Eight Inches. Sean Wolfe Fay. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sean Wolfe Fay
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758248404
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and climbed into bed stark-assed naked. Carlos lay on top of the comforter, fully dressed, and stared at the ceiling until sunrise.


      Carlos had been careless, but he didn’t realize it until it was too late. The man had driven around the block at least three times, moving slower each time as he passed Carlos and Ricky, then speeding up as he turned the corner to come around again. After the third time, Carlos didn’t see him again and thought he’d kept going.

      Then Carlos noticed the man walking toward him. Every hustler on the street tried to get his attention. He was obviously rich and obviously interested in purchased sex. The man brushed the others aside thoughtlessly and walked directly to Carlos.

      “Would you be interested in spending the evening with me?”

      It was the most direct approach Carlos had ever heard. He looked at Ricky, who just shrugged his shoulders.

      “Well…” Carlos said.

      “I’ll pay you a thousand dollars.”

      “He’s interested,” Ricky screamed, and pushed Carlos toward the man.

      “Good. This way, please,” the man said, and turned to walk back down the street where he’d parked his car.

      Carlos followed him, looking back over his shoulders at Ricky every five steps or so. Several of the other hustlers were throwing him nasty looks and giving him catcalls. He dismissed them and wondered why anyone would pay a thousand dollars when he could easily get it for fifty. But when the door to the Rolls Royce opened and Carlos was eased into a luxurious backseat with full bar, TV, and stereo, he no longer cared. He was in a dreamworld, and he didn’t care why.

      They drove for almost an hour, and when they left the city limits heading into the Oakland hills, Carlos began to get nervous.

      “Hey, where are we going?”

      “Don’t worry, kid. I live out here.”

      “Ever hear of hotels?” Carlos asked.

      “Don’t like them. Besides, they don’t carry the equipment I like.”


      “Yes. I like it rough. Slings, whips, leather.”

      “Oh.” Carlos had dealt with this kind before and his experience was good. The older men who liked to be tied up and beaten by young, leather-clad boys were usually pretty strange, but harmless. For a thousand dollars Carlos was willing to play along, even if it meant driving to Sacramento, a couple of hours away.

      They pulled into a driveway the size of Interstate 50, and when they stopped in front of the giant brick mansion, Carlos gasped loudly. The next second he felt a sharp pain in the base of his neck, and the world went black.

      When he came to he was in a dark room. His clothes had been removed and he was dressed in a spiked leather vest and chaps. There was a whip behind him. He wore no underwear, and his limp cock was sticking through the hole in front of the chaps. His bare ass felt cold on the concrete floor.

      Carlos jumped up and quickly looked around the room. There were chained shackles drilled into the wall. A four-poster bed equipped with handcuffs. From the ceiling there hung a giant leather sling. Tied inside it was a young boy no older than Carlos, possibly even younger. He was blond, thin, and small. He was also naked. A long, thin leather strap resembling a shoestring was his only accessory. It wrapped itself around his cock several times and made a V up to his neck, where it was tied in the back.

      “Welcome back,” came a voice through an overhead speaker.

      “What’s going on here?” Carlos yelled. “Where the fuck am I?”

      “Why, you’re at my house, of course.” This was not the voice of the man he’d spoken to earlier. This voice was deeper, and had a thick Latino accent.

      “Hey, man, this was not part of the deal,” Carlos said, trying to see where the voice was coming from. The room was too dark. He couldn’t see anything beyond the kid in the sling.

      “The only deal was that I would pay you a thousand dollars to spend the evening with me. When you wake up tomorrow morning you will find ten one-hundred-dollar bills in your jeans pocket. You will be sore, but healthy. You will be exactly where I picked you up tonight, and you will not say a word about what happened here to anyone. I will live up to my end of the deal, and you will live up to yours. The measure of a man is in his integrity, my sexy little amigo. In his integrity and nowhere else. I expect much integrity from you.”

      “I never agreed to this, you sadistic son of a bitch.” Carlos was surprised to hear himself talking like this. It was amazing how much he’d picked up from the streets in only a few short months.

      “Not yet. But you will. Now, enough talk. I want you to teach this young man a lesson. He’s been very bad and I want you to discipline him. The whip at your feet is only somewhat sufficient. He only responds completely to the whip hanging between your legs. Now, discipline him, amigo.”

      “I won’t hit this kid with any whip. And I’m definitely not going to fuck him, either. He’s just a kid, for crying out loud.”

      “You will do it, boy, and you will make him beg you to stop. You will make him cry.”

      “No, I won’t,” Carlos said stubbornly.

      “You will, or you will switch places with the boy, and believe me, he will not hesitate to cooperate with us. Now pick up the damned whip and get to work.”

      Carlos picked up the whip and walked over to the young boy. He bent down and whispered into the kid’s ear.

      “How can we get out of here?” he asked.

      “You can’t. Just do what they tell you. Be careful with the whip though, it can leave scars if you hit too hard. But feel free to fuck me as hard as you want. I can take it.”

      “You want me to go along with this?” Carlos was astounded.

      “Yes. It’s not as bad as it looks, as long as you don’t get carried away with the whip. To tell you the truth, it’s kinda fun.”

      Carlos stood up straight, amazed at what he was hearing.

      “Enough talking!” came the voice again. The accent seemed a bit thicker to Carlos. “Get to work.”

      “Are you sure?” Carlos asked the young boy again, quietly.

      “Yes. Punish me, and do a lot of talking. He likes that.”

      Carlos picked up the whip and cracked it in the air a couple of times, a trick he’d learned from earlier S&M encounters. He walked around the sling once or twice, then brought the whip down gently across the boy’s exposed ass.

      “Why did you do it?” Carlos inquired.

      “I didn’t do it, sir.”

      “Don’t lie to me,” Carlos yelled, and cracked the whip into the air again. The boy’s ass was already turning pink after only one slap, and Carlos was worried he might hurt him. The boy, however, showed no concern, so Carlos continued.

      “You know what your punishment is for this crime, don’t you?” Carlos teased.

      “No, please,” the boy begged.

      Carlos walked up behind the boy. His cock hung limp in front of the kid’s face.

      “Suck it!”

      The boy began to lick the big dick. It didn’t take long for Carlos’ cock to harden, and when it did, the boy wrapped his lips tightly around the head and sucked. Carlos began to push his cock in and out of the wet mouth. His dick became fat and hard, and grew to its full eight inches in only a couple of minutes.

      The boy opened his mouth hungrily and swallowed the entire length. Carlos pumped faster and harder, and the boy sucked