Naomi replied to her, "Go, my daughter."3So she went; she arrived and she gleaned in the field behind the harvesters. By chance, it happened to be the portion of the field that belonged to Boaz, who was from the family of Elimelech.
4Just then Boaz arrived from Bethlehem. He said to the harvesters, "May the LORD be with you."
And they said to him, "May the LORD bless you."
5Boaz said to his young man, the one who was overseeing the harvesters, "To whom does this young woman belong?"
6The young man who was overseeing the harvesters answered, "She's a young Moabite woman, the one who returned with Naomi from the territory of Moab. 7She said, 'Please let me glean so that I might gather up grain from among the bundles behind the harvesters.' She arrived and has been on her feet from the morning until now, and has sat down for only a moment."d
8Boaz said to Ruth, "Haven't you understood, my daughter? Don't go glean in another field; don't go anywhere else. Instead, stay here with my young women. 9Keep your eyes on the field that they are harvesting and go along after them. I've ordered the young men not to assault you. Whenever you are thirsty, go to the jugs and drink from what the young men have filled."
10Then she bowed down, face to the ground, and replied to him, "How is it that I've found favor in your eyes, that you notice me? I'm an immigrant."11Boaz responded to her, "Everything that you did for your mother-in-law after your husband's death has been reported fully to me: how you left behind your father, your mother, and the land of your birth, and came to a people you hadn't known beforehand. 12May the LORD reward youe for your deed. May you receive a rich reward from the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you've come to seek refuge."13She said, "May I continue to find favor in your eyes, sir, because you've comforted me and because you've spoken kindly to your female servant--even though I'm not one of your female servants."
14At mealtime Boaz said to her, "Come over here, eat some of the bread, and dip your piece in the vinegar." She sat alongside the harvesters, and he served roasted grain to her. She ate, was satisfied, and had leftovers. 15Then she got up to glean.
Boaz ordered his young men, "Let her glean between the bundles, and don't humiliate her. 16Also, pull out some from the bales for her and leave them behind for her to glean. And don't scold her."
17So she gleaned in the field until evening. Then she threshed what she had gleaned; it was about an ephahf of barley. 18She picked it up and went into town. Her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned. She brought out what she had left over after eating her fill and gave it to her. 19Her mother-in-law said to her, "Where did you glean today? Where did you work? May the one who noticed you be blessed."
She told her mother-in-law with whom she had worked and said, "The name of the man with whom I worked today is Boaz."
20Naomi replied to her daughter-in-law, "May he be blessed by the LORD, who hasn't abandoned his faithfulness with the living or with the dead." Naomi said to her, "The man is one of our close relatives; he's one of our redeemers."
21Ruth the Moabite replied, "Furthermore, he said to me, 'Stay with my workers until they've finished all of my harvest.'"
22Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law, "It's good, my daughter, that you go out with his young women, so that men don't assault you in another field."
23Thus she stayed with Boaz's young women, gleaning until the completion of the barley and wheat harvests. And she lived with her mother-in-law.
Encounter at the threshing floor
Ruth 3Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, "My daughter, shouldn't I seek security for you, so that things might go well for you?2Now isn't Boaz, whose young women you were with, our relative? Tonight he will be winnowing barley at the threshing floor. 3You should bathe, put on some perfume, wear nice clothes, and then go down to the threshing floor. Don't make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking. 4When he lies down, notice the place where he is lying. Then go, uncover his feet, and lie down. And he will tell you what to do."
5Ruth replied to her, "I'll do everything you are telling me."
6So she went down to the threshing floor, and she did everything just as her mother-in-law had ordered.
7Boaz ate and drank, and he was in a good mood. He went over to lie down by the edge of the grain pile. Then she quietly approached, uncovered his legs, and lay down. 8During the middle of the night, the man shuddered and turned over--and there was a woman lying at his feet. 9"Who are you?" he asked.
She replied, "I'm Ruth your servant. Spread out your robeg over your servant, because you are a redeemer."
10He said, "May you be blessed by the LORD, my daughter! You have acted even more faithfully than you did at first. You haven't gone after rich or poor young men. 11And now, my daughter, don't be afraid. I'll do for you everything you are asking. Indeed, my people--all who are at the gate--know that you are a woman of worth. 12Now, although it's certainly true that I'm a redeemer, there's a redeemer who is a closer relative than I am. 13Stay the night. And in the morning, if he'll redeem you--good, let him redeem. But if he doesn't want to redeem you, then--as the LORD lives--I myself will redeem you. Lie down until the morning."
14So she lay at his feet until morning. Then she got up before one person could recognize another, for he had said, "No one should know that the woman came to the threshing floor."15He said, "Bring the cloak that you have on and hold it out." She held it out, and he measured out six measures of barley and placed it upon her. Then sheh went into town.
16She came to her mother-in-law, who said, "How are you, my daughter?"
So Ruth told her everything the man had done for her. 17She said, "He gave me these six measures of barley, for he said to me, 'Don't go away empty-handed to your mother-in-law.'"
18"Sit tight, my daughter," Naomi replied, "until you know how it turns out. The man won't rest until he resolves the matter today."
A new family brings fulfillment
Ruth 4Meanwhile, Boaz went up to the gate and sat down there. Just then, the redeemer about whom Boaz had spoken was passing by. He said, "Sir, come over here and sit down." So he turned aside and sat down. 2Then he took ten men from the town's elders and said, "Sit down here." And they sat down.
3Boaz said to the redeemer, "Naomi, who has returned from the field of Moab, is selling the portion of the field that belonged to our brother Elimelech. 4I thought that I should let you know and say, 'Buy it, in the presence of those sitting here and in the presence of the elders of my people.' If you will redeem it, redeem it; but if youi won't redeem it, tell me so that I may know. There isn't anyone to redeem it except you, and I'm next in line after you."
He replied, "I will redeem it."
5Then Boaz said, "On the day when you buy the field from Naomi, you also buyj Ruth the Moabite, the wife of the dead man, in order to preserve the dead man's name for his inheritance."
6But the redeemer replied, "Then I can't redeem it for myself, without risking damage to my own inheritance. Redeem it for yourself. You can have my right of redemption, because I'm unable to act as redeemer."
7In Israel, in former times, this was the practice regarding redemption