Climb. Susan Spann. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Susan Spann
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633885936
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real world, a padlocked gate denied me the final yards.

      I could see the marker, but I couldn’t get there.

      Slowly, I turned away from the gate and followed the path around the summit plateau to the visitor center where I could catch the bus. The rain, which had faded to a drizzle, once again became a downpour—one last kick to a fighter already down.

      Inside the visitor center, the staff sat around a table, warm and dry, enjoying cups of tea. They sprang to their feet in shock as I crossed the parking lot, and by the time I walked through sliding doors the tea had disappeared and the staff stood waiting at their stations.

      One of them approached me, wearing a look of confused concern.

      “Hello,” he said in English. “Where did you come from?”

      I answered in Japanese. “Amerikajin desu.” (I’m an American.)

      “No, yes, okay. But . . . did you climb?” His voice rose dramatically on the final word, implying that, despite appearances, this could not be true.

      I nodded and switched to English. “From the trailhead.”

      “In the rain?”

      I switched to Japanese again. “What time is the bus to Sekigahara?”

      An older man behind the counter answered. “Bus?” He shook his head. “There is no bus today.”

      I desperately hoped I had misunderstood. “No bus?” I repeated in Japanese.

      He gestured to the window. “It is raining.”


      Unable to comprehend the brilliant stroke of planning that cancels buses when it rains (in retrospect, it’s true few people visit mountains on a rainy day), I grasped at my last remaining straw. “Takushii desu ka?”

      In my desperation, it didn’t occur to me (and wouldn’t, until much later) that I hadn’t asked “Is there a taxi?” but, instead, inquired “Are you a taxi?”

      To his credit, the elderly gentleman didn’t bat an eye. “It is expensive.”

      “ That’s okay .”

      My inner voice was screaming, Whatever it costs! Just get me off this mountain!

      He exchanged a glance with the younger man, who spoke to me in English.

      “He worries because the taxi is expensive.” The young man wrote a number on a piece of paper: ¥10,000. The equivalent of a hundred US dollars.

      I had worried it would cost much more.

      “That’s fine,” I said in Japanese. “Please call a taxi.”

      With a nod, the older man picked up a phone and dialed. When the call connected, he spoke for a moment, listened as the other party answered, and then slowly turned his face away before he whispered, “Gaikokujin.”

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