Savage Skies. Graham Guy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Graham Guy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780994248343
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      Katie opened her arms. “Weeeell! So he’s finally coming?”

      “What do you think?” Gabe put in.

      “Should be fun.”

      “Won’t be too much fun if the bastard pisses off with her.”

      Katie looked at her husband. “We can’t expect to keep her forever, dear. But I reckon no matter what happens, however it turns out, she’ll convince him to come back here.”

      “Yeah, maybe,” Gabe said, running his fingers through his hair.

      “You know he asked me if we had a passport.”

      “So where’s he want to go?” Katie raised her eyebrows.

      “Don’t know, dear, but I think you better brace yourself. We might have to get on an aeroplane.”

      “Yeah! Pig’s arse!” Gabe responded.

      Katie put her hand to her husband’s face and giggled. “You will,” she told him. “I’m not too worried about you.”

      Gabe knew Katie was right. He just liked to make a bit of noise about it. “You really reckon those two buggers might live here?” he asked.

      “You told him once you’d like to build a house for him. If my gut instinct is correct, I’d suggest you start giving the matter a bit of serious thought.”

      Gabe shot a glance at his wife. “Really?”

      “Trust me. I’m a woman, I know about these things.” Katie smiled as she left his side to return to the house.

      * * *

      For Kazumi, the next few hours seemed like a week. Finally McLoughlin’s XR8 entered the driveway. Kazumi wanted to race out and meet him. But a sudden rash of shyness overcame her. So it was with much hesitancy she approached his vehicle. Katie and the others watched from inside.

      McLoughlin had brought his car to a halt, climbed out and was leaning back against the driver’s side door. He watched Kazumi approach. Slowly she walked towards him, her head bowed, and her eyes too afraid to look up. McLoughlin knew he’d have to make light of the moment.

      “Oh hello! I think I’m a little lost. I’m trying to find a Miss Katie’s Place and a little sheila by the name of Kazumi…?”

      Kazumi stopped dead in her stride. By now she was only a few metres away.

      “Do I get a smile?” he asked softly.

      Kazumi’s eyes finally lifted. Tears flowed down her cheeks. “Sergeant Ken…” she tried to begin.

      “Come here.” McLoughlin beckoned, opening his arms.

      Kazumi lunged forward, throwing her arms around him. “Oh Sergeant Ken, you come like you say,” she cried.

      McLoughlin held her in the embrace until he felt her settle a little. Then he held her at arm’s length.

      “Hi,” He smiled.

      But Kazumi was still too overcome to speak. Finally, “Sergeant Ken, Miss Katie. She say…”

      McLoughlin put his hand across her lips. “It’s OK. I’ve already checked with your Miss Katie. She said we could spend some time together.”

      Kazumi’s face lit up. “She say that?”

      McLoughlin moved his hands to cup her face. “She say that.”

      Gabe suddenly burst through the front door. “That’s enough of all that!” he bellowed. “Jesus Christ! Look who’s here!” He grabbed McLoughlin in a bear hug then shook his hand vigorously. “Get a bit way-laid old son?”

      McLoughlin tilted his head to the side and gave a slight shrug of one shoulder in a movement that meant, par for the course. “Boss called me into the office in Melbourne,” he said. “Anyway. How the hell are you?” he beamed. “Katie?” Turning from Gabe to give his wife a hug. “And the little scrubbers?” he laughed, reaching out to the children. Over the tops of their heads, he could see Mrs Cropp. She held out her hand to him.

      “Lovely to see you again. I only hope you brought some soap and water to wash this boy’s mouth out. I do declare!”

      Gabe cut in. “Christ, the poor bugger’s only just got here and already she’s started…”

      “I see nothing’s changed with you two?” McLoughlin jested.

      “Come in, come in,” Katie said warmly.

      The policeman put his arm lightly around Kazumi’s shoulders as everyone made their way inside.

      * * *

      Gabe didn’t return to the shearing shed that afternoon, preferring instead to let the hired help take care of things. Darkness fell before there was any degree of take-up in the conversations. Kazumi was up and down from her seat all during the period checking on the evening meal. Katie proudly showed off her new dress and the girls helped McLoughlin unload his car. Gabe was particularly impressed with the new XR8 and insisted on being given the once-over of what everything was and how it worked.

      Kazumi, fully expecting McLoughlin’s arrival, as delayed as it was, had prepared her larder well in advance. She cooked and served a sumptuous meal and by the time everything had been cleared away it was late into the evening. Mrs Cropp had returned to her unit, the children had gone to bed and Katie told Gabe it was time he let McLoughlin and Kazumi have some time together.

      The policeman and the housekeeper retired to the lounge room where they sat and talked until the early hours of the morning. The longer they spent together, the feeling of wanting more of each other became very apparent. Not wanting to rush things, McLoughlin rose from his seat, held Kazumi in his arms and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

      “You think you can put up with me for a week or two?” he asked.

      She didn’t answer. Instead she tightened her grip around his waist.

      The next morning after a late breakfast he said to Kazumi, “How would you like to go for a nice long drive in the country?”

      Kazumi’s eyes shot to Katie.

      “Well, he wasn’t speaking to me,” Katie said, smiling.

      “It have to be after lunch. Mr Gabe will want his dinner soon.”

      Katie rose to her feet and pointed towards the front door. “Go!” she told her. “I’ll look after lunch.”

      “But, Miss Katie…?”


      Kazumi quickly went inside and Katie said to McLoughlin, “Where do you think you’ll go?”

      “Don’t know really. You say.”

      “Padthaway’s nice. Go for a drive through the vineyards.”

      “OK. Padthaway.” McLoughlin scanned the skies. “Nice day. Should be good.”

      “Shall we expect you for tea or are you going to elope with my housekeeper?”

      “Hey, hang on, Katie. This is just a drive in the country,” he protested.

      Half an hour later, McLoughlin and Kazumi headed off. He looked over at her and took hold of her hand. “Everything all right?” he asked.

      “Oh yes, everything very all right,” she responded.

      “So tell me about you?” McLoughlin said, squeezing her hand lightly.

      “I not very interesting, Sergeant Ken. You are the interesting one. Tell me about you?”

      “You first.”

      “Oh, Sergeant Ken!”

      “Come on! All I know about you is that you’re a fabulous cook and are very, very polite.