Full Circle. Michael Thomas Ford. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael Thomas Ford
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758242846
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sure it’s every bit as difficult being outside the norm as it was when Jack and I were 15, but at least they have access to information. At least they, most of them, know that they are not alone in the world. For myself and Jack, it was like waking up and finding everyone else gone. We had no idea who or what we were, and had to find our way on our own.

      We didn’t call ourselves gay. We didn’t call ourselves anything. We were just two boys who loved one another. We didn’t have Elton John, Harvey Fierstein, or Rupert Everett to show us what we could be. We didn’t have Will & Grace or Queer as Folk to reflect our lives (however one-sided those portrayals may be). We didn’t have Falcon Video or Honcho to show us what men did with one another in bed. We had only one another.

      The sex part we muddled through as best we could. Boys are nothing if not resourceful beasts, and we figured out quickly what felt good and did it often. Stroking turned to licking, and then to sucking. Hesitant at first, we quickly overcame our inhibitions about taking one another in our mouths. Because our lovemaking was done mostly late at night, with our parents asleep a room or two away, we were restrained in displaying our excitement, muffling our groans in pillows and coming with silent exaltation.

      We turned 16 in August, spent our second summer on Treasure Island (where Jack was inducted into the Order of the Arrow and we celebrated by jacking off on top of the observation tower at Yoder’s Lookout), and a month later returned to school as sophomores. Understanding that camouflaging ourselves was a necessary course of action, we continued to date girls. This was more important for Jack than it was for me, as his popularity had grown exponentially and he was now, among other things, captain of the football team and vice-president of the student body. While I was far from being on the lowest rung of high school society, my positions as newspaper editor and first trumpet in the band were not in the same league as Jack’s.

      Jack was better than I at mimicking enthusiasm for the fairer sex. Where my dates rarely went beyond kissing, with perhaps a hint of tongue or a hand on a breast, Jack felt that both keeping our cover and his reputation required more of him. Accordingly, he occasionally allowed a girl to go down on him, and several times went all the way when a girl was particularly insistent and he needed a good story to tell the guys in the locker room.

      Rather than envy these girls, I was thankful to them. Not only did they help Jack and me keep our relationship a secret, they provided us with ideas for our own times together. We owed a particular debt to one Margaret Alice O’Leary, fourth daughter of our town’s chief of police. Jack’s time with Margaret Alice culminated at the school’s annual Halloween Dance, to which Jack went dressed as Tarzan. Margaret Alice, showing little imagination, came attired as a nun in an actual habit that had once belonged to her aunt, Sister Patrick Theresa, a resident of the Convent of Divine Love in Philadelphia, where she spent day and night in prayer and adoration of the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Virgin Mary.

      All of the O’Leary girls were good Catholics, and Margaret Alice, being the second-to-youngest, had learned much from her older sisters. After the dance, while making out in the front seat of the car Jack had borrowed from his parents for the evening, she lifted her habit and suggested that Jack do something that had hitherto never occurred to him.

      “She said if we did it that way, she would still be a virgin and it wouldn’t be a sin,” he explained to me later that night, after dropping Margaret Alice off and joining me in my bedroom.

      “Did you do it?” I asked him, still doubtful about the feasibility of Margaret Alice’s suggestion.

      Jack shook his head. “I told her I had too much respect for her and wanted to wait.”

      “And she believed you?”

      “I’m invited to her house for dinner on Sunday,” said Jack. “After they go to mass. She says her mother will love me, even if I’m not Catholic. So, do you want to try it?”

      “Try what?” I said.

      “You know,” Jack replied. “What Margaret Alice wanted to do.”

      “Do you think we can?” I asked. “I mean, can you actually put something up there?”

      “Margaret Alice is a lot smaller than we are, and she was ready to do it.”

      “Yeah, but girls are built different,” I countered. “Maybe they’re, I don’t know, bigger back there or something.”

      “Come on,” Jack said, already taking his pants off. “We won’t know until we try it.”

      Reluctantly, I got undressed. My parents were out for the evening and not expected home until late, so with the fear of discovery gone we could be less cautious. Soon we were both naked.

      “How do we do it?” I asked Jack.

      “Get on your stomach,” Jack suggested.

      “Me?” I said. “Why not you?”

      “It was my idea,” Jack answered. “You can go next. I promise.”

      Knowing it was useless to argue, I lay on the bed while Jack got on top of me. I felt him push his dick between the cheeks of my ass.

      “I guess I just put it in,” he said, thrusting forward.

      Nothing happened.

      “What’s wrong?” I asked.

      “It’s really tight,” said Jack. “I can’t get it in. Maybe if I push harder.”

      He tried. My resulting cry caused him to make a hasty retreat.

      “Did it hurt?” he inquired.

      “I don’t know about Catholic girls,” I said, “but you’re not getting that thing in me.”

      “Okay, okay,” Jack said, trying to calm me down. “Let’s try again. This time I’ll do it really slowly. I know with girls sometimes you can’t stick it in right away. You have to kind of loosen them up first.”

      “I’m not a girl,” I shot back, using the line he’d once used on me.

      “I know,” said Jack. “But let’s just try it again.”

      I turned over again and once more Jack positioned himself between my legs. Again I felt him prodding me. I held my breath as he entered me, a little at a time. It still hurt, but it wasn’t the searing pain it had been the first time. Still, it burned.

      “It’s really dry,” Jack said, pulling out. “We need something to make it wet.”

      He spit into his palm, and I heard him rub it into his skin. But when he tried to re-enter me, it hurt too much and I told him to stop.

      “What about butter?” Jack suggested. “That’s oily.”

      “We use Parkay,” I said. “Besides, my mom would notice if that much was gone.” I thought for a minute. “I know. What about Vaseline? There’s some in the medicine chest in the bathroom. We hardly ever use it, so it won’t matter if some is gone.”

      Jack hopped off the bed and ran down the hallway to the bathroom. He returned a moment later with the jar of Vaseline in his hand. Taking the lid off, he scooped some out and applied it to his dick.

      “Man, this stuff is slippery,” he said appreciatively. “If this doesn’t work, nothing will.”

      It did work. Not perfectly, but it worked. After much pushing and pausing, advancing a little bit at a time as I told him it was okay, he managed to get himself all the way inside me.

      “Are you okay?” he asked, lying on my back with his mouth beside my ear.

      “Yeah,” I said. “It feels weird, but it’s okay, I guess.”

      “Weird how?” Jack asked as he tried pumping his hips. “Weird like it hurts?”

      “No,” I answered. “More like I’m going to…” I hesitated, not wanting to say what it felt like.

      “Going to what?”