Cool Like That: A So For Real Novel. Nikki Carter. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nikki Carter
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758259936
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a little confused too, so Rashad leads the way.

      “It might take a while for our luggage to unload,” Rashad says. “Depending on the airline, it can be kinda slow.”

      “You travel a lot?” I ask.

      “Yeah. My dad is the head lawyer for an export company that does a lot of trade overseas. I’ve been to Europe, China, and most recently Dubai. But we come to New York more than anything.”

      “Sounds exciting,” I say. “I’ve never been out of the country, unless Canada counts. I’ve been to Niagara Falls on a church bus trip.”

      “Canada is another country,” Ricky says.

      Rashad smiles at me and brushes my long cornrows back. “Technically, you’re international, Princess.”

      Ricky rolls his eyes and frowns. And with good reason now. Rashad is seriously moving in on his territory, and he’s bold with it too. His swagger is sick!

      “Here come the bags!” I say. I’m totally happy for the diversion.

      Thank God, our suitcases come up quickly. I had a little bit of anxiety about my luggage getting lost. That was a direct result of my mom’s brainwashing. Gwen made me put a whole set of clothes in my carry-on bag in case my suitcase disappeared and I had to wait days to get my stuff.

      Ricky grabs my bag off the belt. “Gia, here’s your bag. You are straight tripping with the amount of stuff you have in here.”

      “A princess has got to look the part, right?” Rashad asks.

      I’m dead, y’all. I just rolled over on the floor and died! Rashad is really trying to start some drama.

      Ricky gives Rashad some tight-lipped side eye. Jesus, be a let’s all just get along fence around me. And Ricky.

      There’s a man holding up a sign that says “Columbia Summer Program.” He must be our ride.

      “I think that guy over there is waiting for us,” I say.

      “He is,” Rashad says. “They try to time the shuttles so they get a van full of us every time.”

      We make our way over to the van driver, and he shows us to a long white van that’s already full of kids. I feel my stomach jump a little. It’s starting! My summer of fun is starting right now!

      When we get on the van, everyone cheers. I’m guessing it’s for Rashad, because they don’t know me and Ricky yet. I mean, once they do get to know me, there will be cheering when I step up in the place. Okay, maybe not, but whateva to you and your hateration.

      A very pretty, thick brown girl with a head full of curls looks Ricky up and down. “You’re new. And a cutie. I’m Sienna.”

      I look at Ricky with my lips totally twisted. I want to see how he responds to this because this is going to determine the course of the summer, for real.

      He grins extra hard and says, “I’m Ricky Freeman. Thanks, you’re cute too.”

      YOU’RE CUTE TOO!!!!!!

      Let me take a deep inhale and exhale before I explode on this boy. I know he feels pressed and all about Rashad, but this is full-fledged flirting. While Rashad was openly flirting with me, I totally danced around any real flirtations myself. Ricky is trying to catch a beat-down.

      Sienna says, “Too bad for you, I have a boyfriend who lives in New York, so you’ll just have to gaze upon this cuteness, wishing you were my boo.”

      Ricky laughs. “I guess I’ll just have to live with that.”

      Sienna giggles and turns her attention to me. “What’s your name? Love your braids. Is that your real hair?”

      I force myself to reply, “I’m Gia. Yeah, it’s my real hair.”

      “That’s hot.”

      I feel my icy glare melt away. Sienna is truly friendly, and of course she has no idea about the history I have with Ricky.

      Sienna leans up over her row in the van and gives Rashad a hug around his neck. “What’s up, Rashad! It’s gonna be crazy when we go to college and don’t get to see each other in the summers anymore.”

      “I know, right! That’s why we have to have a blast this year,” Rashad says. “I don’t know if I’m coming next summer. Might try to do some stuff at home with my friends and enjoy the end of my senior year.”

      “I’ll be here next summer because my boyfriend lives in New York! I’ll probably go to college here too,” Sienna says.

      After a few more kids pile into the van, we pull away from the airport. Finally, I get to see New York, even if it is through the windows of the van.

      “So are you still gonna do spoken-word stuff this summer, Rashad?” Sienna asks.

      Rashad replies, “If I get the opportunity. There are a few new spots I want to check out over in Harlem. My boy Leo hipped me to them.”

      I listen to their conversation intently, trying to learn more about Rashad. One thing I’ve noticed off the bat is that he hasn’t called Sienna a princess yet. He told me he says that to all the girls. I’m thinking not.

      His confidence is off the chain though. I love how his body movements go with what he’s sayng. He’s so animated it looks like the beginnings of a dance routine when he really gets going.

      I see Ricky checking out Rashad too, like he’s scoping out his competition. But it was Ricky’s idea to have this whole “crush on hold” thing going on. So he can’t be mad at me if I’m enjoying some attention. Can he?

      Yeah, I was extra heated when I thought Sienna was pushing up on Ricky. I think that was just some kind of instinct though. Maybe Ricky has the same kind of thing going on. I don’t know.

      “We’re here!” Sienna squeals.

      The van driver drops us off in front of a large building. He helps us unpack our bags and leaves us to fend for ourselves. Thankfully, there are a lot of kids out here, and we’ve got Rashad and Sienna to show us where we need to go.

      “This is Lerner Hall,” Rashad explains. “This is where we sign in and get our rooming assignments.”

      “It’s also the hangout spot!” Sienna says.

      Rashad nods in agreement. “Yep. There’s a cool restaurant on the upstairs level that stays open late. It’s where everybody goes to hang on campus.”

      “Off campus is another matter entirely! We can go to the artsy spots in Harlem, some jumpin’ teen spots in the Bronx and Brooklyn, or the VIP joints that pop in Manhattan,” Sienna says.

      It sounds like Sienna really knows something about how to par-tay! I’m gonna have to limit my kicking-it time with her. Shoot, I know I’m all the way in New York, but Gwen’s mess radar can cross state lines.

      Yep, I am one hundred percent afraid of what my mother would do if she heard about me partying VIP style in Manhattan. Can anyone spell B-E-A-T-D-O-W-N? My mama does not play.

      Ricky tries to grab my suitcase for me to take it into Lerner Hall. How sweet and cavemanly of him.

      “I’ve got it, Ricky,” I say. “Thanks for helping me, but you’ve got to get your own stuff. I can handle mine.”

      Rashad breezes past us to meet up with some other people he probably knows from the previous summers. I watch as he hugs girls and guys alike, and I feel a little jealous that I’m not already in their clique.

      “Are you coming, Princess?” Ricky asks.

      I laugh out loud. “Is somebody hating? All you had to do was let Rashad know I’m your girl.”

      “I’m not pressed. Dude is lame anyway, with that chick hair hanging down his back. Looking like Simba from The Lion King.” Ricky waves his