The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity (Impact Books). Catherine Ponder. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Catherine Ponder
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633844254
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Choose and radiate mentally; choose and radiate emotionally; choose and radiate constantly and persistently. A woman recently told me that, since she had been invoking the power of prosperous thinking deliberately, everyone in her family had received wonderful blessings: Her husband had received several raises in pay, her brother has become president of his company; two sisters have retired with handsome incomes; another sister has become the first woman ever to hold a certain type executive position for her company; another brother has received a managerial position. A little leaven has leavened the whole loaf in that family.

       Outer Steps Will Come Easily

      Of course, I do not mean to imply through all these people’s experiences that you simply entertain and radiate the mental equivalent of the good desired, and then do nothing more. Often you have to take definite external steps as well. But you will discover that, by working out the mental concept of the desired good first, the outer steps will then unfold easily–almost automatically at times–without strained effort on your part. The more you turn your mind in rich directions, the less you seem to have to exert undue human effort to produce results. Work you will, but it will be work as satisfying self-expression rather than work just to survive. Your rich mind power and radiations seem to have a way of going forth and producing right opportunities, events and circumstances for prosperity and success, so that you almost unconsciously walk into them.

       Release Your Pent-Up Substance

      We are all filled with pent-up substance, energy and divine ability which wishes to work for us, through us and around about us. Psychologists declare that the average person uses only about 10 percent of his mind power. Medical authorities claim that the average person uses only about 25 percent of his physical power. Psychologists further state that man can release more result-getting power in one hour of concentrated use of his mind than in 24 hours of physical work; some psychologists even believe that man can release more result-getting power through one hour of concentrated thought than through a month of physical work. Surely there is great power within and around each of us for our use. You can release this pent-up substance, energy and power within you for prosperous living through releasing deliberate thoughts, feelings and mental pictures of success, prosperity and riches. As you do so, your rich thoughts, feelings and mental pictures are radiated outward into the rich, powerful ethers of this universe, where they make contact with the rich, universal substance. This rich, universal substance is filled with divine intelligence and power that then moves among and works through people, conditions and opportunities to attract that which corresponds with the rich radiations that you have sent forth, and the prosperous results then appear. Indeed, this wonderful universe is rich and friendly to everyone. It wishes all mankind to be prosperous, well, and happy, and for the affairs of man and the world to be in divine order.

      At this point, however, don’t be too concerned about the theory of radiation and attraction. Just begin accepting it and using it as a prosperity secret. All of the prosperity laws stated throughout this book are but various ways of invoking this basic law of radiation and attraction. You will find your use of them a delightful, exciting, fascinating and richly rewarding process! I now invite you to begin soaring forth through the pages of this book, reminding yourself of these truths:

      I am an irresistible magnet, with the power to attract unto myself everything that I divinely desire, according to the thoughts, feelings and mental pictures I constantly entertain and radiate. I am the center of my universe! I have the power to create whatever I wish. I attract whatever I radiate. I attract whatever I mentally choose and accept. I begin choosing and mentally accepting the highest and best in life. I now choose and accept health, success and happiness. I now choose lavish abundance for myself and for all mankind. This is a rich, friendly universe and I dare to accept its riches, its hospitality, and to enjoy them now!

      Chapter Three

      The Vacuum Law of Prosperity

      You have heard it said that Nature abhors a vacuum. It is particularly true in the realm of prosperity. The vacuum law of prosperity is one of the most powerful, though it takes bold, daring faith to set it into operation, as well as a sense of adventure and expectation to reap its full benefits. When a person is honestly trying to be prosperous, is thinking along prosperous lines and still fails, it is usually because he needs to invoke the vacuum law of prosperity.

      Basically, the vacuum law of prosperity is this: If you want great good, greater prosperity in your life, start forming a vacuum to receive it! In other words, get rid of what you don’t want to make room for what you do want. If there are clothes in the closet or furniture in your home or office that no longer seem right for you; if there are people among your acquaintances and friends that no longer seem congenial–begin moving the tangible and intangibles out of your life, in the faith that you can have what you really want and desire. Often it is difficult to know what you do want until you get rid of what you do not want.

       Let Go of the Lesser

      Inevitably, in your life experiences you will find that, when the good you wish has not appeared, it is usually because you need to release and let go of something to make room for it. New substances do not flow easily into a cluttered situation. If you want greater good in your life, what are you letting go of or getting rid of to make room for it? Nature does abhor a vacuum, and when you begin moving out of your life what you do not want, you automatically are making way for what you do want. By letting go of the lesser, you automatically make room for your greater good to come in.

      Recently a couple used this vacuum law of prosperity in furnishing their new home. From their former home they brought only the furniture they really liked and felt appropriate for the new atmosphere. They fearlessly gave away a great deal of their old furniture and simply left bare spaces in their new home, visualizing those spaces filled with the kind of furniture they definitely wanted. For a while, nothing seemed to happen but they remained steadfast to their vision of beautiful, appropriate new furniture.

      Then one day the husband, who works for a large company, was placed on a merit point system. As he produced certain prosperous results for his company his points of merit increased; these points could be applied toward a number of tangible rewards, one of which was furniture.

      A businessman had been trying for a number of months to sell his home because he was being transferred to another state. He heard about the vacuum law of prosperity and realized that though he had earnestly desired to sell his home for a number of months, he had done nothing to form a vacuum of any kind through which his desired good could begin manifesting. And so he sat down quietly in his study one day and mentally pictured each room of the house as empty, just as it would look after the house had been sold and be had moved out. He visualized a vacuum of emptiness everywhere. He then made notes concerning the furniture mover he desired to handle the moving and mentally worked out all the detailed plans of the move, just as though the house was already sold. Within a few days a buyer appeared who liked everything about the house and gave him a check for the thousands of dollars equity, as well as for the down payment involved.

       Form a Vacuum for Health

      Whenever you dare to form a vacuum, the substance of the universe then rushes in to fill that empty space. This applies on the spiritual, mental and physical planes of life. A businessman got very sick and for weeks was under his physician’s care. Every possible thing was done for him medically by his doctor, a very fine physician. But it all seemed to no avail; this man just got weaker and weaker. It seemed that his body was filled poison and nothing seemed to dissolve it. Finally, one night, perspiring from a high fever and deep cough, this man finally remembered the vacuum law and realized that there must be some thing he needed to release. Since he knew that the mind and emotions have such a powerful effect on the body, perhaps there was some mental attitude or emotional feeling that had to go, to help eradicate his pain, fever, and weakness.

      He became very quiet and silently asked Divine Intelligence to reveal to him what he needed to release. Suddenly he began to think of a person against whom he had been holding a strong grudge. He had said a number of unkind things about this person and had gone to great lengths to hurt him. He then mentally reviewed the