The Tortoise in Asia. Tony Grey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tony Grey
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780861969203
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He owes his office to a profound knowledge of the Avesta text.

      “Noble Sire, Ahura Mazda, the one god of the universe, commands us to combat Evil wherever it is found. It is here, now, in our ancestral land. Our holy prophet, Zoroaster, bless his name,” (the assembly mumbles a repetition) “requires constant vigilance in the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness. These Romans, these devils who worship nothing more evolved than images of humans in the sky, come to our country as emissaries of the Evil One. They must be expelled at all costs.

      “We cannot endure foreign armies on our sacred soil, especially this one. No loss is too great for us to suffer in expelling them, no horror too cruel; death in this just struggle is a noble sacrifice that Ahura Mazda will reward at the time of judgement.

      “The Romans are disrespectful of our culture. They eat our crops and degrade our women. Their air of superiority and intention to dominate the world are an abomination. We must mount a holy war against these people who seek to pollute the purity of our ways. Sire, you must, in the name of the Avesta, give Commander Surena what he asks for.”

      As the nobles and priests nod their heads, Orodes shifts on his cushion and grimaces. The only sensible choice is to cave in; not a good time to brook opposition in the Court, especially since Mithridates’ insurrection shows he doesn’t have universal support.

      “All right, Surena, you shall have your five thousand. War it is. But see to it that you expel the hated invaders. We are tired of these discussions now; they bore us. You are all dismissed.”

      It would have been better if the King had volunteered more troops, but the outcome is acceptable – war will be declared and he has another five thousand men. More fruitless negotiations will be avoided and his hatred of the Romans, greater even than the old priest’s, will be given full rein.

      Hatred and its sibling, anger, are a constant in his psyche – flaring up especially whenever that feeble man on the throne comes to mind, when he, eminently more qualified and from a family just as exalted, is relegated to second place. Spiced with cruelty, they’re nourishment for him, generating energy to excel in every competitive action. They justify a sense of entitlement and naturally lead to demands for obedience and hard work from others without any requirement for gratitude.

      The feeling keeps him alert, ready to counter threats which can emerge at any time out of the toxic intrigues at Court. People however acknowledge that his patriotism is genuine, drives him to prodigious efforts on behalf of his fellow countrymen. He’s a good man for war, more than good; he’s one of the best generals the Parthians have ever produced. His restless personality suits mobile warfare, his specialty as the Parthians rely on cavalry not infantry. Provoking change and doing the unexpected are as natural to him as galloping is to a horse. And what exhilaration it is to catch the enemy wrong footed. A hungry lion can’t spot and exploit a weakness more mercilessly. He enjoys a respect bordering on adulation from his troops, although nothing approaching affection. He’s more a weapon than a human being.

      The King rises suddenly and exits quickly through a door next to the throne, followed by the pages, struggling to keep up. There’s no point being slow about it. What a relief the proceedings are over. He’s ready for a break with his musicians and dancers, particularly that luscious one from the Zagros Mountains. Thankfully, the prospect of carnal pleasures for the rest of the day is enough to erase the distaste of having to deal with that obnoxious general. Some of the strong wine from Shiraz – maybe more than usual today, will help too.

      Later he’ll give the order to Versaces to get his troops ready for the Armenian invasion. It’s a good plan, with the sort of deviousness that appeals to him, and ought to deal with the Surena threat, even if the dreadful man has a few more troops. On the way out he feels mellow again, mellow enough to think about what reward he should give Versaces for success. He can be generous when pleased, noted for it. It makes up, at least in part, for the less admirable aspects of his character.

      As soon as Orodes departs, the nobles and priests file out of the hall through the massive front doors, calmed down now that a clear and credible strategy has been adopted. The Supreme Magus was good today, a hard man for a spiritual leader but strong in a crisis. The King looked wobbly until he brought religion into it. All have unbounded faith in Surena and his well trained troops, thankful he’s there to save the nation so they don’t have to rely on Orodes. Let the King have his harmless indulgences as long as order is kept under him and a competent military commander does the fighting.

      Surena stays behind, not mixing with the others. He wants to be alone for a moment to collect his thoughts. The King’s decision was satisfactory, even though it didn’t go as far as he would like. But what a cretin! He was going to refuse any more troops until the old priest intervened, and for such a frivolous reason – building another palace while the country was being invaded! It was almost impossible to be civil to him. That such a man should be on the throne is a travesty. He himself should be there. The sense of injustice that he isn’t boils his heart, heats an anger that he can’t hold in. At the top of his voice, not caring who might hear, he shouts into the empty hall.

      “Why, just because he’s king do I have to ignore his faults, suspend my judgement of his stupidity? Why do I have to extol virtues that don’t exist? No virtues whatever are there, none, none, none.”

      He leaves in a foul humour and rides immediately to the army which is encamped outside the city. After calling the senior officers together, he gruffly orders them to incorporate the reinforcements. They’ve seen him in bad moods before so say nothing and merely go off to carry out the command. Secretly he’s already made the selections, counting on getting the authority. Putting the finishing touches on that was the real reason why he was late for the conference.


      As soon as the new recruits are equipped, they link up with the main body. Fifteen thousand Parthians plus a few thousand allies begin the march towards Carrhae, a small town several days north east of the Euphrates as it approaches Armenia. It’s not far from the Road. There, he’ll wait for Crassus, for he’s sure the Roman general will continue his march east of the river. He has a plan to make certain of it.

      The troops make fast progress since they’re all skilled horsemen, trained to ride on the open grasslands since childhood, hardy and at one with their mounts. There’s no infantry to slow them down. He rides by himself, deep in thought, working out, rejecting, working out again surprises to spring on the enemy. This is the biggest challenge of his career; he must not fail. The whole nation’s survival rests on him, him alone, on his creativity, his ingenuity. To overcome this enemy, with its numerical superiority, he’s got to be unpredictable, even quirky. He’s up to it, no question – never known defeat. This will not be, determinably not be, the first one. Even so, though hard to admit and never to anyone else, the odds are against him.

      As he always does for his campaigns, he brings two hundred chariots filled with concubines. Special agents are charged with scouring the Empire for the prettiest. Freshness is assured by continual replacement. The current favourite is Daka, a sloe-eyed beauty from Tabriz

      Bringing so many on campaign is an indulgence politely ignored by the Supreme Magus and his entourage of priests which accompanies the army. The sacerdotal presence is required to convince the pious troops that Ahura Mazda is on their side. They need to be reminded that the single god is a far more powerful force than the disparate and often quarrelsome pantheon of the Romans. Besides, just before the battle, the priests will deliver the divine message that sacrifice of life in the name of the one true god will ensure a place in Paradise.

      Given the dire circumstances they’re in, the men can use a spiritual lift to animate to the fullest their natural desire to rid their homeland of the foreign infidels. These agents of the Evil One are reputed to be the best soldiers in the world; moreover they’re more numerous. They’ll test the power of Ahura Mazda as never before; it’ll be a primal contest between Light and Dark.

      At the end of the day’s march, which accomplished a good part of the distance to Carrhae, he calls Sillaces, his Second in Command, to the headquarters tent.

      “Sillaces, here’s the strategy. After