Wolf Tales III. Kate Douglas. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kate Douglas
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Wolf Tales
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758282187
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Wolf Tales III

      Also by Kate Douglas:

      Wolf Tales

      “Chanku Rising” in Sexy Beast

      Wolf Tales II

      “Camille’s Dawn” in Wild Nights

      Wolf Tales III





      I want to thank my husband, Doug Moore, who loves me in spite of myself. Life with a writer is not easy and he has patiently encouraged and supported my dreams for the past thirty-five years. (I’ve always maintained if I’d been married to me, I would have murdered me years ago and just hidden the body.)

      Much love and appreciation to a friend and fellow author Kathyrn North for never giving up on me, and to my dear friend Peggy Bloom who always finds time to listen to my complaints—in fact, she hasn’t hung up on me once in over thirty years!

      Special thanks to my editor, Audrey LaFehr, for allowing me to tell Wolf Tales my way. She has given me the most amazing gift of literary freedom with this series, and I will always be grateful for her generosity.


      PART ONE


      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      PART TWO


      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Chapter 8

      Chapter 9



      Chapter 10

      Chapter 11

      Chapter 12

      Chapter 13



      Chapter 14

      Chapter 15


      Chapter 1

      She really needed to get the ceiling patched. Shannon Murphy stared at the ugly crack running from one corner of her bedroom to the light fixture in the middle, only vaguely paying attention to the man diligently licking between her legs.

      His short, coarse hair irritated her inner thighs. He had a death grip on her buttocks that would surely leave bruises, and while he slurped and licked her pussy with enthusiasm, his tongue managed to miss her clitoris completely.

      Shannon tilted her hips, hoping Robert would take the hint and lick where it counted.

      That doesn’t sound right. Robert? Richard?

      Shit. She couldn’t remember his name.

      Whoever, he missed his cue. His tongue stabbed her pussy, then he sucked her labia between his lips. His slurping grew louder and his fingers tightened on her butt.

      Bruises. Definitely bruises.

      The ceiling caught Shannon’s attention again. Maybe she could talk the landlord into new paint? A different color? That would be nice. Change was good, wasn’t it?

      Not always. She really thought she’d been ready for a change when Tia Mason moved out, but Shannon missed her friend. Badly. She glanced at the clock. Tia would have brought her to climax at least a couple times by now. Yeah, Shannon definitely missed Tia.

      What a strange phone call from Tia this afternoon! So unlike her. Tia hadn’t made much sense, other than to scare the crap out of her, but Tia seemed to think Shannon might be in some kind of danger. Enough danger that a new acquaintance of Tia’s was on his way to Boston to protect her, a man who worked for Tia’s father, Ulrich Mason.

      Robert, or Richard, or whoever the hell he was, crawled up Shannon’s body and slobbered on first one breast, then the other. Shannon’s nipples didn’t respond, even though he sucked and licked the flat, soft circles. Then he rammed his hard little latex-covered dick between her legs.

      Dick! That’s it! He calls his cock Big Dick…and he’s…Richard!

      Shannon sighed with relief over the remembered name and lifted her hips, searching in vain for more penetration. There certainly wasn’t anything remotely big about the little pecker banging around inside her totally unaroused pussy. She wished he’d hurry up and finish.

      He grunted like a pig, slamming his pelvis against her mound with each thrust. Shannon thought about faking an O, but she had to draw the line somewhere.

      Suddenly Richard’s body stiffened. He squealed.

      How the hell had she managed to bring home a guy who squealed?

      Depression settled over Shannon, along with the full weight of the man who hadn’t turned her on enough to leave her wanting more of the same. She shoved his inert body aside and crawled out of bed.

      A stray thought flitted through her mind. She wondered about the guy headed to Boston and her apartment at this very moment. Hopefully he was younger than Tia’s dad…young and sexy and very good looking…and really good between the sheets. Shannon glanced at the man in her bed and shuddered.

      “I’m going to take a shower. I’d really appreciate it if you’d let yourself out before I’m through.”

      Richard lifted his head and stared at her, obviously not comprehending.

      Shannon shoved her tangled hair back from her face. “This was a mistake, Richard. Take Big Dick and go home. Don’t come back. I’m sorry.” She turned and walked into the bathroom, still muttering to herself. “Really, really, really sorry.”

      Jacob Trent glanced at the piece of paper in his hand and shoved it back in his pocket. He’d thought about renting a car at Logan Airport, but the broad’s address was in Boston’s North End, land of no parking, so he looked for a cab instead.

      Let Luc Stone pick up the tab, along with the rest of the expenses, since the trip was obviously Luc’s idea. Right about now, Jake figured his buddy Lucien would do anything to keep Jake’s sorry ass away from Tia, the pack’s only bitch…and Luc’s intended mate.

      Jake wished he could blame Luc for what was, without a doubt, the biggest fuck-up Jake had ever engineered in his life. He’d been stewing about it all the way from San Francisco to Boston, wondering exactly why he’d been chosen for this assignment. He’d rather have gotten the details from Luc, not AJ. If Luc had been the one to call, it might have given Jake a chance to apologize.

      Obviously, Luc didn’t want any part of him right now. Jake wished he knew, though, if this assignment was punishment or an honest job.

      He rubbed at the raw bite wound on his throat. It itched like a son of a bitch, which meant it must be healing, but the raw wound was a reminder of the really shitty thing Jake had done to his best friend.

      Make that, his best friend’s woman.

      Jake sure as hell owed Luc—and Tia—an apology. One did not try to fuck as wolf with the pack alpha’s bitch. Jake still couldn’t believe he’d been so stupid, but for the first time in his life he’d lost it. His Chanku side had gone totally out of control.

      Tia was just so damned hot. So ready, on