Extreme Danger. Shannon McKenna. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shannon McKenna
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Mccloud Brothers Series
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758260109
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and wet her lips with her tongue. She would have smiled seductively and fluttered her eyelashes, but she didn’t have that much control over her face. She buzzed, thrummed, with something like euphoria. The lingering effect of the cabernet? A little unexpected bondage? Him?

      Him. Definitely.

      She stared, goggle-eyed, wondering where to start. Then again. Flaunting her naked body at him was a very good start. He did seem to have gotten the message.

      “Ah…” She swallowed again, hoping desperately that he’d take the lead.

      He pulled her toward him. She almost fell against his body.

      “Say yes,” he said hoarsely. Then he kissed her.

      To his amazement, she kissed him back.



      Her lips were so soft. Cool and silky, yielding to his maurauding kiss with a startled whimper. Delicious inside, sweet. Her tongue retreated from his. He coaxed it out of hiding with all his considerable skill.

      Her trembling body pressed against him. He wanted to jerk his pants down, shove her against the wall. The appetite for sex that had been numbed into mock death was roaring to life.

      At the worst possible time. But, he rationalized, they had the rest of the night. They were safe. He would keep her safe. Zhoglo and crew came in tomorrow…

      She flung her head back, gasping for air.

      Oh yeah. Foreplay. He was forgetting his manners. “Mmm,” he said thickly, nuzzling her damp ear, drawing her earlobe between his teeth. “I fucking love foreplay. How about you?”


      He shut her up with another kiss. He couldn’t explain anyway. She’d blundered into his stakeout. She was a deadly distraction, a massive, no-holds-barred fuck-up, but he didn’t care. He had to have this. Had to have her.

      She was going for it. And he couldn’t stop. His body, his hands, were dazzled by her body. She pushed all his buttons, all at once. He hugged her softness closer. Just this felt so good. He hadn’t touched anyone in so long. His arms ached to grab her. His whole body was starved for contact, not just his cock. His mouth wanted to search and lick and taste that smooth, cool damp skin, those sexy curves, succulent pointy tits, all puckered up and ready to be sucked. His hands roved, stroking and probing.

      “I love foreplay,” he repeated, nibbling her throat. “I want to lick you all over like candy. I want to leave no part untouched.”

      “Yes,” she quavered as his hand slid between her ass cheeks, parting them, sliding lower to touch the damp, narrow seam. “Talk to me. Tell me what—”

      “I want to lick you here, too.” He ran a finger across the plump folds of her pussy lips, caressing the inner ruffly bits, slick and wet already. He couldn’t wait to get her on her back, legs wide, so he could study every detail. “I’ll lap up your juice and then suck your clit till the well fills back up and I have to lick it all away again—”

      His voice choked off as she yanked his head back down and kissed him. Her clumsy ardor set off a bomb inside his chest. It was getting worse. He was going nuts, and he could not stop. Could. Not. Stop.

      He kissed her back, ravenously, and let her gulp up air while he nuzzled her ears again. “I want to slide my tongue between your pussy lips and lap at it, top to bottom,” he told her hoarsely. “Then I’ll fingerfuck you while I tease your clit with my tongue.”

      “Ohhh…” she whispered.

      “I’ll keep at you until your ass and your thighs are all slippery, and you’re gasping and moaning and shoving yourself against my mouth. Begging me to give you my cock.”

      She pulled away, breath jerking hard between her parted lips. Cheeks flushed bright, eyes dazzled. “Oh, my. That’s it.”

      “That’s what?” he demanded.

      “What I wanted,” she informed him. “What Justin wasn’t giving me.” She wedged her hand down between their clamped, trembling bodies, and fastened around his cock, squeezing through his cargo pants. “Oh, boy. This is, um, extreme. I might have known. Like everything else about you.”

      He groaned. “You don’t know jack about me, lady.”

      “I’m learning fast,” she offered. “You’re an inspiring teacher.”

      Her fingers tightened around his cock, and the next sound he made was a rasp of mingled pleasure and despair. “You’re trouble.”

      “Wow,” she murmured. “I always wanted to be.”

      He had to concentrate to keep from coming in his pants. The tender squeezing, the curious stroking, the ticklish butterfly pats, it was all driving him nuts.

      He’d always liked lots of fooling around first. He was generously endowed and he’d figured out from the start of his sex life that if he wanted the girl to like it and ask for more, he had to go slow and max out on the foreplay. This necessity had never weighed upon him, however, since wallowing in the juicy intricacies of womens’ bodies for hours was his idea of hog heaven.

      But if she kept petting, he was going to lose it and go at her like a wild boar in rut. He clamped his hand over hers and pried it off his cock for the moment. Then he slid his hand down into the silky wet fuzz on her mound.

      He teased his way inside the damp seam, swirling his finger around in her hot lube, like some slick, delicious oil. His thumb glided around her clit, searching for spots that made her shiver and moan, and thrust his finger right up into the tight clutch of her pussy.

      Her plush, cushiony cunt felt great, clenching and releasing with her upper thighs. Head thrown back, eyes closed, she looked even more beautiful.

      Need clawed at him, but she was too tight, too small. He had to make her come first, till she was boneless, limp, flooded with lube. That took time.

      And he was losing his mind, very pleasurably. Starting to forget why giving this red hot sex kitten screaming orgasms until the sun came up was not a great idea.

      Awareness of the danger only hours away lingered in the back of his mind, but she was about to come and he couldn’t stop himself for going for it. He could feel it building in her body, in her trembling lips, in her pussy, jerking against his hand—

      It hit, a glittering sugar rush of girl pleasure, throbbing through her and back through him by reflex. Her pussy tightened hard around his finger in ripples of warmth, licking and lapping over every nerve.

      They rocked together, heads cradled on each others’ shoulders. His nose nuzzled her wet hair. He felt her sharp teeth against his shoulder and a hot, wet stroke from her pink tongue. That was it. He hoped to God she was ready, because he sure as hell was.

      He jerked his pants down, let his cock spring up against her belly, raring to go. He gripped her ass cheeks and hoisted her up against the wall, tilting his hips for the plunge—

      “Do you, um, have any condoms?”

      The reasonable question penetrated the fog of lust in his head like a fine needle. Sharp and irritating, poking him.

      “Huh?” He shook his head, confused. “What the fuck…?”

      “Looked like you were going for it. Gotta have protection, right?” She licked a sheen of sweat from her upper lip. Her mouth was flushed, blurred from his kissing.

      “I don’t have one.”

      Her eyes fluttered. “Oh. That’s, ah, bad. So I guess we can’t, then. I guess I thought you’d just, ah, pull some latex out of a hat.”

      Frustration built up inside him. “Do I look like I’m wearing a fucking hat?”

      She winced. “Figure of speech. Can’t we do some of those other great things