Million Dollar Mindset. Laura Maya. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Laura Maya
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456634704
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vision board is not just a piece of art hanging on your wall; it is your future, a future that you desire! At first, it might be a fun activity for some people but just as time progresses; you may actually find that many of those visions on your wall have come to pass. You might not put your effort on to them, but they just happened. Hence, whatever you dream about, you can manifest –sometimes with your energy and sometimes they just happen. This is a gameplay of your mindset.

      1 “Whether you think you can or you can’t — you’re right.” - Henry Ford

      Your thoughts become your reality. Yes, that’s true. In every situation, you have the control and the power to prove yourself – right or wrong. If you are unable to achieve your goals, it is mostly because you have given up on that particular goal/task mentally, if not in the physical delineation. But once you decide to go full-force on it, they start turning into reality.

      1 “The start of all achievement is desire.” - Napoleon Hill

      Your WANT should become your NEED. Point Blank!


      You get success only when you truly desire for it. And desire turns into reality by the action triggered by your desire. If you truly desire something, and you further act on it, you will see your desire converting into reality.

      1 “To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.”- Anatole France

      Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. Yes, doubting your abilities will sink you into a state of failure. To accomplish success, you must first dream, build a vision and then act on it. And in parallel, you have to create an executable action plan with a 100% trust and belief in yourself that you can do it.

      When you believe you can, you are already halfway through it!

      1 “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.” - Maya Angelou

      You own the secret to your own success. When you are interested in yourself and your purpose, dreams, and desire, success seems easy to achieve. A winning attitude and an optimistic approach to life are the keys to your success. People those who are attracted to themselves. When you start liking your confidence, actions, plans, and your overall personality to live life to chase your dreams, people get attracted to you because they see that spark of happiness in you and thus are likely start following your lifestyle.

      Success doesn’t have to be complicated and it doesn’t take a lifetime to obtain. The state of being successful starts in the mind. Success starts with you. You have the power to think a thing or a state of being into existence. In life and in business, when you allow yourself to get out of your own way and replace the negative thoughts with positive ones, your perspective will begin to change. And it is that perspective which makes the difference between seeing yourself as a failure or a success.

      3.2 How to Develop a Success-Oriented and Million Dollar Mindset?

      Successful people know what they want and take consistent actions to perform better. They continuously improve their abilities. Their mindset plays a significant role in creating motivations and beliefs that make them successful. It directs them towards habits and actions that produce desired results.

      Here are some strategies that can help you develop a winning mindset:

      1 Overcome one obstacle at a time

      Avoid rushing to the finish line and try to stay detached from worrying about the result. Thinking about the outcome puts a tremendous pressure on ourselves mentally and physically to succeed. Instead of embracing our incremental growth, we obsess about the obstacles that we might face in our journey towards success.


      We cannot simultaneously work on resolving 10 obstacles at a single time as it can confuse our mind while directing attention. It scatters our attention which dissipates our potential energy.

      You should methodically analyze each challenge from all angles and then develop strategies to attack the challenge in the way that’s most likely to succeed. Commit to a plan, break it down into small tasks and you will progress well.

      1 Compete only with yourself

      While you follow other successful people on the journey to their success, you learn new things that facilitate your growth and improve your learning curve, but mentally competing with them produces detrimental consequences. Modeling the mindsets, strategies, and actions of those who have already accomplished what we’re pursuing is valuable. But when we measure ourselves against others, we look towards more successful people. This leads us to feel inadequate and doubt our ability.

      When we shift our paradigms and compete only with ourselves, we zoom in on our path. We’re not concerned with what everyone else is doing anymore. We’re focused on improving our skills and equipping ourselves with the tools we need to achieve our goals. We measure success based on our personal benchmarks instead of how others define success.

      1 Think about growth

      Success sticks to those who think about in the growth’s perspective. They believe their skills will improve as they gain experience. They believe they will find roadmaps, strategies, and resources that will produce the results they want.

      The growth mindset leads to greater engagement with challenges, perseverance, confidence, and willingness to learn from mistakes. The traits associated with a growth mindset are a recipe for success. When we choose the growth mindset over the fixed mindset, where we are today becomes irrelevant. The only thing that matters is where we’re going.


      1 Challenge yourself

      Overcoming challenges give you confidence. Thus, it is a great thing to put yourself in new and challenging situations because it helps you to grow and gain more confidence. When people fail to put themselves in challenging situations, they fear that the outcome will not be positive and in their favor.

      Write down the list of challenges that you want to overcome. And whatever the challenge you select, be sure it is something that interests you; otherwise, it may be difficult to stay focused along the way.

      1 Save and have an easy reach to your proudest moments

      Keeping an easy access to the folder of your appreciations, awards or proudest moments can be motivating. It can be helpful during the feelings of your lows. By periodically reviewing past successes, you may find inspiration for future goals. At the very least, you can use past successes as a way to build long-term confidence.

      1 Follow a simple morning routine

      Your morning has the power to make or break your entire day, so you can consider creating a simple morning routine that positions you to have a successful day.


      Developing a simple and easy to implement morning routine will be helpful to shape a motivated and a success-oriented mindset. Also, developing new habits will be helpful to inculcate a fresh mindset for your goals.

      For example, waking up earlier than normal can give you time to focus on yourself in ways that might have otherwise been impossible. With the extra time, you can go to the gym or develop a meditation practice to reduce stress. This would be relaxing for you and throughout your day your mind will be active, stress-free and relaxed.

      1 Trust your Instincts

      Gut feelings or instincts are real. Point blank. You should trust your instincts whenever you make smart decisions for your life. You can rely on them and have trust that your instincts will