Midnight Thirsts: Erotic Tales Of The Vampire. Michael Thomas Ford. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael Thomas Ford
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758243393
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out they weren’t even related—just two kids who looked a little alike and walked around pretending to be connected in the middle.”

      “I assure you, every one of my attractions is very much legitimate,” said Mr. Star, “from Cannibal Mary to the Pretzel Man. You can, of course, see them for yourselves before making your decision, but I guarantee you that you’ve never seen anything like what I have to offer.”

      “Why do you want to team up with another show?” Joe asked him.

      “Economics,” answered Mr. Star. “There’s a war on. People are reluctant to part with their money. If they think they’re getting more for their nickels, they’re more likely to open their pockets.”

      “Would you mind giving us a minute?” Harley asked, nodding at the door.

      “Of course,” said Mr. Star. “I’ll be outside.”

      He moved past Joe and left the trailer. When the door had shut behind him, Harley looked at Joe.

      “What do you think?”

      “Why are you asking me?” answered Joe. “I just put stuff together.”

      “We both know you do more than that, Joe,” said Harley. “You know as much about how this operation runs as I do. I want to know if you think this guy Star will fit into what we’ve got going.”

      Joe shrugged. “He’s right about times being tough,” he said. “But a freak show?”

      “People love freaks,” countered Harley. “Those Siamese twins pulled in an extra fifteen bucks a week for us before they split up and ran off.”

      “And you think he’s for real?”

      “Who cares?” said Harley. “Long as they look real and people pay to see ’em.”

      “What’s Star want for pay?”

      “Nothing,” Harley answered. “Just what he brings in from his shows. Even has his own roustabouts and barkers.”

      “That kind of deal’s hard to say no to,” said Joe.

      “My thinking, too,” Harley said.

      “So why do you sound unsure?” Joe asked.

      Harley shook his head. “I don’t know,” he said. “I’ve been in this business a lot of years, seen a lot of strange folks and strange things. Something about this fellow just ain’t quite right.”

      “You think he’s trying to cheat you somehow?”

      “Nah,” said Harley. “Can’t really tell you why I say that. Just something about him. The way he looks at you. Maybe he’s a fairy. Sure dresses like one.”

      “Wouldn’t be the first one in the circus,” Joe told his friend.

      “I just don’t want any trouble, is all,” said Harley. “Things are tough enough right now.”

      “So are you saying yes or no?”

      Harley moved the cigarette from one corner of his mouth to the other, a sign that he was thinking hard. “I want you to go check out what he’s got,” he said finally. “See what these freaks look like. If you think they’re worth it, we’ll give it a try.”

      Joe nodded. “I can do that for you,” he said.

      “Good,” said Harley. He glanced toward the door. “I’ll let you give him the news.”

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