Yoga is disability-friendly. Working out is an important part of living a healthy life. However, many people have disabilities that prevent them from doing certain things such as lifting weights, extreme cardio, or even running. The good news is that yoga can be an easy fitness routine for people who have limited motion. Because yoga is low impact, it does not cause too much stress on the joints and other body parts. Yoga is very forgiving to people who do not have perfect form and you are able to go however fast, or slow, you like. Those with disabilities should have a discussion with their doctor before starting a new fitness routine.
Those with back problems will feel a difference. Having chronic back pain can directly affect your quality of life in a negative way. More than half of the population suffers from type of back problem that prevents them from living the way that they would like to on a daily basis. Doctors will prescribe pain medication but that is not the solution. Prescription pain medicine may ease the symptoms but they will not cure the problem.
It is easy for a dependency to develop because synthetic medication is highly addictive in some instances. Dependency may also develop simply because this is the only thing that takes the pain away. Instead of being on pills as a way to cope with the pain, yoga offers a more natural and effective solution. While it may not work for everyone, most people with back ailments report that yoga provides them with pain relief. There are a number of reasons for this, the top reasons being that having more mobility in the joints allow for more blood flow. More blood flow allows more healing.
Scoliosis is another ailment that will benefit from the practice of yoga. Some people with scoliosis may find it difficult in the beginning because of the limited mobility that the curvature of the spine causes. However, with consistent practice, yoga will help the mobility to increase and the pain will be alleviated. Start slow and listen to your body. Pushing your body into positions that it is not ready to go into may result in injury. If you feel pain at any time, take a break and go more slowly.
Children can do yoga too. Children are known for having excess energy and sometimes they need help winding down. Yoga is the perfect solution. Because of the calming nature of yoga and the slow and precise movements, yoga gives children a place to focus their extra energy in a positive way that is also beneficial to their well-being as individuals. Doing yoga in the mornings with the children is a great way to start the day. Ending the day with a simple yoga routine is the perfect way for children to release stress and get in the mood for bed. The children will find it fun and exciting to twist their body into different positions. Starting yoga early in life is a great way to shape developing bodies in the right way.
Athletes are guaranteed to benefit. Athletes know the importance of stretching before a game. Yoga offers a more thorough and well-rounded stretch than the standard stretches that only involve touching your toes. Flexibility is a key component to being a good athlete and yoga will make that possible.
If you want a better quality of life, yoga is for you! Anyone can practice yoga. Age, gender, or disabilities do not hinder your ability. While everyone will not be able to perform every pose, it is worth a try to find something simple that you can do. Being physically fit and healthy is priceless. Yoga may seem simple and easy and that is the beauty of it; no heavy equipment or special clothes are required. All you need is the willingness to put your body into new positions. It may be tough in the beginning but before you know it, you will be healthier, feeling great and looking better than ever before.
Yoga is more than just a fitness routine; it is a lifestyle choice that anyone can benefit from. Practicing yoga three or four times a week is all that is needed for results.
Chapter 4- How to Prepare For the First Yoga Session
Preparing for your first yoga session isn't as difficult or intimidating as you may think. Here are a few pieces of equipment, session etiquette, and some other basic information that will help get you started.
Since it is your first class, you don't want to invest in a lot of equipment just yet. Take the guesswork out by contacting your instructor to find out exactly what you need for your first session and beyond. It is also a good time to find out what equipment, if any, the studio provides. You will definitely need a yoga mat for your session, but if the studio doesn't have yoga mats for their classes, see if you can borrow one from a friend. You can always buy your own later on if you decide to continue beyond the first session.
You do not need expensive clothing for yoga. Just make sure that your outfit is comfortable, ensure the fabric is breathable and that it allows your body to easily bend and pose. Additionally, the outfit should fit close to your body so that the instructor can see and correct any mistakes in your form. Yoga is usually performed in bare feet however carry something to wear on your feet, like socks, if they get cold. If you normally sweat a lot, it may also be a good idea to bring a small towel to help keep wipe away the sweat away during your session. You will feel less self-conscious if you don't have sweat pouring from your forehead to your mat, especially if you are already a little nervous about your first class.
It is really not a good idea to eat a heavy meal directly before any workout session, and this advice is no different with yoga. You do need some nutrition, of course, but eat earlier and lighter before a session. There is a lot of moving into positions and bending at the waist in yoga. Doing these movements on a full stomach is extremely uncomfortable. More importantly, however, listen to your own body and what works for you. Whether you eat or not, keeping yourself well-hydrated throughout the day is very important for everyone. It is a good idea to bring water with you to your session as well, although some instructors may not allow you to drink during the session. Check with each instructor beforehand to see what etiquette they prefer for their class.
Always arrive a little early for any yoga session, but especially for your first. This gives you ample time to meet your instructor, put away anything you are not using during your class, claim your floor space and roll out your mat. The last thing you want to do in this, or any other session, is disrupt your classmates. The same goes for leaving early. If you do need to leave early for any reason, situate yourself near an exit door. Pick a time when the class is moving into a position, rather than when they are holding it, and leave as quietly as possible.
Physical Condition
It is very important to always be in tune with your body. Specifically, have a clear understanding of when it is okay to push yourself versus when you should just take it easy. Remember to consult with your physician before beginning any exercise class too, especially if you have had any recent injuries, illnesses, or physical conditions that may affect your ability to participate. If you do have some limitations due to a previous injury, and your physician has given their approval for you to do yoga, it is still a good idea to let your instructor know. This shows respect for your instructor, and helps him or her to know when you need modifications of certain poses.
Session Conclusion
When the class is over, this is not a signal to begin chatting or speaking loudly. Don't forget that yoga is not just a workout; it is also a calming experience; whatever your personal beliefs about meditation remember to respect your fellow classmates by quietly clearing up your things before leaving.
If payment is not done through a registration process, but rather on a class by class basis, make sure to sort it out before the beginning of your session.
Yoga Glossary
You may also find it very helpful to familiarize yourself