bills. So, what do we do?”

      “It’s pretty simple,” Kevin said, reaching into a cabinet. He pulled out some clear oil. “Take off your clothes and then I’ll oil you down.”

      Keisha took off her top, her bra, and then her pants and panties.

      “Stand right here,” he said. Kevin started oiling Keisha from the legs and thighs up. “Wow, no tattoos.”

      “Is that unusual?” she asked.

      “Hell, yeah,” he said, as he kept oiling her down. “Almost every girl that comes in here to shoot has a tattoo of her boyfriend who’s doing a bid, or some knife mark from a fight gone wrong. They always have to touch them up after the shoots. If you want to make money, take my recommendation and don’t ever get a tat. You lose value that way.”

      Keisha listened and felt Kevin’s hands on her body. It was like getting a massage, because he was gentle, very gentle.

      “Okay, now I’m going to rub oil on your ass,” he said. “After that, I’ll do your tits and we’ll be done.”


      Kevin went slowly over Keisha’s ass and then went over the rest of her body.

      “Why do I have to be oiled up, anyway?” she asked.

      “Makes for better photos,” Kevin answered. “Steven thinks that too many black models are ashy in pictures. All right, we’re done.”


      Kevin smiled. “My pleasure.”

      “Look at our girl, everybody,” Steven said, as Keisha made her way back to the stage. There were catcalls from some of the crew and some clapping. Keisha always felt absolutely comfortable in her own skin and had no problem walking around naked.

      “Okay, let me know what I’ve got to do,” she said, walking onstage.

      “Great. Keisha, I want you to meet Jeff, our photographer.”

      “Very nice to meet you,” Jeff said, extending his hand. Keisha shook it and then sat on the bed.

      “I’d like you to be as natural as possible,” Jeff continued. “I’m going to be taking a lot of pictures, and all I need you to do is follow my directions. I know this is your first shoot, so I’ll try to go slow. Have fun with it and we’ll get really good photos. Plus, you’re beautiful, so you should have no problem. Right, Steven?”

      “Right,” Steven said. “So let’s get started.”

      “Okay, Keisha, I want you to get in the middle of the bed and just follow my directions,” Jeff said. “Lights, let’s get a reading on her.”

      Keisha crawled on top of the bed and Kevin held a light meter. “We’re good,” Kevin told Jeff as he hopped off the bed.

      “That’s it,” Jeff said, as he looked through his camera at Keisha. “Okay, now lie on your back, open your legs, and spread your pussy apart so I can see the pink.”

      It was then that Keisha knew this was a lot different than dancing at the Chi Chi Room.

      Jeff knelt at the foot of the bed and took snaps, as Keisha spread her pussy lips. Steven stood by silently, his hand on his cheek.

      “Arch your back up a bit,” Jeff said, taking shots. “That’s it. Good girl! You’re working well, Keisha. Now smile for the camera. You’ve got to make it seem as though this is the most fun you’ve ever had in your life.”

      Keisha felt as uncomfortable as she’d ever been, but she also felt strangely attracted to the camera. She was getting turned on and hadn’t expected to.

      “Can I move around?”

      Jeff took the camera down from his eye. “There are some shots that I absolutely have to get, but then we can free-flow others. What do you think, Steven?”

      Steven took his hand down from his chin. “I think we should let Keisha guide us for a bit. If she thinks she has a position that’s sexy, then let’s go with it. Let’s see what she’s got.”

      “Cool,” Keisha said. She moved up to the headboard and placed a pillow right behind her head. She put her head on the pillow so that it barely reclined up. She then spread her legs slightly.

      “Men like to feel that they can fuck the woman they’re looking at, so you need to have me in a fucking position,” she said. “Can’t you see a man on top of me?”

      Steven smiled a huge grin. “Uh, yes, I can see a man on top of you. Now give me a sexy look on your face and, Jeff, do your thing.”

      Keisha looked at the camera, and the look she gave was both innocent and sexy. It fed many demographics of Pimp readers, from the men who loved looking at a sexy woman, to the women who bought Pimp because they loved looking at women. Keisha nailed all of the looks, and Steven knew it. He had a winner.

      Jeff took shot after shot of Keisha, and Keisha moved in any way she felt natural.
