Daring The Moon. Sherrill Quinn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherrill Quinn
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758256690
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eyes seemed to see right through her….

      Declan was correct from the standpoint that she had other things to worry about. A stray encounter with a wolf was nothing compared to the almost daily harassment she received at the hands of the stalker. The phone calls that were getting more and more threatening, the continuous gifts that, as ordinary and even romantic as they were, served to make her skin crawl.

      Declan let go of her hand and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer in a hug. “Let’s enjoy the party, okay? Forget about wolves and stalkers for a few hours.” He gave her another squeeze and then, with a hand at the small of her back, let her precede him into the house.

      Luis greeted them right away, pulling Taite into his arms for a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. He and Declan shook hands, Luis with one hand on Declan’s shoulder. “Come in, come in. Mi casa es su casa.” He motioned to a server, who brought over a tray of champagne.

      They each took a glass, and Luis toasted, “To friends.”

      “To friends.” Taite smiled at Declan, grateful to have him for a friend, especially during this time in her life. He was a former special forces commando with the Royal Marines who had gotten involved in one of her cases five years ago. They’d immediately clicked. He was like the older brother she’d never had, though she usually told him he was the older brother she’d never wanted. Still, their relationship was more that of siblings, and she wouldn’t trade it for anything.

      He put up with her crap and watched out for her like family. Which sometimes got a little tiring, especially since he tended to drive off her dates. Not that he wanted her that way. Nor she him. She suppressed a shudder at the thought. Declan was a sexy, virile man, but it would feel like incest.

      Luis patted her on the shoulder and went off to greet another arrival. Over the next several hours, she talked with friends and coworkers, Declan never leaving her side, seeming the ever-attentive date. And of course he charmed the socks off the men and the panties off the women. He was the kind of man many of the men there wanted to be, and the kind of man most of the women just plain wanted.

      At midnight, she linked her arm through Declan’s. Going up on tiptoe, she whispered in his ear, “I’m beat. Are you ready to go?” He wasn’t much of a party hound, so she figured he was past ready.

      He nodded. “Aye, lass, that I am.”

      “Let’s go say good-bye to Luis, then.” She wound her way through the crowd, Declan at her heels. When they approached Luis, she saw John standing off to the side on the other side of the room, his date on his arm, his gaze steady as he tracked Declan’s progress behind her.

      “Luis, we’re going to go.” Taite pressed a kiss against her boss’s swarthy cheek. “Thanks so much—we had a great time.”

      “I’m glad you came, chica. And you, too, Declan.” He shook hands with her fake date and looked back at Taite. “See you on Monday?”

      “You bet.” Seeing that John still watched them, she waved at him, then she and Declan walked toward the front door.

      “You leaving without saying good-bye?” John’s voice came from behind them.

      Taite stopped. Taking a deep breath, she turned with a smile. “John. You looked tied up.”

      He lifted his chin. His gaze cut to Declan. John held out his hand in greeting and Declan took it.

      Taite raised her eyebrows at seeing the men’s hands turning red, their knuckles shining white, each refusing to release his grip first. She put her hands on her hips. “Shall I get out a ruler, boys?”

      John gave a self-deprecating laugh and let go of Declan’s hand. “Sorry. Just wanted to see what your date’s made of.”

      “Flesh and blood, just like you.” Declan flexed his fingers and tucked his hand into his pants pocket.

      “Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that.” John’s grin widened. He wore affability like a politician, but a spiteful smirk lurked beneath his placid expression. “After all, you are Irish.”

      Declan stiffened.

      Taite tensed, too. She didn’t think Declan would do anything, but he did have the ability to kill a man with his bare hands. If John was his usual snide self, he might just tempt Declan’s control.

      “Hey, just kidding, man. Lighten up—it’s a party.” John clapped him on the shoulder and shot a grin at Taite. “I hope you’re treating my girl here all right. She deserves the best.”

      “Aye. She does.” Declan put his arm around her waist and pulled her close for a one-armed hug. “An’ I don’t think she has any cause for complaint with me.” His brogue was stronger now, either through irritation or, knowing Declan, on purpose to exaggerate his Irish heritage.

      John’s lips thinned and anger flared in his eyes for a moment. Then he gave a rueful laugh and shook his head. “Well, you obviously have something I don’t. Good for you.” He looked at Taite and shrugged. “Can’t blame a guy for knowing what he’s missing and being a little pissed off because of it. Can you, sweet thing?”

      She wasn’t quite sure how to respond. She muttered a lame, “I suppose not,” and glanced at Declan, who gave a small shrug. Taite decided to get while the getting was good. “Come on, Declan. Let’s go.”

      He tilted his elbow up, inviting her to put her hand in the crook of his arm, which she did. She said good-bye to John and left the house with her “date.”

      Taite curled her fingers around Declan’s arm, giving him a light squeeze. After walking in companionable silence for a few minutes, she said, “I’m so sorry. I thought he might be a little clingy, but that ‘you’re Irish’ potshot was below the belt. I had no idea he’d be so obnoxious.”

      “Aye, he is at that. I can see why you stopped seein’ him. He’s a prick.”

      She couldn’t disagree. “Now you know why I asked you to be my date tonight.” She started to say more, but something from the corner of her eye caught her attention.

      A blur of movement, a brief shifting of shadows.

      Taite gasped and turned her head to look deeper into the blackness of the desert night.

      “What is it?” Declan leaned forward, peering around her.

      She held her breath, her gaze searching the dark. Another movement, a hulking dark shape moving within the deeper shadows…God, it couldn’t be.

      Not another wolf.

      “Let’s just get in the car.” She hurried the last few feet and waited impatiently for him to unlock the Mustang. As soon as she heard the lock click up, she yanked open the door and climbed in.

      Declan got in the driver’s side and slowly pulled the door closed. “What’s wrong with you? You’re jumpier than a spooked cat.”

      “I thought I saw something.”

      He started the car. When he flipped on the headlights, the beam shone onto a large wolf standing in front of the vehicle.

      “Oh, my God.” Taite clutched his shoulder. “Look!”

      The wolf lifted its lips in a snarl and laid its ears flat against its head. One ear was white-tipped. With a chunk missing from its outer edge.

      Her skin went cold. “That’s the same wolf.”

      “Oh, come on, darlin’. How could it be?”

      “I’m telling you, it’s the same one.” As she stared at it, her mind told her it couldn’t possibly be the same wolf—yet what were the odds of two wolves having that same ear?

      The animal stretched, its rump in the air. Shadows playing tricks, it seemed to elongate and grow larger. It stood upright, as tall as a man yet with the head and body of a wolf.

      Taite cried