CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]. Common English Bible. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Common English Bible
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781609260859
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Qere hemorrhoids (cf Deut 28:27); also in 5:9, 12


      jDSS (4QSama), LXX

      kOr be sure to return it with a compensation offering.

      lKethib; Qere hemorrhoids (cf Deut 28:27); also in 6:5; see note at 6:11.

      mLXX lacks and five gold mice.

      nSee 6:12; MT men.

      oOr hemorrhoids; also in 6:17, the Qere form for the Hebrew written form of tumors used in 6:4-5


      qLXX; MT adds fifty thousand people.

      rHeb uncertain; LXX searched for

      sLXX, Syr; MT Ha-shen (the tooth)

      tMeaning stone of help

      uLXX; MT lacks to me.

      vOr telling them the lawful practice of the king; also in 8:11; cf 10:25.

      wLXX; MT young men

      xLXX; MT lacks the suffering of.

      yLXX; Heb uncertain, perhaps restrain or gather (troops); cf 10:1

      zOr But for whom does all Israel yearn if not for you and your whole family?

      aHeb uncertain

      bHeb uncertain

      cLXX; MT He (Samuel?) talked with Saul on the roof. Then they got up early.

      dLXX; MT lacks of his people Israel.… And this will be the sign for you that.

      eLXX; DSS (4QSama) uplifted bread (see Num 18:11) ; MT two of bread.

      fOr father

      gCorrection; MT Saul entered the shrine.

      hLXX; MT lacks Samuel then brought the family of Matri forward, person by person.

      iOr the lawful practices of the monarchy

      jThis paragraph is found in DSS (4QSama) and is also attested in Josephus (Ant. 6.5.1 [68-71]), but is missing in MT.

      kDSS (4QSama), LXX; MT lacks About a month later.

      lMT lacks to Saul.


      nLXX; MT lacks witness.

      oLXX; MT lacks the Egyptians oppressed them.

      pLXX, Syr; MT Bedan

      qSyr (cf Targ), LXXL Samson; MT, LXXAB Samuel

      rLXXL; MT against you and against your ancestors

      sLXXL; Syr twenty-one; MT lacks a number; 13:1 is omitted in LXXB.

      tPart of the number is missing in MT (… and two years) and all ancient witnesses. Acts 13:21 says Saul ruled forty years, as does Josephus (Ant. 6.14.9 [378]), though Josephus also says Saul ruled twenty years (Ant. 10.8.4 [143]).

      uHeb shofar

      vLXX; MT lacks They brought, with them, and to fight Israel.

      wOr forced myself; Heb uncertain

      xOr a man loyal to the Lord

      yLXX; MT lacks much of this verse.

      zHeb pim, which is two-thirds of a shekel

      aHeb ephod

      bMT lacks soldiers.

      cHeb uncertain


      eLXX ephod

      fLXX; MT "Bring out God's chest!"because at that time God's chest was with the Israelites; cf 14:3.

      gThat is, from the priestly vest (Heb ephod) or from the Urim and Thummim contained therein

      hMT land

      iLXX; MT brought their ox and slaughtered it there that night.

      jLXX, Vulg; MT Saul asked the Lord God of Israel, "Give the right answer." Urim and Thummim were sacred lots carried by the priest.

      kLXX adds Whoever the Lord selects will die. The army said to Saul, "Don't do this!"But Saul forced them, so they decided between him and Jonathan his son.

      lLXX; MT if you don't die, Jonathan

      mLXX, DSS (4QSama); MT kings of Zobah


      oA technique of holy war that often involves total destruction, in which everything that is destroyed is dedicated to the deity who helps in the battle; also in 15:8-9, 15, 18, 20-21.


      qLXX; Heb uncertain

      rLXX adds he was offering entirely burned sacrifices to the LORD, the best of the plunder that he had taken from Amalek. As Samuel approached Saul.

      sSym, LXXB; MT evil and idolatry

      tOr won't

      uLXX; Heb uncertain

      vOr seen

      wLXX; MT lacks God.

      xMT; LXX we won't sit down (that is, to eat)


      zOr David liked Saul very much.

      aLXX over six feet tall

      bFive thousand shekels

      cQere, LXX, Syr (cf 2 Sam 21:19); Kethib the point of his spear

      dSix hundred shekels

      eMT the Philistine lacks champion.

      fThe following verses are absent from LXXB: 17:12-31, 41, 48b, 50, 55-58.

      gLXX, Syr

      hOne ephah is approximately twenty quarts.

      iHeb uncertain

      jLXX my master (the king)

      kLXX; MT lacks your dead body.

      lLXX; MT Gai or a valley

      mOr soul; also twice more in this verse and in 18:3

      nThe following verses are absent from LXXB: 18:1-5, 10-11, 17-19, 29b-30.

      oMT lacks in his service.

      pMT; LXX to meet David

      qOr to Saul

      rHeb uncertain

      sLXX, cf 2 Sam 3:14; MT two hundred

      tOr Saul became David's constant enemy.

      uOr to Saul

      vOr Naioth, also in 19:19, 22-23

      wLXX; MT the large well at Secu

      xLXX or he'll tell David; cf 20:34

      yLXX; MT until the third evening; cf 20:12, 19-20

      zMT the LORD's covenant

      aLXX; MT show me the Lord's faithful love

      b20:14-16 follows LXX.

      cLXX; MT Jonathan made David pledge.

      dLXX; MT to the stone Ezel; cf 20:41

      eCorrection; MT arrows (plural here and in 20:21-22, 36, 38 Qere)

      fLXX; MT lacks witness; also in 20:42.

      gLXX; MT Jonathan arose

      hLXX, DSS (4QSamb); MT to the feast

      iOr and shame on your mother's nakedness.

      jLXX; MT pointed

      kLXX; MT beside the south

      l21:1 in Heb

      m21:2 in Heb

      nMT; LXX all the men are

      oHeb uncertain