Through the Shadows. Karen Barnett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Karen Barnett
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Golden Gate Chronicles
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781501816321
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side matched Henry’s description of Frederick Spencer. The attorney’s smile gleamed, almost as if he oiled his teeth in addition to his hair.

      The robed judge clasped him on the shoulder. “You just saved us all quite a lengthy headache, Mr. Spencer. I must admit, I’m more than relieved—I’m delighted.”

      Spencer grasped the third man’s hand and pumped it. “Pleasure doing business with you, Robbins. You’ve made a wise decision that will save your company millions.”

      Robbins nodded. “Can’t say I’m pleased, but I believe you’re right. It’s a fair arrangement. Just see you abide by it. I want no more claims to cross my desk, you hear?”

      Spencer’s mouth quirked up on one side. “A deal’s a deal. And a profitable one at that.”

      Robbins and the judge proceeded down the hall together as Spencer shoved a file into his briefcase.

      Charles stepped forward. “Mr. Spencer?”

      The man’s head jerked up, his eyes gray as granite. “Yes?”

      Charles thrust his hand out. “Charles McKinley. It’s a pleasure.”

      Spencer’s brows lowered. “Oh. McKinley. Yes, your uncle told me to expect you.” He shook Charles’s hand with a grip that made the younger man’s knuckles pop. “Too bad you wasted a trip.”

      “What do you mean?”

      “We arrived at a mutual agreement. Best for all involved.”

      Charles’s skin prickled. “The insurance company settled out of court?”

      Spencer chuckled. “I negotiated a package that’s . . . generous. To our clients, to the city.” He lifted a hand and rubbed his fingertips against each other as if rubbing two coins together. “And to us, of course. I believe Mr. McKinley—the actual Mr. McKinley—will be pleased.” Spencer cocked his head to the side. “Too bad you missed out on the negotiations. You might’ve learned something. Don’t worry, though. I’m sure Uncle Silas will come up with some more errands for you to run.”

      Charles swallowed down a bitter reply. No need to burrow into the muck with the combative attorney. “Any chance the King family’s investments were included in this deal?” Even if he hadn’t taken part in the case, perhaps he could share the good news. A smile on Miss King’s face would be a welcome sight, indeed.

      The man’s brows rose. “We’re talking big accounts here, McKinley, not everyone who lost a few cents in the blaze. Hotels, banks, factories, railroads—those are the players who bring in the money. No one cares about the beggars scraping by, barely able to make ends meet.”

      A fire kindled in Charles’s belly. “I’d care to remind you, it’s those families on which this city is built.”

      Spencer’s shoulders jerked with a shallow laugh. “I knew you’d be green, McKinley, but I’d no idea you were a fool as well. No worries—a few months working for me and I’ll sand off those rough edges.” He tucked the attaché under an elbow and strode away, chin high.

      Charles’s overloaded bag pulled at his arm. He’d wasted yesterday and last night cramming for a case that would never go before a judge. The nature of the business, he understood, but foreknowledge didn’t ease the disappointment.

      Charles tugged on his watch chain, drawing the timepiece from his vest pocket. The idea of returning to the office and poring over more paperwork made his eyes glaze. Perhaps he could spare a few minutes to watch part of the trial Miss King mentioned. He could use a reminder that some lawyers actually made a positive difference in the world.


      Elizabeth willed her stomach to stop rolling as her heels clicked down the long corridor toward the courtroom. She’d read Tien Gum’s story in the Mission ledger last night, but hearing it in the girl’s own voice—or in Kum Yong’s as she translated—tore Elizabeth’s heart to shreds. She paused outside the closed door. If she couldn’t handle this, how would she endure working with the students day after day?

      Elizabeth bounced her fingertips against her leg, fingering the chords of “Amazing Grace.” The song never failed to make her father smile, even in the final days of his illness. How quickly the melody returned to her in moments of worry. Elizabeth clenched her fist. Music wouldn’t make Tien’s pain go away, any more than it had Elizabeth’s temptations.

      The door opened and Donaldina strode out, Kum Yong and Tien Gum on her heels. The girl clung to Kum Yong, her hiccupping sobs drawing the attention of many of the passersby. Donaldina stroked her arm and gestured for Elizabeth to join them. “Are you all right? I saw you slip out.”

      “I’m fine. What happened? Is it over?”

      “Judge Reinhardt declared a recess. I believe the final decision will be rendered shortly.”

      Elizabeth pressed a knuckle against her lashes, the sight of Tien Gum’s tears causing her own eyes to water. “They must realize she didn’t steal the ring. How could anyone hear her testify and think she could be a thief?” She glanced over Donaldina’s shoulder, a familiar face catching her attention.

      Mr. McKinley strode down the hallway toward her. The warmth in his brown eyes tightened the knot in Elizabeth’s throat.

      “Miss King, Miss Cameron—I’m sorry to interrupt. My trial was cancelled, and I noticed you were here.” He glanced at Tien Gum, his brows drawing together. Mr. McKinley turned to Miss Cameron. “Do you need anything?”

      Donaldina cocked her head as she studied the young man. “Mr. McKinley, right? We met in Sacramento.”

      The attorney nodded, pulling off his derby and pressing it to his chest. “At your service.”

      Helpful or meddlesome? Elizabeth sighed. At least he was a welcome distraction.

      Donaldina straightened her lace cravat. “I appreciate your kindness. Tien Gum is a bit overwrought, but our lawyer, Mr. Allen, assures me he has everything in hand. The decision should be rendered soon, and we’ll be able to return to the Mission.”

      “I’m glad to hear it.” He rolled a pocket watch around in his palm. “I was quite moved by your speech, Miss Cameron. I’d like . . . if you ever find yourself in need . . .” his gaze wandered to Elizabeth. “I’d like to assist in your work.” He returned his attention to Donaldina. “Do you mind if I come in and observe the proceedings?”

      Donaldina touched his arm. “Of course. We’d appreciate your perspective.”

      The man bobbed his head before disappearing into the courtroom.

      Elizabeth turned to Donaldina. “Why do you think he’s so interested?”

      The missionary smiled. “The Lord brings people into our lives as He sees fit. Our paths have crossed with Mr. McKinley’s more than once now. Perhaps God is at work in his heart.” She tipped her head, her gaze locked on Elizabeth. “But I can’t speak as to his plans.”

      God’s plans or Mr. McKinley’s?

      As Donaldina, Kum Yong, and Tien Gum returned to their chairs in the front, Elizabeth found a seat in the gallery and folded her trembling hands in her lap. What would happen to the young girl if the judge ruled against her? She glanced around the room until she located Mr. McKinley sitting near the front on the opposite side.

      The trial began anew, and though Elizabeth tried to focus her thoughts, her eyes kept returning to the Chinese girl. Her former captors sat just across the aisle. How could these men sit there so dignified, knowing what had been done to the young woman in question? And now they had the gall to accuse her of stealing? Had they no hearts?

      At long last the judge called the trial to a completion. The room sank into a crushing silence as the man cleared his throat. “I find the defendant, Tien Gum, guilty of theft.”

      Elizabeth’s heart crashed against her ribs. Guilty.