Wolf Tales VII. Kate Douglas. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kate Douglas
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758239525
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and Baylor had felt no need to do more than eat, sleep, and make love.

      “Everything. Nothing. It’s just so beautiful here, Bay. So perfect.”

      “So are you.” He turned her in his arms and rested his hands on the curve of her buttocks. Then he kissed her. His lips moved over her mouth, his tongue finding each point more sensitive than the last. He sipped at her mouth, gently drawing her lips between his, using his tongue to test the seam between them.

      Manda groaned into his mouth as their tongues tangled. She pressed her hips close, catching his suddenly rigid cock between her belly and his before she finally broke away, laughing even harder. “You’re right, big guy. I am perfect, and it’s all because of you.”

      The days when she’d been a deformed, misshapen creature, half wolf and half woman, were not so far behind Manda that the memory had begun to fade.

      Not even close. “Are you going to stand out here and tease me, or make love to me the way you should?”

      Bay brushed a strand of her long blond hair out of the way and nipped the lobe of her ear. “And how might that be?”

      Manda stepped away from him and looked out at the forest. She glanced back at Bay, winked one eye and shifted. With a little yip, the gray wolf turned, waved her long plume of a tail like a challenge and jumped off the deck.

      She cleared the railing and landed lightly in the thick grass below. Manda knew it wouldn’t take Bay long to catch her. She made it as far as the first line of trees where the forest met the cleared land surrounding the house before he finally got close. He caught her there, both of them running full out, and the weight of his body sent her tumbling and rolling through the bushes and beyond into a small clearing out of sight of the house.

      Growling, feinting and snapping, Manda scrambled to her feet, but Bay was waiting. He crouched back with most of his weight on his hind legs, one paw raised, ears flat on his skull.

      Manda shuddered. She reacted immediately to his aggressive pose, responding with an amazing rush of desire. Her body turned pliant and submissive before her brain had a chance to consider any other alternative. She growled softly, then whined and crouched low. Her ears lay flat. She curled her lip in a soundless snarl.

      Bay growled and stalked closer with raised hackles. He looked huge and ferocious, almost menacing—a totally dominant male wolf. The musky scent of his arousal filled the air, and all the fight went out of Manda. She rolled over and displayed her soft belly. The wolf leaned close, sniffed her sex and licked her there, dragging his long tongue across her vulva. Once and then again.

      Her body shivered in response.

      He sniffed again and Manda heard him whine. The needy sound seemed to come from deep in his throat. He snorted loudly, and then he backed away, raised his nose in the air and howled.

      Manda scrambled to her feet and turned as if to flee, but Bay stopped her with a single paw to her shoulder. His sharp claws raked through her thick coat and held her. Whimpering, humanity momentarily submerged in the pure sensual response of the pliant bitch, Manda turned her back to him and planted all four legs to steady herself.

      Bay mounted her, his powerful forelegs grasping her shoulders, his sharp cock probing the sensitive tissues around her vulva. She adjusted her stance and he finally slipped easily into her sex.

      She whimpered again, but it was a sound of pure, unequaled pleasure. This was what her body had been designed for, this ultimate connection between herself and her mate. Manda opened her thoughts, caught Bay’s pure, animalistic arousal and more, his love for her as a man for his woman, his amazing sense of pride in all that Manda was, all she had become.

      Manda knew she owed him her life.

      From the pathetic, feral creature held prisoner by a body neither human nor wolf, to this—a confident alpha bitch in one world, a tall, graceful woman with a perfect body and brilliant mind in another. She had grown out of despair to become a combination of beings unequaled by any other species.

      All of it due to Baylor’s love, his patience, his amazing devotion to a woman who had once been so hideously formed, no one could bear to look at her.

      Finally confident and whole, Manda knew she was now true to her dual nature—woman and wolf. She was Chanku, a creature both intelligent and strong, yet ruled by an unrelenting sex drive, a libido equally matched against her other strengths.

      A sexual need only Baylor Quinn could ease.

      Manda’s body quivered with the first stirrings of climax. She opened her thoughts even more, crawled deeper into Bay’s mind at its most basic until she became the air rushing in and out of his lungs, the strength of his cock thrusting hard and deep into his bitch. She was muscle and sinew, lust and desire, love and overwhelming need.

      Manda growled, lost in sensation, caught in the mental and physical loop between herself and Baylor. She was both of them, feeling everything each of them shared and unable to contain all that she felt, all that she was.

      Manda’s climax hit with amazing force at the same moment Bay’s wolven cock swelled and locked her body tightly to his. Her vaginal muscles stretched and adjusted and then clamped down on the hard masculine knot deep inside.

      Clenching and rippling over his length, aware of the rhythmic pulse of his ejaculation, the sharp scrape of his claws on her shoulders, Manda rolled with the powerful sensations. She whined when his teeth caught the sensitive skin behind her ear in a painful nip.

      Her nostrils flared with the musk of their mating. She drew the scent in deeply, filling her lungs full of its rich perfume. Her body trembled, shuddering over and over with the powerful jolts of orgasm. Caught up in the myriad sensations of their joining, Manda melded even more completely with Bay.

      Merging totally into the synapses within his mind, sensing his thoughts on an almost cellular level, she became one with her mate. Her body’s organs matched the pulsing rythm of his. The beat of his heart and the rush of his blood were hers. She felt the hard thrust of his cock from his perspective, her own rippling muscles holding him deep inside. She moaned with the pleasurable ache in his balls as if she were the one thrusting, the one aching…and then she shifted.

      Lying there in the sun-warmed grass, blond hair tangled about her shoulders and eyes half-closed, Manda hovered in that near perfect bliss after climax. Bay remained a wolf, his large body tied intimately to hers, his breath hot against her neck. Manda’s long hair tangled in his paws and his thoughts slipped easily into her mind.

      Human or wolf, you are mine. Always mine. I love you.

      “I know.” She turned her head and looked into his amazing amber eyes. Baylor’s eyes in the broad skull of the wolf. “As I love you.”

      His long tongue caressed her cheek. He shifted then, and they lay there in the warm sunshine, their bodies lax in the aftermath of another amazing orgasm.

      Manda stirred, but before she could sit up, Bay shifted once again and she lay beside the wolf. He scooted down between her legs and ran his long tongue over her sensitive tissues.

      Much more effective than a bath, don’t you think?

      She giggled with the sound of laughter in his silent voice, then stretched her long legs wide to give him better access. His tongue lapped at their combined fluids, and while he’d said his intention was merely to cleanse her from their lovemaking, his amazingly dexterous tongue managed to find her clit on every pass.

      Manda covered her mouth with her hand and clamped her teeth down on her palm, though she wasn’t sure if she was hiding giggles or screams. Already sensitive to his touch, her sex responded to his almost painful ministrations.

      Her entire being centered on the slow lick and sweep between her legs, on the wet, squishy sounds of his mobile tongue as he found every crease and licked every crevice of her wet and swollen sex.

      If he intended to cleanse her, it wasn’t going to be easy. She was wet again and growing wetter.
