ADHD Guide Attention Deficit Disorder: Coping with Mental Disorder such as ADHD in Children and Adults, Promoting Adhd Parenting: Helping with Hyperactivity and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Speedy Publishing. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Speedy Publishing
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633835610
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people think of ADHD as a disorder that affects children and adolescents. However, ADHD is also prevalent among adults. Many adults have been dealing with ADHD throughout their lifetime without proper diagnosis and help.

      If you suspect that you or someone you care about could be suffering from ADHD, consider the following symptoms. All of these symptoms will not occur in every patient, but most ADHD sufferers will display at least several of these traits.

       Problems with Distraction

      Distractions can be brutal to a person with ADHD. We are living in a noisy and busy world. For a person with ADHD, the amount of distractions can keep them from being able to complete their daily tasks.

      For instance, a person with ADHD who works in an office environment might be so distracted by co-workers phone calls that he cannot focus on writing an e-mail. This makes it difficult to complete important tasks in a timely manner.

       Lack of Organization

      A person with ADHD often finds it very difficult to get organized and stay organized. Difficulty organizing tasks is one of the most common complaints among adults with ADHD. At times, this can just be a nuisance, such as when a person misplaces their car keys on regular basis.

      However, in some instances, a lack of organization can have serious consequences. Bills that are not paid on time can result in significant late fees. When a person with ADHD becomes a parent, a lack of organization and focus can even put their child in a dangerous situation.

       Relationship Issues

      Relationships are not always easy, and this is especially true when one or both parties is dealing with ADHD. Many of the symptoms of ADHD, such as missing commitments, an inability to concentrate and poor listening skills, can be difficult to deal with in a relationship. These things can unwittingly signal to your partner that you do not care about the relationship.

      Since a person with ADHD feels that these traits are normal, it can be difficult for her to understand why her partner is so upset. This cycle can continue and cause numerous problems in a relationship.

       Traffic Tickets

      You might be wondering what in the world traffic tickets have to do with a mental disorder, but the two are actually correlated. Safe driving requires concentration and focus, two things that are very difficult for someone with ADHD to accomplish on a consistent basis.

      For instance, a person with ADHD can be so distracted by a flashing light on a sign near the road that he rear ends the car in front of him. If you regularly receive speeding tickets or traffic violations, it can be a sign of ADHD.

       Anger Issues

      We all have angry outbursts from time to time. A reasonable amount of anger is normal, but anger can be more pronounced in an adult with ADHD. Some ADHD suffers report that they do not feel like they are in control over their emotions. Therefore, angry outbursts can occur after seemingly minor offenses.

      After an angry outburst, the anger can subside as quickly as it erupted. However, these outbursts can have long term negative effects on both business and personal relationships.

       Poor Time Management

      Are you almost always late for events? Have you missed important deadlines at work? Does your spouse complain that you are not keeping your promises? If so, your ADHD could be manifesting itself in poor time management.

      Adults with ADHD can have a difficult time managing their time in an effective manner. This can result from a lack of concentration and focus. It can also occur because the person is easily distracted.


      Many adults with ADHD complain that they regularly have a feeling of restlessness, even when they desperately want to unwind and relax. The hyperactivity part of ADHD is sometimes overlooked, but it can be a difficult symptom for patients to handle.

      At times, these people are described as being overly tense or grouchy by their loved ones. However, their minds keep racing, resulting in the inability to relax. This can also affect their sleep habits and cause exhaustion.

       Unbalanced Priorities

      Finally, an adult with ADHD can be criticized for not having the right priorities. Some families report that the family member with ADHD misses important events even after he has been repeatedly reminded.

      A young adult with ADHD might become so engrossed in video games that he misses a crucial meeting at work. ADHD can cause a person to lose the ability to correctly prioritize. Therefore, they give more precedence to unimportant things while missing things that have a major effect on their lives.

      If several of these symptoms describe you or someone that you love, make an appointment with your physician. Only a medical professional can provide a valid ADHD diagnosis. When you meet with your physician, he will ask you to answer a list of questions about your behavior. It is important to be honest during your consultation so that the doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis.

      It can be intimidating to hear that you have a disorder, but knowledge is power. There are many different treatments available to help those who are suffering with ADHD. Prescription medication is not the only solution. Many ADHD sufferers find relief through counseling or behavior modification sessions.

      Chapter 6- How to Improve a Relationship When One Person Has ADHD

      Do you feel like ADHD is having a huge negative impact on your relationship? Perhaps your partner has ADHD, and it is causing a lot of problems and stressing both of you out to the point that the relationship may fail. Rather than giving up on it, there are some things that you can do to improve the relationship. All is not yet lost. It will take work and dedication on your part, but it can be done. Below are a few tips and tricks that you can use, and you should see immediate improvement in your relationship.

      First of all, you need to remember that your partner has a medical condition that is changing the way that he or she acts. If your boyfriend or husband has ADHD, do not think that he is acting this way to annoy you or because he does not care about you. It is a documented medical case with clear correlations to the way that the brain and body work together. Once you get your head around this fact, it makes it easier to be patient and to work hard to make the situation better, just like you would if he had any other medical issue.

      Next, you should talk to the doctor about ADHD medication and your different options in that realm. There could be a simple pill that he can take that will alter the way that he feels, instantly improving the way that he acts. Many people forget that ADHD really can be treated. He does not necessarily just have to fight through it all on his own. With the right medication, the whole thing may become far less of a struggle for the two of you, and you can then start to grow close once again.

      Additionally, studies have shown that many of the chemicals in modern food can be linked to ADHD. This is not to say that the chemicals cause it, per se, but they can certainly make it worse. In particular, the links have been found with preservatives, artificial flavors, and artificial colors. Try switching over to a diet of natural foods that have not been processed. Even buying organic fruits and vegetables can help. In some cases, it has even been shown that people who change over to this type of a diet do not also need to take the medications in order to fight off the symptoms of ADHD.

      Now that you know how to understand and treat the disorder, there are things that you can do to improve your relationship even when he stays the same. For starters, try doing more things that he enjoys, things that keep him occupied. You may think that going to the opera sounds like a romantic date night, but the fact of the matter is that some people just have a very hard time concentrating for that long. If you change the things that you do, you will have more fun together and you will enjoy going out on dates.

      Another thing that you have probably noticed is