The truth which solves the riddle………………………………... 15
(1) First — that God's purpose is by a first-bom to save
the later-born………………………………………………. 17
This secret revealed by degrees…………………………. 17
The promise to ‘Abraham's seed’………………………... 17
The law of the ‘first-bom’ and ‘first-fruits’…………….. 18
The double first-fruits at Passover and Pentecost…… 19
The earthly and heavenly first-bom……………………. 20
The work of each…………………………………………... 23
Their relation to the later-born…………………………. 24
Our knowledge of this useless, unless we run for the
prize…………………………………………………………. 25
(2) Secondly — that this purpose of God is only fulfilled
through successive ages………………………………….. 26
The ‘purpose of the ages’…………………………………. 26
Every man in his own order……………………………... 26
This truth taught in the ‘times’ and ‘seasons’ of the
law…………………………………………………………… 27
And in the predictions of the prophets………………… 29
And by the analogies of creation and regeneration….. 30
The teaching of the New Testament respecting
the ‘ages’…………………………………………………….. 30
The use and sense of the words aíẃv and aíẃvios…… 31
The ‘ages’ of the New Testament the substance of
the ‘times’ of the law……………………………………… 32
Ages which are ended, and aged to come……………… 36
(3) Thirdly — that this purpose is only accomplished
through death and judgment……………………………. 36
Popular error, that we are saved from death, instead
of through it, and out of it………………………………... 37
Death the way of life……………………………………… 38
The teaching of Scripture on this point………………... 38
The reason of this seen in the nature of the Fall…….. 39
How man departed from God……………………………. 39
How he must return………………………………………. 39
The nature of the Fall, the reason for both law and
gospel………………………………………………………... 40
The ‘ministry of condemnation’ only temporary……… 41
Yet required in its place as much as the ‘ministry
of life and righteousness’…………………………………. 42
The great illustration of this in the law of sacrifice…. 43
The way of life therefore for all is through the
fires………………………………………………………….. 43
Christ came to cast fire into the earth…………………. 43
Both first-fruits and harvest are tried by fire………… 44
God Himself a consuming fire, and therefore the
curse of the godless……………………………………….. 44
But the end is not annihilation…………………………. 45
For God can turn curses into blessings………………… 46
Souls are ‘delivered to Satan that they may learn
not to blaspheme’………………………………………….. 47
The ‘second death’ therefore, like the first, may be a
Blessing……………………………………………………... 49
The lesson taught by God's precepts, as to His
purpose……………………………………………………… 50
III.Popular objections to this doctrine 51
Of three kinds 51
(1) First — It is opposed to the teaching of the Church 51
(2) Secondly — It is opposed to Reason 54
(i) The doctrine makes the Atonement
unnecesssary 53
(ii) It practically teaches that hell can do more for
us than heaven 55
(iii) It gives up God's justice 55
(iv) It is contrary to the analogy of nature 56
(v) It is answered by the existence of present evil 58
(vi) What reason might say on the other side 59
(3) Thirdly — It is opposed to Scripture 61
(i) S. Matt. xii. 32 62
(ii) S.John iii. 36 64
(iii) S. Mark ix. 42-50 64
(iv) S. Matt. xxv. 46 67
(v) S. Matt. xxvi. 24 68
(vi) At least opposed to the obvious sense of
Scripture 70
(vii) If all men are saved, why not the fallen angels 72
IV. Concluding remarks 74
He that hath my word, let him speak my word 75
The supposed consequences of this doctrine 75
Extracts from orthodox writers 76
Our views of God re-act upon ourselves 78
What saith the Scripture 80
Postscript 81